Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
Stella sat on the floor, her gaze fixed on Colin, “Where’s Phoebe?”
Colin tossed the stick he was holding, as if struck by panic, and turned to run, but
Robin pinned him against the wall.
“Where do you think you’re going? What are you doing here? Take him in for
Robin’s voice boomed with fury.
It was always Colin!
I knew that Robin’s suspicions about Colin had deepened.
I breathed a sigh of relief. That was good. As long as the truth was uncovered
quickly, and my body was found…
The cops took Colin away, and Robin carried Stella off.
I allowed myself a moment of relief, staring blankly at the lollipop Colin had
dropped on the ground.
It was fruit-flavored.
Colin was caught, and the police interrogated him for twenty—four hours, but he
didn’t utter a single word. Without evidence, the police had to release him for the
time being.
I sat in the police station lobby, my gaze numb as I watched Colin being escorted
away by the Langley family.
This murderer was far too cunning.
Colin seemed to be of great value to the Langley family, as they had hired Sea
City’s best lawyers to bail him out.
I wondered, even if it was ultimately revealed that Colin was the serial killer,
would the Langley family still find a way to get him off the hook?
If that were the case, those deceased girls would have been pitifully wronged.
In the afternoon, Dexter came to the station to inquire about the investigation. He
seemed eager to know if I had been found.
I guessed he wanted to know if I was dead.
“Because it wasn’t Melody, the mission failed.” Robin began to suspect Colin,
believing that he had stopped because Stella wasn’t Melody and didn’t continue
with his murderous spree.
“We found a handkerchief with traces of sedatives in Colin’s pocket, along with
sticks, and
other tools used for the crimes,” Robin frowned.
Even though Colin had been bailed out, he still had people watching him.
“It’s that Colin, that maniac! He’s definitely the killer. Phoebe must be with him!”
Dexter exclaimed angrily. “Why aren’t you arresting him!”
“First off, the maniac” you’re talking about was bailed out by Brendan Langley
who’s got the best legal team. And lastly Colin has a psychiatric evaluation that
can prove he suffers from a mental disorder, making it impossible to determine
he’s the previous murderer based on the sedatives and sticks in his pockets.”
Robin warned Dexter not to lose his cool here.
If Melody had been the one to go that night and Colin had been caught in the act
of trying to kill her, he would have had the grounds to keep Colin detained for
Dexter didn’t speak, taking a deep breath.
The Langley family were not to be trifled with.
“I just have this feeling… Phoebe is right beside me…” Dexter murmured, then
spoke again after a pause. “If we keep an eye on Colin, could we find Phoebe?”
Robin didn’t answer, but he surely hoped so.
The police had begun to suspect, keeping a twenty—four—hour watch on Colin.
I believed that under such close surveillance, he would eventually slip up.
Stella sat on a bench, looking somewhat forlorn. “Is Colin really the killer? It just
doesn’t feel right to me.
I sat beside Stella, offering her a gentle smile. “That’s because you are too kind—
Stella paused, turning to look in my direction:
I also paused, unsure why I felt like crying.
Her expression carried a slow loss, and she shook her head. “Phoebe will be
“Killers are good at disguising themselves, especially one with a mental illness
like him.” Dexter spoke sternly.
“He doesn’t seem like he’s faking it.” Robin was a cop, after all, and had his own
experiences. “I’ve been in touch with criminal psychology experts. I suspect that
Colin might have a split personality, or some other kind of mental disorder.”
I shook my head, sighing. I had suspected Colin had a split personality before,
but now I was more inclined to believe that Colin had an accomplice.
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“ . . “ .
Robin, the girls’ bodies from that
photo, the ones adopted, have been
: a
found one by one, Feds usp !
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MelodylahtPone hamed Ophelia left.
A colleague approached Robin.
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We’ve sent people to look for
aan v
Ophelia.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Chapter 44
Robin nodded his acknowledgment.
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Can’t we just arrest that maniac?
Would the Langley family even stand
on @
for him? Dexterwias bsing-control of
his, Andtlons, storming out of the
station, clearly on his way to confront
someone from the Langley family.
The content is on!
Read the latest chapter there!
I paid no mind to Dexter. His urgency wasn’t for me; it was the fear that Colin
might harm Melody.
Stella’s eyes welled up with tears as she looked up at Robin. “Really, is there no
other way?”
Was keeping an eye on Colin the only option?
“Let’s wait and see. We’ve got Colin under surveillance.” Robin poured Stella a
cup of water.
Stella took it, her tears flowing uncontrollably. “I’m scared. I’m afraid of what
might be happening to Phoebe right now.”
“Stella, I’m okay.” I whispered to reassure her, suddenly feeling somewhat at
I was already dead, at least I hadn’t suffered much.
I had already forgotten the pain of death.
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Robin! There’s trouble…” Outside, a
young officer burst in, his face gen.
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Colin sneaked ut Fofthe Langley
ebtate: Wetollowed him all the way.
By the old Guardian River behind the
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orphanage, we found Ophelia’s body.
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