Love Unbreakable by Bank Brook

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

She Doesn’t Care Anymore.

Luciana didn’t catch Mitchel’s unusual tone and said, “Yes.

But it was my fault.

I took Raegan to a room to talk.

I didn’t expect Kyler to wake up so early and overhear our conversation…” Before she could finish her
words, Mitchel suddenly strode away with a cold face without looking back.

Luciana didn’t stop Mitchel from leaving.

She just watched him head toward the elevator.

She felt that the anger in her heart had eased a lot.

She had assumed Mitchel had completely gone crazy about Lauren.

Fortunately, he still knew what he should do.

In the underground parking, Raegan had already gotten in the car.

The thermostat in the car was turned on, but Raegan still felt cold all over.

Raegan was trying to forget what had happened just now, but the scene kept flashing in her mind.

And every time she remembered how Mitchel and Lauren hugged each other and Lauren claimed they
were truly in love, she felt like she was slapped hard in the face.

Who would have thought her two-year marriage would turn out to be a joke? The sincere feelings she
devoted to Mitchel all the while were deemed insignificant by him and trampled upon recklessly,

Raegan leaned against the car window and closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind of everything.

Suddenly, the back seat door was opened.

She opened her eyes and saw Mitchel get in and sit beside her.

“Are you tired?” Mitchel asked with concern when he saw Raegan’s pale face.

He reached out and was about to caress her face.

However, Raegan quickly dodged his touch.

Mitchel’s hand froze midair.

He raised his eyebrows, but he restrained himself and withdrew his hand.

Then he said in a low voice, “I’m sorry about what happened in my grandpa’s ward.

I misunderstood you.” Raegan was a little surprised.

Mitchel was an arrogant man.

He had never lowered his head to anyone, let alone to a woman.

At this moment, Mitchel and Raegan were so close that Raegan could see Mitchel’s face clearly.

His clear and distinct features, handsome face, high-bridged nose, and thin lips.

Every part of him was eye- catching and charming.

His entire being exuded a remarkable temperament.

Even if he just sat there bathed in light, he was striking and pleasant to her eyes.

It was still the same face that had captivated Raegan’s heart before.

But looking at it now, she felt familiar and strange at the same time.

Mitchel was sometimes gentle and sometimes fierce.

Raegan could no longer distinguish which was the real him.

While looking at her stunned face, Mitchell’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

He found her so cute that he couldn’t help reaching out and pinching the tip of her nose like he used to

“What are you thinking?” Raegan was lost in thought, so she didn’t dodge.

Mitchel had already put his hand on her nose before she knew it.

She could only sigh helplessly.

Then she said lightly, “It doesn’t matter.” She didn’t explain any further.

But what she wanted to say was it didn’t matter what he thought about her.

Raegan was already tired of proving herself to Mitchel, so she no longer cared about whatever he
thought about her.

Mitchel didn’t ask anything more, but his eyes darkened.

“I’ll drive you home.” Raegan was about to refuse, but she was interrupted by the ringing of Mitchel’s

It was Lauren calling.

Mitchel hesitated for a moment.

But in the end, he answered it.

He did not put the phone on speakerphone.

But Lauren’s cry was so loud that even Raegan could hear it.

“Mitchel, I’m in so much pain.

I feel dizzy and uncomfortable.” Mitchel frowned and said coldly, “If you feel uncomfortable, call the
doctor to check on you.” Lauren didn’t seem to mind the indifference in Mitchel’s voice.

She cried even harder and said again, “Mitchel, it’s really painful.

I feel I’m dying.” “Sorry, | have something else to do.

Bye.” After saying this, Mitchel hung up the phone without waiting for Lauren to say anything more.

Raegan listened to Mitchel’s phone conversation expressionlessly.

She didn’t think that what he said had something to do with her.

Perhaps he really had something urgent to deal with.

When Mitchel turned to Raegan and saw _ her expressionless face, his eyebrows raised slightly.

He didn’t like her this way.

He would rather see her lose her temper and throw a tantrum.

He took her hand and said gently, “Sit in front.” Raegan nodded, got out of the car, and sat in the
passenger seat obediently.

She was too tired to have a meaningless fight.

Mitchel was about to move to the driver’s seat when his phone rang again.

This time, it was Jocelyn.

His brows furrowed.

He hesitated for a moment.

But in the end, he still answered it.

Jocelyn’s anxious voice came from the other end of the line.


Dixon, something happened.

Miss Murray fainted.” Mitchel’s expression became serious upon hearing this.

While looking at Raegan, he said on the phone, “T’ll be right there.” He hung up and said to Raegan
guiltily, “I have to take care of this first.

I’ll let the driver take you home.

Wait for me there.” “Okay,” Raegan responded obediently.

No muss, no fuss.

She was not in the mood to ask or argue.

All she wanted was to go home and rest.

At this moment, Raegan was as docile as she was during their two years of marriage.

Mitchel was already used to her obedience.

But this time, he felt something was wrong.

She lacked emotion.

It was as if she was dealing with a stranger.

With this realization, his eyes dimmed.

He said softly, “Wait for me at home, okay? I have something important to tell you.” Raegan didn’t

She remained expressionless.

But Mitchel didn’t have time to wait, so he left in a hurry.

He intended to explain everything to her later.

The driver started the car and drove away.

As they ran steadily on the road, Raegan leaned against the window and watched the scenery outside
fly by.

Crystal-clear tears unconsciously rolled down her face and fell to the window, painting a poignant

Loving Mitchel brought Raegan so much pain.

That was why she decided to give in and agree to the divorce.

But after she decided to stop loving him, why did it hurt the same? She felt her entire body was torn

Loving and unloving Mitchel both broke her heart.

After a while, the driver pulled over in front of the Serenity Villas.

Raegan got out of the car, but she didn’t enter the house.

Instead, she watched the car drive away, then hailed a taxi.

She went to a cafe to meet Henley.

Sitting across Raegan, Henley took a sip of his coffee and said, “I heard from Nicole that you want to
find a job.” After saying this, he pushed a business card toward Raegan and added warmly, “This is
Cara’s business card.

She is the head of Alpire Studio.

You’ll have an interview with her tomorrow, so prepare yourself.” Raegan was so stunned that she
didn’t pick up the business card for a while.

Alpire Studio.

Did she hear it right? Was it the Alpire Studio that specialized in serving A -list celebrities and wealthy
families? Finally, Raegan took the business card and looked at it.

Upon reading the words “Alpire Studio” printed on it, she glanced at Henley, feeling a little

“Henley, this seems inappropriate.” Of course, she really wanted this job.

But she knew she was not qualified.

If she remembered correctly, the minimum academic qualification in this company was PhD in design.

They also required overseas experience, and_ their aesthetics and work were exceptional.

“What do you mean? I only sent some of your university works to Cara.

She checked them, and she’s interested in you.” Raegan was surprised.

She didn’t expect Henley to do her such a favor.

This made her even more embarrassed.

Henley saw that Raegan was still hesitant, so he comforted her gently, “Don’t worry.

Cara won’t favor you just because I recommended you.

You still need to work hard to get this job.

That’s why she scheduled you for an interview.

I know it’s a bit rushed, but you can make a design drawing overnight, right?” “Yes.

I have enough time to make it.” Finally, worries in Raegan’s heart dissipated.

It was now replaced by the eagerness to give it a try.

Raegan needed a job, but she didn’t want to get it by taking advantage of connections.

She wanted the employer to hire her because of her abilities.

If it was about showcasing her abilities, she would give it a try.

At this moment, Raegan’s phone rang.

It was Nicole calling.

Nicole was already outside the cafe to pick Raegan up as they had planned.

After hanging up, Raegan looked at Henley and said apologetically, “Henley, I’m sorry.

Nicole is already outside.

I’ll treat you to dinner next time.” The corners of Henley’s mouth curved into a gentle smile.

“It’s okay.

You go ahead.” He watched Raegan get into Nicole’s car.

As soon as they drove away, his smile gradually faded away.

It was replaced by an expression that could send a chill to the depths of people’s hearts.

Nicole took Raegan to Temple Bar.

They entered and booked a booth.

It was only seven o’clock, so there were only a few customers in the bar.

It was expected to be bustling from midnight onward.

Nicole ordered wine for herself and grapefruit juice for Raegan.

They hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so they had a lot of catching up to do.

Nicole asked concernedly, “How’s your relationship with Mitchel recently?” Raegan answered, “Soon…”
What she meant was they were going to divorce soon.

Judging from the number of calls Lauren made to Mitchel today, it was evident that Lauren would surely
take action to make their divorce happen.

Raegan Knew that Lauren would do everything to get Mitchel.

So she already expected that she and Mitchel would divorce soon.

This time, it was Raegan’s time to ask.

“How about you? What have you been doing recently?” Raegan and Nicole had been friends for a long
time, so Raegan knew Nicole very well.

She noticed that Nicole was a little mysterious recently.

Raegan had to ask because she no longer worked in the Dixon Group, and she didn’t gather any
information as readily available as before.

When she heard that Jarrod was back, she was worrled about Nicole, thinking Jarrod might find Nicole.

But she comforted herself that Jarrod was already engaged and would get married next month.

Probably, Jarrod wasn’t interested in Nicole anymore.

“Same as always,” Nicole answered.

She picked up her wine glass and took a sip, glossing over the topic.

Nicole Knew that Raegan had been going through a lot recently.

She didn’t want to share her problems with Raegan because she didn’t want to add to Raegan’s

Instead, she wanted to cheer Raegan up.

So, she suddenly took Raegan’s hand and said loudly, “The dance floor is empty.

Let’s dance!” Raegan’s body stiffened.

She was not used to this kind of environment because she rarely went to bars, let alone danced.

In fact, she wouldn’t be here today if Nicole wasn’t in

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