Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Aloud slap echoed in the air.
Skyler’s smile faded instantly.
“D-did you just hit me?” He stuttered in disbelief.
Did Cameron, this weak, useless bum, just slap him?
“I was already being gentle. Take it as me disciplining you on behalf of your
mother, seeing as she never taught you proper manners,” Cameron said coldly.
He used to always tolerate Skyler and Pia’s antics because they were Madison’s
family members. But not anymore.
“Discipline me? What right do you have, you bastard?” Skyler roared. He
grabbed a vase by the doorway and aimed it right for Cameron’s head.
Skyler had never suffered such humiliation before nor been slapped in the face.
He was going to kill Cameron for it!
Cameron’s eyes flared coldly as he grabbed Skyler’s arm. He then twisted it.
Skyler’s arm cracked instantly.
“Ahh!” Skyler wailed painfully. The vase in his hand shattered onto the floor. “My
arm… ahh!”
He clung onto his broken arm, wailing hysterically as cold sweat beaded on his
“Y-you dare hurt my son? I’m going to kill you!” Pia lunged at Cameron, feeling
upset after seeing her son injured.
But the moment she saw how dark and cold Cameron’s eyes were, the bravado
in her chest dissipated. Chills washed down her spine!
Cameron’s eyes remained cold as he marched upstairs to the bedroom. Pia
didn’t dare obstruct his way.
Two minutes later, Cameron came downstairs with an old wooden box in hand.
Inside was the hair bow and love letters.
“Ahh… ow…” Skyler wailed on the ground, still clutching his arm.
Pia saw the box in Cameron’s hands and cried, “What did you steal from
“I told you I’m just here to take back what belongs to me,” Cameron responded
flatly. When he passed by Pia, he grabbed the aquamarine bracelet from her
wrist. “Including my mother’s bracelet.”
He then marched right out the villa.
“That’s my bracelet!” Pia cried and ran after him after returning to her senses.
“Oh?” Cameron turned around with a glare.
Pia immediately froze on the spot, unable to move out of fear.
Was Cameron still the lousy son-in-law she remembered? Why did it seem like
he had changed personalities entirely after the divorce?
Cameron turned and left when he saw Pia stop. He got onto the black Maybach
waiting outside the villa door.
“Is that a… Maybach?” Pia’s eyes widened. Only now did she notice the
Maybach outside the villa entrance.
“Mom, w-why is he in a Maybach?” Skyler was just as shocked. It was as if he’d
forgotten about the pain in his arm.
What was going on?
“I’m not too sure either. Let’s get you to the hospital and call your sister. We’ll see
what she thinks!”
Half an hour later, Madison, dressed in black office wear, hurriedly walked into
ward 306 of Yrando’s General Hospital.
“Is Sky alright, Mom?” She asked, having heard about everything over the phone.
Archie had come along with her.
“You’re finally here, Madison. Cameron nearly killed your brother earlier!” Pia
cried, aggrieved.
“Look at my arm, Maddy!” Skyler wailed upon seeing his sister’s arrival.
Madison was upset seeing how pale her baby brother was and how his arm had
been set in a plaster cast. “Did Cameron really hurt you?”
“He did! Not only did he break my arm, he even stole Mom’s bracelet!” Skyler
Pia quickly fueled the fire, adding, “You weren’t there to see it for yourself,
Madison. Cameron barged into the house claiming he was here to take back
what was his. When Skyler tried to stop him, he slapped Skyler right in the face!
He even broke Skyler’s arm saying it was to teach us a lesson!
“Look at poor Skyler, Madison! He’s only 21 years old and still unmarried. If I
hadn’t knelt down and begged Cameron to have mercy, who knows what
would’ve happened to your brother!”
“How dare that jackass Cameron!” Madison growled, trembling with anger. Skyler
was her brother! “I’ll call to ask him about it right away!”
She then went outside the ward and called Cameron’s number.
Cameron, meanwhile, was in the Maybach heading towards Azure Residence,
the most extravagant neighborhood in Yrando.
His brows furrowed when he saw Madison’s call, but he still answered.
“Explain yourself, Cameron?” Madison snapped from the other end of the line.
“Explain? What do I need to explain to you?” Cameron was confused.
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How shameless can you be? You
eS )
know what you did, so why aren’t you
2 » 3
confessing?” Madison yelled. The
content is on Novelxo.org! Read
the latest chapter there!
“What do I need to confess?” Came Cameron’s flat reply.
“Did you hurt my brother just now?”
“I didn’t expect them to complain to you so soon. Yes, I did, but-“
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« se :
I knew it!” Madison cut Cameron off.
« : :
What right did you have to hurt

Skyler, you shameless bastard?” The
content is on Novelxo.org! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Shameless? Why don’t you ask me why I did it in the first place?”
“Do I need to ask? You’re wrong in the first place for hurting my brother!”
Madison cried.
“Heh. No matter what I do and have done in the past few years, I’m still labeled
as wrong.”
“At least you know!”
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« ”
Hmph,” Cameron sneered. Not
wanting to waste his breath with
Madison any longer, he hung up the
call. The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!

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