Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 22

Chapter 22
“Officer Robin, I hear you let that psycho loose?” Dexter’s words carried a tinge
of displeasure as he brought Melody out.
Melody seemed shaken. She was seeking refuge within the protective circle of
Dexter’s embrace.
With a coddling gesture, Dexter shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over
Melody’s shoulders and took her in his embrace, “You cold?”
She gave a fragile nod in response.
“Mr. Fitzgerald, the individual in question has been released into the care of their
guardian. They’ve assured us that any grievances or expenses, including
medical bills, will be fully covered,” Robin explained, handing Dexter a business
As Dexter glanced at the card, his expression darkened, “Brendan Langley?”
It was the Langley family.
1 also watched Dexter in shock.
The Langley family?
In Sea City, the Langleys sat atop the economic pyramid of the business circle,
the undisputed tycoons. Even the Fitzgeralds couldn’t hold a candle to the
But how could someone from the Langleys grow up in an orphanage, let alone be
diagnosed with a mental illness?
Thinking of Colin’s identity sent shivers down my spine.
Was it the might of the Langley name that kept him from being discovered even
after taking so many lives? So someone had been covering for him.
But what now? Where was my body? Would the truth behind my death ever
come to light?
“He… he’s a Langley?” Melody’s voice trembled with disbelief. “A madman from
the Langley family? I never heard of such a thing.”
Dexter frowned, his voice grave, “Three years ago, Brendan’s eldest son, his
grandson, and his granddaughter all perished in a tragic car accident. The only
remaining child is infertile, who’s incapable of bearing an heir.”
“It’s obvious, the psycho must carry Langley’s blood. Otherwise, Brendan
wouldn’t bother so much over a madman.”
“Bother so much?” Robin snorted. “If he really cared, he wouldn’t let him wander
the streets. Probably just wants to secure a lineage.”
Dexter said nothing, disinterested in the Langley affairs and unwilling to get
Chapter 22
“Since you’ve got the Information, Officer Robin, focus on the real killer. There’s
no need to worry about Phoebe anymore.” He claimed.
He opened the car door, and with a hand on the rim, helped Melody in.
His care for her was evident in every detail.
“Melody and I are getting married. She’s bound to show up at the wedding.”
Dexter declared with confidence.
I snorted derisively. Dexter planned to use his and Melody’s wedding as bait to
draw me out.
“Congratulations,” Robin said with a meaningful look. “I hope it’s just a prank from
Phoebe and that she’s safe and will attend your wedding.”
“In your dreams…” I stood to the side, mocking Dexter. I would never show up,
never again.
As Dexter got in the car and drove off, I remained, unsure of where to go.
Arestless spirit, that’s what I had become. Even in death, I didn’t know where I
“Phoebe, where are you?” Robin looked skyward and suddenly dropped a
I turned back to him and smiled faintly, “I’m dead, and I don’t even know where
my body lies…”
“Robin! Something’s happened!” A young officer burst into the station, panic—
stricken, “Another woman’s body has been found along Boundless River. The
M.O. is the same… red dress, frequented Nocturne, sexually assaulted before
death by suffocation.”
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Robin’s brow furrowed, and he
crushed his cigarette underfoot,
« ”
Damn… What a mops” Erfradl,
he lashed put’ata nearby trash can.
He was furious at his incapability of
catching the killer, which had cost so
3 en
many innocent women’s lives. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“The victim’s facial skin has been completely removed, making it impossible to
identify her…”
Robin fell silent. He stood there quietly before saying, “Let’s go take a look.”
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I followed him as panic surged
through me. My last memories om
before death diginciuio the Siller
bRdihg Several women. In my final
moments, I saw a few women in red
dresses huddle in the The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“There are survivors, Robin, there have to be! Search that abandoned
orphanage!” I trailed behind him and yelled desperately.
Someone must be still surviving. That murderer took lives at intervals and
abducted his victim before killing.
So, there must be survivors!
“Robin! There are survivors!” My cries were urgent, though futile in my attempt to
be heard.
We were like people separated by different realms, he was completely unaware
of my presence.
Chapter 22
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am BS
It’s strange that this body also had
something belonging to Phoebe. The
body has a single eq 0 fhe left
eqr, thelsafie’one Phoebe wore the
A »
day she disappeared,” a fernale
officer reported upon her return,
delivering the news to Robin. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!

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