After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 50

#50 “Don’t Run Away From Me.”
Evelyn’s testimony had left her visibly shaken, her normally radiant demeanor overshadowed by the trauma she had endured.
Sophia decided to offer a small escape from the darkness of the day.
“Do you want to go home and watch some really dumb movie?” Sophia suggested, hoping to bring a glimmer of cheer to
Evelyn’s eyes. Evelyn managed a faint smile through her tears. “Always,” she replied. “But don’t you have work, Sophie?”
Sophia shook her head, her determination unwavering. “There has been work before, and there will be work long after I retire.
Right now, I want to spend some time with my best friend.”
Evelyn hugged Sophia tightly. “Thank you, sweetie. “It’s going to be nice, we’re going to make face masks, we’re going to laugh
at the movie, we’re going to make buttered and salted popcorn,” Sophia emphasized, eager to steer the conversation toward
happier topics.
“Sounds lovely, like we’re teenagers again,” Evelyn laughed genuinely for the first time in a long time.
“That’s right, we’ll have fun like before and it’ll be good to get away from work, schemes, corporate assholes, and… men for a
while,” Sophia muttered, a hint of frustration tainting her voice.
Evelyn didn’t miss a beat and decided to ask Sophia a question that had been on her mind for a while. “Have you talked to your
ex?” she asked.
Sophia sighed, her shoulders drooping. “More times than I’d like,” she muttered. Evelyn was about to ask her something else
related to the matter, but Sophia interrupted gently but firmly. “Can this day be about us and not mentioning exes?”
“Of course,” Evelyn smiled warmly. As they exited the police station, Sophia’s eyes fell upon Alexander standing outside. She
frowned and instinctively considered avoiding him. She wondered why he was still lingering there. Was he waiting for her?
A sense of annoyance washed over her, and she contemplated ignoring him altogether. However, before she could carry out her
plan, Alexander’s voice broke the silence.
“Sophia, please, let’s talk,” he implored, hurrying to catch up with her. Evelyn, sensing the gravity of the situation, gave her a
reassuring nod.

“I’ll wait for you in the car,” Evelyn told Sophia before walking away. Turning her furious gaze toward Alexander, Sophia braced
herself for the impending conversation.
“Do it quickly,” she muttered to him, her gaze unwavering and stern. Alexander took a deep breath before speaking, “Sophia, I
need to tell you something. Emily is leaving, and she won’t be coming back. She won’t cause any more trouble.”
“You think that solves everything?” Sophia’s voice quivered with pent-up rage. “Just making her disappear? What about the
crimes she committed?”
Alexander attempted to explain, ” Sophia, I…”
But before he could finish, Sophia’s anger boiled over. Unable to take it anymore she gave Alexander a loud, stinging slap
across his face. Alexander, though not surprised by her reaction, winced at the sharp pain in his cheek.
“I deserved it,” he mutters. Sophia’s anger is palpable as she retorts, “And how else could you expect me to react?”
Alexander sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair. “Look, Sophia, I understand that what I’m doing may not seem right to
you, but I have a duty to fulfill. I’ve explained to you several times that Emily’s family has already lost the ill-gotten gains they
acquired, and they’ve faced other legal consequences for their actions.”
Sophia’s eyes narrow, her gaze unwavering. “What about Evelyn? She’s in the car, trembling like a kitten. They’ve ruined her life,
Alexander, and I won’t let them get away with it. Don’t assume for a moment that I’ll simply walk away from this.”
Alexander attempts to reason, “I want to remind you that you have a scandal of your own still brewing, Sophia.”
“And what about it?”
“They are not the only ones involved, Sophia. Yes, Emily initiated all of this, but there are other players behind the scenes,
pulling the strings.”
Sophia’s curiosity is piqued as she asks, “Who else is involved?”
“Enlighten Press,” Alexander reveals,” They’re orchestrating a significant portion of this chaos. It’s a tangled web, Sophia, and
they stand to benefit from this entire situation as well.”
Sophia is taken aback, “What is their motive in all of this?”

Alexander elaborates, “The journalist who was aiding Emily was working for Enlighten Press all along. And though that journalist
has been apprehended, the higher-ups in the company have not been implicated. Instead, they used the false scandal of your
alleged involvement in bribery to manipulate the situation, resulting in a significant increase in their stock price. Someone is
pulling the strings behind this. I have evidence to support this.”
Sophia furrowed her brow, “I appreciate your information, but I can handle this on my own.”
Alexander persists, “Sophia, please, it’s not about excusing Emily’s behavior. She was foolish, and it’s her responsibility.
However, she was misled, and I genuinely want to assist you in navigating through this mess.”
Sophia’s eyes narrow as she maintains her resolve. “No, I’ll manage on my own without you. And don’t think that as long as you
help Emily and her family, I won’t hold you accountable in court.”
Alexander laughs at her threat, “I haven’t done anything illegal, and you know it. Let me help you.”
Sophia cuts him off firmly, “My answer remains no.”
“Sophia, don’t…”
But Sophia cuts him off firmly, her decision final, “I think we should part ways, Alexander. I don’t want anything to do with you,
and I don’t want you to help me. It would be best for both of us to never speak with each other again.”
As Sophia declared her decision, she couldn’t help but observe a notable shift in Alexander’s demeanor. She had anticipated
anger and resistance, given their history of arguments, but instead, she saw a pleading look in his eyes.
Before Sophia could react further, Alexander reached out and gently took hold of her arm.
“Sophia, we need to have a serious talk about our divorce. Don’t run away from me, give me a chance to explain everything to
you. I want a chance to understand your perspective, and I want you to know mine. We don’t have to end every conversation in
arguments like we’ve been doing.” Alexander spoke gently.
Sophia jerked her hand away from his. She was not startled by the realization that Alexander had finally made the connection.
What surprised her was the tenderness in his expression at that moment. He regarded her with a look of genuine remorse.
Somewhat, it left her taken aback.

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