Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 24

Chapter 24
At the corner cafe.
Robin probably never expected Stella to comer him into a meeting like this, so
when he arrived. his face was a storm cloud
“I get that you want to find your friend, but this is not the way to do it!” Robin
frowned, his tone carried reprimand.
“And what way is right, huh? Wait for you cops to crack the case? It’s been ages!
If she’s waiting for someone to save her, can you imagine how hopeless she
must feel?” Stella’s voice cracked with desperation as she confronted Robin.
Robin’s face darkened, his fingers massaging his temples, “I understand you’re
“You don’t get it! Stella cut him off sharply.
Robin fell silent. He looked at Stella and said nothing more.
“If I hadn’t called it in to report that Phoebe was missing, no one would have
called the police and you wouldn’t have opened a case. She’s got no parents left,
nothing! She only has me! If I don’t do something, she’ll just… vanish.” Stella’s
eyes were reddened with tears, while her fists. clenched with a fierce resolve.
I knew how much she’s hurting and how broken she must be. Because her body
was shaking.
“Stella, please, don’t do anything rash…” All I could do was beg Stella not to be
there on a whim. She should just forget me and live her life well.
But Stella seemed determined to find me.
“Don’t agree to this, Robin, please don’t!” I cry out, pleading with Robin not to
give in.
Robin was silent for a long stretch before finally speaking, “I’m sorry, I don’t know
you, and I don’t know Phoebe… but from what I’ve heard from Dexter and his
friends, Phoebe was no angel. She’s even cruel-hearted.”
“Bullshit!” Stella exploded. “Those guys are devils and bastards! What right do
they have to speak badly of Phoebe? They’ve been the ones hurting her all
along! Dexter is a rapist! Aren’t you a cop? Go arrest him! Do it!”
Stella lost control. She pushed and shoved Robin, crying for him to get Dexter.
Robin was somewhat helpless at that moment. Maybe he was just not adept at
handling girl’s emotions.
As Stella cried, I cried with her. When she frantically pushed Robin, I ached to
hold her.
But I couldn’t hold her, and she couldn’t save me either.
“Robin… you’re a cop, so don’t believe that the truth is what the majority says.
Phoebe isn’t like
Chapter 24
that… I’ll prove it to you.” Stella suddenly went quiet. Maybe she had done
venting. Her silence was more terrifying than her outburst.
“What are you planning to do?” Robin asked.
“Tomorrow night, I’ll be wearing a red dress and walking past Tangle Lane. If one
day won’t
work, then I’ll try two days or more… Eventually, I’ll draw out the madman.
Stella’s hands were white—knuckled, and even her breath was trembling.
“What kind of friend makes you risk your life?” Robin, agitated, lighted up a
cigarette in the
smoking area.
Stella smiled weakly. “You want to know Phoebe? Come with me… I’ll show you
who she really
Without a word, Robin followed Stella.
I followed too, and I was sticking close.
“Phoebe was an excellent student and always the top of our class.” Stella drove
Rocin to Constantia Estate, where I was born and raised.
Stella knew where my family hid the spare key; it was our sanctuary when we
were in school
“Phoebe was beautiful, the perennial school belle.” Stella retrieved a key from
inside a shoe. unlocked the door, and stepped inside.
There was a picture at the entrance of the living room of me at a ballet
performance. It was captured in such beauty.
In the photo, I was in a white dance costume, like a swan taking flight. That year,
I was eighteen.
“She is indeed beautiful.” Robin looked at the picture and nodded in agreement.
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After her parents died in a car crash,
their company went under and lef
with hts. She d ignit Hate td-pay them,
bit Shells the life insurance
money to settle with those cere keet
” :
mone for herself.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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Stella pulled a box from a drawer,
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She gave me all her scholarship,
money every year afek 2hé’s i
, :
chllége, nd we’d donate it to the
orphanage. She said children without
: ”
parents are the loneliest.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Suddenly, the door burst open.
Colin stood there, panting, his eyes red—timmed.
I was shocked to see Colin at the door; hadn’t the Langley family taken him?
Wait… How did he get the key to my house?
Stella was just as shocked, “Who who are you?”
Chapter 24
Robin instinctively moved forward and pinned Colin against the wall.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
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« “
Phoebe… Phoebe…” He struggled to
say her name, his veicgshaking’and
hoarse WHE dbiitent is on! Read the latest
chapter there!

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