In the Kingdom of Jasmine, there lives a blacksmith named Anna Baker. Anna is highly skilled at making swords, and her work is much sought after - even the dashing Prince Alexander is a regular customer. One day, the Prince comes by the forge to pick up his new sword, but leaves the sheath behind! Anxious to find him, Anna hurries out into the deep, dark forest in pursuit...and that’s where her adventures begin!
Author: Kim Ji Hyo
Source: Manga
Status: Ongoing
In the Kingdom of Jasmine, there lives a blacksmith named Anna Baker. Anna is highly skilled at making swords, and her work is much sought after - even the dashing Prince Alexander is a regular customer. One day, the Prince comes by the forge to pick up his new sword, but leaves the sheath behind! Anxious to find him, Anna hurries out into the deep, dark forest in pursuit...and that’s where her adventures begin!