A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 3

Sage’s grandfather was the one person in this world who loved her the most. But in her previous life, she hadn’t even had the chance to see him one last time when he’d passed away.
This time, she swore to stay by his side until the end of his days and treat him well. She didn’t want to disappoint him anymore.
Because of her injuries, Sage didn’t dare to visit her grandfather for the time being. She could only suppress her agitation and urgency. She told him she would drop by in a few days.
After hanging up, Sage sat on the balcony and thought about the events of her previous life. When she’d been 18, she’d fallen in love with lan because he’d rescued her like he was her knight in shining armor. From then on, she’d tried everything she could to win his heart, but to no avail.
When she’d graduated from college, lan’s grandmother, Linda Johnson, had learned of her feelings for lan. Linda had pushed for Sage and lan to marry. From then on, she’d become his wife.
Though lan despised her, Sage had still dreamed of winning his heart one day. This all changed when Ivy had returned to the country and joined lan’s company half a year after Sage and lan married.
The special bond between lan and Ivy had awakened Sage’s fear of having lan taken away. She’d started getting anxious and throwing fits. She’d wanted lan to give her a guarantee.
But nothing she’d done had changed the situation. On the contrary, the fits Sage had thrown and her throwing herself off buildings had only pushed lan further into Ivy’s arms. He’d spent less and less time at home.
In her despair, Sage had given it one last shot. She’d begged Linda to create an opportunity for her and lan to spend some time alone abroad.
Unfortunately, right before they’d left the country, Ivy had become the victim of a robbery and arson case. She’d almost lost her life. After the perpetrator had been caught, he’d told the world that Sage had ordered him to do it.
lan had been thoroughly enraged by this. No matter how Sage had tried to explain, he’d insisted on throwing her behind bars. He’d only relented after Sage’s grandfather and Linda had intervened.
Still, lan had insisted on sending her to a mental institution to be “treated” for her mental problems. Then, she’d spent two years there.
Tears streamed down Sage’s face as she thought about her previous life. Everything that had happened from her twisted personality to the jealousy, madness, and suffering she’d been through-had all stemmed from her craziness over lan.
It had ruined her life. Perhaps the heavens had taken pity on her after seeing everything she’d been through and given her another chance at life.
At this point in time, lan and Ivy had yet to get together, and Sage had yet to go mad. None of those irritational things she’d done had yet to happen.
As long as Sage steered clear of them, she wouldn’t end up in the mental institution. She wouldn’t get cancer! She could start her life afresh!
Sage spent the next three days recuperating at home. The wounds she’d gotten from jumping off the balcony had pretty much healed completely, and she had a steady mental state.
lan hadn’t shown up since leaving with Ivy three days ago. Surprisingly enough, he’d still stay away from home in this life despite Ivy not getting hurt.
Not that Sage cared. She’d already decided to cut lan out of her life and put an end to this awful marriage. Once everything was taken care of, they would take their respective paths and live their respective lives.
Sage dug out lan’s phone number and called him. It rang for ages, but no one answered. Then, it hit her. She’d almost forgotten about how lan almost never answered her calls because he didn’t want her to bother him.
And so, she texted him. “Are you free now? Bring your identification and the necessary documents so we can head to City Hall and get divorced.”
lan didn’t reply to her message. Sage thought he hadn’t read it, so she sent it again. Just like before, it went unanswered.
She thought about it and decided to seek him out at Holcomb Corporation. The receptionist recognized her.
After all, after marrying lan, Sage had made a point of announcing their marriage at the company to ward off any women who were interested in him.
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Now, when the receptionist saw
Sage, she couldn’t help smiling with a
hint of mockery “sorry, but you’ll have to make an appointment if you
want to see Mr. Holcomb.” The
content is on Novelxo.org! Read
the latest chapter there!
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Everyone knew lan couldn’t care less m
about her and even despised her
Sage didn’t let the receptionist’s attitude bother her. Instead, she
pulled out an envelope. “Please pass this to lan, then.” The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
Visit Novelxo.org to read full content.
With that, she turned to leave. She’d
only taken a few steps when she
heard the receptionist Say mockingly,
“I bet it’s yet another disgusting love letter. God, she doesn’t even know how embarrassing she is!” The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
Then, she threw the envelope into the trash can.

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