A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 11

Chapter 11
Shane said, “I have a question that I forgot to ask you, Mrs. Holcomb.”
A question for Sage? “What is it?”
He waved his phone gleefully. “Who do you think will win the bet? Will it be me or Mr. Holcomb?”
From the way he waved his phone around, Sage understood what he meant. The fact that she’d left his number and said that she wanted to learn from him meant that she thought he was better than lan.
Shane was trying to achieve two things by asking her this-he wanted to put her in a tough spot while also provoking lan.
Sage smiled faintly and said diplomatically, “Bets don’t just depend on a person’s capabilities, really. It also depends on luck.”
“What do you think of my luck, then?”
“I honestly wouldn’t know. But let me wish you good luck, Mr. Morrison.”
Shane wanted to say something else, but lan had already closed the window, cutting their conversation short.
“When have you and him been so friendly with each other?” lan asked impatiently when Sage turned to look at him.
Sage threw her hair over her shoulder carelessly. “We’re not. Not yet,
It was hard to say what would happen in the future, though. Shane’s company, Farsight Investment, was a good place to work. But if she were to go there, that would put her and lan on opposing sides.
Though she was mad and resentful over lan neglecting her and getting her, admitted to a mental institution, she knew very well he hadn’t had any
feelings for her. She was the one who’d clung to him. That was why she’d yet to decide whether she wanted to make this move.
lan caught Sage’s underlying meaning. He sneered.
The light soon turned green. Shane put the pedal to the metal and shot forward before cutting into the lane lan and Sage were in. Then, he drove in front of lan, slowing down deliberately.
He moved right when lan did and moved left when lan did. He didn’t give lan the chance to overtake him. Even if Sage wasn’t the one driving, she couldn’t help feeling like Shane was taking things too far.
“Sit tight.” After enduring this for a while, lan suddenly spoke up.
Sage turned to look at him. His face was devoid of emotion, but his gaze was cold as he stared straight ahead. She had a bad feeling about this. “You-“
She screamed after only getting one word out. Ian put the pedal to the metal, making the car shoot forward like a wild horse set free. Sage had yet to realize what was going on when the front of the car rammed into the back
of Shane’s car with a loud crash.
Tires skidded against the road as Sage’s body jolted forward and slammed back against the seat. When she looked up, still feeling terrified, she saw
that Shane hadn’t stopped. He drove forward a bit before reversing the car and ramming into them.
Even if lan had reacted quickly enough to swerve the car away, Shane’s car had still made it go off track. It rammed into a tree by the roadside. Another loud crash followed it. Sage was almost thrown out of her seat.
Just then, the window shattered. Sage threw her arms over her head when
she saw the glass about to land all over her.
The pain didn’t come as she’d expected, though. Instead, she was pulled against a hard chest. As she listened to lan’s pounding heartbeat, her heart, seemed to beat in unison with it.
In her previous life, she’d once leaned against lan’s chest when he’d been drunk. She’d listened to his heartbeat. It had been far slower than the speed at which it was racing now. Was lan worried about her?
“Get up if you’re okay.” lan’s voice was slightly irritated. He’d already released her.
She quickly sat up. At the thought of what had just happened, she shouted, Have you lost your mind? How could you ram-
lan kicked the door open before she could finish. “Get out of the car. Don’t stay inside!”
He even held a hand out to her as he gave the order.
Sage was lost for words. He was the one who’d gone crazy and rammed into someone’s car. Why was he making it seem like she was the one in the
Sage was furious. The door on her side was flush against the tree, so she couldn’t open it.
Clambering out through the driver’s side was her only way out.
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Her life was more important than
anything else. She didn’t throw a
tantrum with lan, Instead, she clambered over the gearbox with
difficulty. Then, she ignored lan’s hand and got out of the car herself. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
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But when she stepped out, she accidentally knocked herself against the door jalmost falling to her feet. lan caught her and held her steady. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
The warmth of his hand on her waist made her feel uncomfortable. She broke
free of his embrace and walked a few steps away from the car.
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The front of the Maybach had been trashed. Two of the windows hadh shattered, and there was a huge dent in the car. There was white smoke coming from the hood. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
Many other drivers had pulled over to watch the show. Some of them were
even discussing the accident.
“I bet that car’s trashed. It’s such a waste of a good car!”
“Right? The other car looks worse, though. The airbag’s been deployed.
Man, the rich really know how to have fun.”
Was Shane’s situation that bad? Sage looked in his direction.

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