Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 20

Chapter 20
The people watching in the corridor had already been cleared away by Kim, leaving only the security guards from the restaurant.
The chandelier above emitted a warm yellow glow, but the atmosphere was tense.
When Jonathan came over, everyone instinctively moved to the sides to make way for him.
Hattie, supported by Amy, took a couple of steps forward. As she looked at Jonathan, her eyes filled with tears, appearing weak
and fragile. She spoke with an aggrieved and apologetic tone, “I’m sorry, Mr. Lamont, for disturbing your meal.”
“What happened?” Jonathan asked, glancing over to Estelle, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Kim didn’t expect it to be Jonathan, her expression changed slightly as she swiftly positioned herself to shield Estelle.
No wonder Hattie was so fearless!
Amy quickly recounted the details of the incident, adding some embellishments, such as Estelle hitting Hattie and causing her to
hit the wall, aggravating Hattie’s leg injury.
Estelle looked at Jonathan calmly, but didn’t expect Hattie to be his lover for real!
Kim stepped forward, protecting Estelle as she said, “So, Ms. Hattie is a friend of Mr. Lamont. My friend accidentally hurt Ms.
Hattie. I’ll take responsibility for this matter.”
“You take responsibility?” Amy scoffed. “Our Hattie was supposed to start filming next month as a major character. With her
injury flaring up, who knows how long it will delay her? The whole production will have to halt and wait. How can you be
responsible for that?”
“How do you want her to take responsibility? Let us hear it!”
A sneering voice came from behind the crowd. It was Manley, who walked over with a seemingly amused expression. He walked
straight to Estelle and looked her up and down with concern, “Baby, are you hurt? If they lay a finger on you, I’ll make them all
Everyone was stunned. Kim saw that Manley and Estelle seemed to have a close relationship, so she stepped back to give
Manley some room.

Estelle raised an eyebrow, unsure of Manley’s intentions.
Manley stood protectively beside Estelle, his face turning cold as he stared at Amy, “Come on, tell us, how do you want my babe
to be responsible?”
Manley, being even more famous in the entertainment industry than top-tier male stars, was well known to Amy, who turned pale
and dared not to speak up.
Manley snorted contemptuously, “I’ll be honest with you, my babe doesn’t like entertainers like you. You’re all about scandals and
showing off. I don’t care who’s backing you up. Today, if you upset my babe, none of you will get off easy!”
His words left Hattie and Heather looking even more embarrassed and awkward, their eyes filled with hatred, as if they wanted to
rip Estelle apart.
Estelle took a deep breath. She hadn’t been sure about Manley’s intentions earlier, but now it was clear that he was using her as
an excuse to exact revenge.
And since he seemed to have a problem with Jonathan as well, he even dragged him into it.
Estelle turned to Manley, who happened to lower his head and give her a gentle, seductive smile, “Don’t be scared. I’ve got you!”
With her eyes cold and deep, Estelle replied, “I’m not scared. Are you?”
Manley’s smile faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered, affectionately tousling her hair, “No problem, for you,
I’m willing to face any danger!”
Estelle smiled back, TII give you the chance
The two spoke quietly, with Manley behaving in an intimate and tender manner, as if the two were real lovers
Kim looked at Manley in confusion, wondering why it sounded like he was instigating trouble for Estelle!
Among the crowd, only Jonathan remained calm and composed, his deep eyes revealing nothing of what he was thinking.
There was a moment of silence in the corridor. Then, without warning, Jonathan walked over to Estelle, stopped in front of her,
and asked softly, “You saw me. Why didn’t you say hello?”

Everyone was taken aback – she knew Jonathan, too?
Estelle looked straight into his eyes without hesitation and called out, “Uncle!”
The crowd exclaimed, “…!”
Manley’s unrestrained smile slowly crumbled, and he shot Estelle a surprised look.
Estelle turned to Manley with a light smile, introducing, “This is my uncle. You can call him uncle, too!”
Manley remained silent,
He had a feeling that Estelle and Jonathan were plotting against him, even though he had no proof

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