Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
1 trailed behind Dexter as we entered the Homicide Division.
“Mr. Fitzgerald, just to confirm with you,” the cops took Dexter to identify some
items found at the crime scene clothes, a cell phone, a bag — all mine.
Dexter looked pretty shaken up. It took him a hot minute to speak up. “Where is
“Sorry, Mr. Fitzgerald, from our initial investigation, it’s highly likely she’s been
offed. But we haven’t found the body yet.”
“Forget it then, don’t waste your manpower on her; she’s not in trouble.” Dexter
snorted with a sneer. “She’s just ditching her stuff on purpose to create
suspense. She did these to make me feel guilty and back down.”
Dexter didn’t buy for a second that I was dead. In his eyes, I was just a villain
who wouldn’t stop at anything to get what I wanted, and he wished I was really
six feet under.
“Are you sure about that, Mr. Fitzgerald?” The cop gave him a puzzled look.
“Positive.” Dexter nodded and looked dead serious, “Sorry for the hassle, I’ll sort
it out. Give me three days and I’ll find her.”
There was a storm brewing in Dexter’s eyes: He was clearly ticked off.
I knew him too well; he was pissed that I’d taken the drama too far this time. I
suddenly felt like laughing, but the laughter died right beside Dexter.
I was dead, and he was stalling the police investigation.
The same thing happened the day I was killed. I made my last call to him on the
day I died, but he just snapped back after picking it up, “Phoebe, will you ever
give it a rest? Why don’t you just drop dead?”
I tossed my phone away in despair, got knocked out and taken away by the killer,
then dead.
“Stella, where’s Phoebe? Tell her to stop hiding and come back.” Dexter called
Stella with rage boiling as soon as he left the police station.
Stella was my only friend, and I didn’t even get a chance to say her goodbye.
“What the hell, Dexter? I should be asking you about Phoebe’s whereabouts.
What have you done with her?” Stella retorted.
“Tell her this is her last chance. She better come home tomorrow, or I won’t
bother collecting. her remains even if she dies out there!” Dexter was frantic.
I couldn’t fathom what he was so worked up about; even his breathing was all
I stood there numb with a mocking smile on my lips, “Don’t worry about collecting
my body, because you won’t be able to find it.”
Chapter 2
“Phoebe’s gone missing and I’ve called the cops, you scumbag. If anything
happens to her, I won’t let you off the hook!” Stella screamed through tears on
the phone.
Dexter’s heart clenched, his laugh dripping with sarcasm, “Is this her new trick?
Using this to force me into marrying her? Pathetic.”
My vision blurred as I watched Dexter.
That moment, I truly lost all hope.
A week before my death, there was a heavy downpour, lightning flashing, thunder
Dexter pinned me down on the bed, his eyes cold and threatening. “Phoebe, you
keep throwing yourself at me just want me to touch you like this, right? Why are
you acting like a bitch? Why are you so desperate for a man?”
“I didn’t…we had an engagement and you’re the one not honoring it, Dexter”
He didn’t give a damn about my explanations. He grabbed my chin and kissed
my lips. His kiss was void of love and fraught with his cathartic desire, “Isn’t this
what you wanted? Stop pretending.”
“Dexter, please, my stomach… it hurts so much…” I cried and begged, but he
wouldn’t stop.
He gripped my waist, thrusting hard and fierce like a madman.
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Phoebe, you pushed Melody down
the stairs and nearly killed her. I
, :
haven’t settled Ser wittoyoud
– 7) 7 Nii
9 J digg Ohvotw y din jail and that
as mercy enough. In that case, just
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stop with your tricks! You think that’ll
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make me marry you? You’d better get
3 ”
that idea out of your head!” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
By the end, I was voiceless and couldn’t utter a word. It wasn’t me. I didn’t push
Crimson blood flowed between my legs and my stomach was in excruciating
pain. The pain was suffocating.
“Dexter… it hurts. Please, take me to the hospital.” I begged.
Something wasn’t right. I could feel it.
“Bad luck.” Dexter tossed me aside with disgust, getting dressed to take me to
the hospital.
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5 . «
But just then, his phone rang. “Dexter!
Dexter! Save mel! I thinkshat b3ycto
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kitterys iter me; help me!” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Visit to read full content.
Dexter’s face went pale.
Panic—stricken, he gra bbed hig m
clothes ang dashadiole He was too
3 3 ,
worted about Melody so he didn’t
care if I lived or died. The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
The pain made me fall off the bed and curl up, “Help… Dexter. Don’t leave me…

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