Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 37

Chapter 37
Estelle playfully winked at her and whispered, “Quickly now, once the police arrive, your brother will find himself unable to make
a swift exit.”
“Ella!” Emily was about to cry.
“Wait for me outside.” Estelle’s voice was calm.
Choking back tears, Emily nodded, “I’ll wait for you right outside!”
Noel suddenly spoke, “I can let them go, but first you have to drink this booze for Emily!”
Without hesitation, Estelle picked up the glass and drank it all down.
Emily cleaned the tears from her face and quickly helped Elliott out of the room.
When the door closed, the others immediately surrounded Estelle. The room was silent, and the lights seemed
to dim.
Noel grinned, “You’re quite loyal and brave, little girl. Here’s one more glass, bottoms up!”
The other men egged her on, staring at Estelle like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, eager to pounce as if they could smell the
fat dripping from her veins.
Noel snickered, revealing his yellowed teeth, and picked up another glass of booze. With sinister intent, he offered it to Estelle.
Estelle’s gaze turned icy as she locked eyes with him. Without hesitation, she forcefully expelled the sip of alcohol she had just
consumed, spitting it onto his face. In one swift motion, she seized hold of Noel’s clothing and hurled him aside like a discarded
sack of rubbish.
In an instant, the room was filled with screams, the sound of bones breaking, and glass shattering, all locked inside the door.
Outside, the place was still lit up with wine and song.

Ten minutes later, Estelle left the room, her coat stained with blood. She took it off and threw it into the trash before walking out
wearing only a T-shirt.
As Emily approached the doorway, intending to enter, she was taken aback when she spotted Estelle. Her initial panic swiftly
transformed into pleasant surprise, and she exclaimed, “Ella, are you okay?”
The cops Estelle said hadn’t come even after ten minutes, she couldn’t wait any longer and planned to go in to
find her.
“I’m fine, where’s your brother?” Estelle asked.
“I got a taxi, and had the driver take him home.” Emily asked anxiously, “Did they give you any trouble after we left? Where’s your
“I threw them away because they were soaked in alcohol!”
Emily whispered, “Didn’t you call the police? Why haven’t they come yet?”
Estelle replied, “I didn’t call!”
Emily was even more puzzled, “Then your phone call history…”
Bathed in the illumination of the streetlight, Estelle’s eyes gleamed with crystal-clear clarity: She let out a soft chuckle. “Actually,
it’s your call history. I changed your name to 911.”
Emily’s eyes widened in realization.
Estelle smiled warmly, her voice filled with understanding. “We can’t involve the police!”
Chapter 37
Tears welled up in Emily’s eyes as she comprehended Estelle’s intention. If they were to call the police, her father’s culpability
would be exposed, potentially resulting in a criminal record.
Emily had just graduated, and her father’s criminal record would ruin her life.
Estelle had thought of everything.

A gust of wind blew, and Emily choked back a sob.
“It’s all sorted out. You should go home too, your mom is waiting for you!” Estelle patted her on the shoulder.
“Ella!” Emily tightly held Estelle’s hand, her eyes filled with tears. Words of gratitude caught in her throat, feeling that even
expressing a simple “thank you” would be insufficient to convey the depth of her gratitude.
“Go on!” Estelle pushed Emily a bit, “Go home and check on your brother!”
Emily let out a sob and asked, “How will you get home?”
“I have a friend coming by later. She’ll give me a ride back,” Estelle responded, nonchalantly brushing aside the stray locks of
hair that had fallen across her face. Her delicate features exuded a youthful aura, reminiscent of a carefree student.
“Okay, I’ll leave now. Don’t forget to text me when you get home,” Emily waved at Estelle with her phone in hand and got into the
taxi. She waved goodbye through the window.
Watching Emily leave, Estelle furrowed her brow slightly.
Something was off with her body. She felt weak and her heart was racing, as if it was about to burst out of he

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