Serve No One This Life

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Jonathan Has A Girlfriend?
Chapter 39 Jonathan Has A Girlfriend?
Emilia couldn’t believe what she was hearing Jon has a girlfriend?”
Her initial shock quickly turned into embarrassment, but she quickly regained her
composure and adopted a more mature attitude.
“You’re back,” she said coldly as Angela entered the room.
Angela, trying to ease the tension, forced a smile and explained, “Yes, Grandma.
I came back because I didn’t have classes today.”
Marilyn, the elderly lady chatting with Emilia, noticed Angela and expressed
genuine surprise. “Oh, this is Angela. She’s really beautiful.”
Angela greeted her with a friendly smile. “Nice to meet you, Ma’am.”
“I heard you’re a university student. That’s really impressive, Marilyn praised. “My
son isn’t so good. He gets a headache whenever he reads, so he started working
Emilia, with her old-fashioned views, couldn’t resist making a sarcastic remark.
“What can a girl achieve? Angela, you might as well find a good man and get
married early. You’re young, so you can find a good
Emilia, a woman from the countryside with traditional thoughts, had been brought
over by Donald and his wife after her husband passed away. Even her cousin’s
quick marriage after graduation involved Emilia Thinking about this, Angela
laughed nonchalantly, “Grandma, it’s not that I’m against marriage, but come on,
I’m not even 20 yet. Breaking the law isn’t exactly on my to—do list. Going to jail
doesn’t sound like a fun adventure, does it?”
Without waiting for Emilia’s response, she excused herself, claiming she had
other things to attend to, and headed upstairs.
Emilia stood there in momentary shock, and her expression shifted through
several colder shades.
Having lived in her son—in-law’s house for years, she was used to being the
elder with the final say. This backtalk was a rarity!
“She’s so stubborn!”
Marilyn, standing nearby, felt a bit uneasy but then considered that Angela did
make a valid point.
University students should prioritize their studies, and many get married after
Moreover, it was a law set by the state. Could there be an issue with the state’s
As the saying goes, educated people tend to have logical arguments.
Marilyn thought Angela was pretty smart. She turned to console the upset Emilia,
saying. “Emilia, I think she has a point. Angela is young, and marriage isn’t
something she needs to worry about right now. Plus, she seems quite respectful.
She greeted you politely and treated you as an elder.”
16.00 Wed, 28 Feb
Chapter 39 Jonathan Has A Girlfriend?
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Emilia’s expression soured further at these words. Don’t be fooled by her. It’s all
an art. Did you hear what she said just now? I’m trying to help her, and she acts
as if I’m trying to harm her, even bringing up the law! She’s treating me like a
wicked old woman!
Marilyn fell silent. She was unsure how to respond. “You might be overthinking
this. Where did that idea?”
Emilia rolled her eyes and remained unconvinced.
Angela climbed the stairs and returned home. Upon entering, she noticed a small
six-inch birthday cake sitting on the table.
“Auntie, is it Quincy’s birthday today? Did I forget?” She quickly reviewed the
birthdays of her family
Hecate wiped her hands and came out of the kitchen. “I bought it for you, Angela.
I remembered that you
like cake.”
Angela instantly felt that this was likely a gesture to make up for the cake Emilia
had taken. Warmth filled her heart.
Donald and his wife always kept her in their thoughts, but in her past life, she had
distanced herself from them and sought connections with people who barely
acknowledged her existence.
Wasn’t she just blinded by superficialities, even blinding her eyes to genuine
At that moment, Emilia returned. She had been eavesdropping at the door. In the
past, all good things. were handed to her. Now that Angela was present,
everything seemed to favor her!
They welcomed Angela into their home, provided her with a place to stay, and
generously offered her meals. So, why should they go the extra mile to buy her
luxury food and drinks?
Emilia couldn’t help but express some sarcasm. “What’s the point of eating cake
when it’s not even your birthday? This cake isn’t cheap, Hecate. You can’t spoil
her like this. If she can’t manage her spending when she’s out, how will she
Noticing her mother at the doorway, Hecate’s smile became a bit uneasy. She
quickly explained, “Mom, this is a cake that someone else ordered and then
changed their mind. They sold it to me at a discount, less than half the usual
“Yeah, Mrs. Langdon. It’s okay if it’s a bit expensive for our own family to eat.
Besides, it’s just an occasional treat, not an everyday thing.” Donald cheerfully
stepped forward to mediate
“We still need to be cautious. The money in this house didn’t come from
nowhere. In the future, won’t Quincy need money for marriage, or won’t Queenie
require us to spend money and effort when she has a baby? Can Angela treat
you like her own parents?”
It wasn’t her parents she was being respectful to.
Despite the gentle persuasion, Emilia didn’t show any signs of approval. Mainly
because the thought of the cake being bought for Angela made her feel
20, 28 Feb
Chapter 39 Jonathan Has A Girlfriend?
Why was she so sensitive? Emilia believed there was a reason why the Kin
family didn’t like her.
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Emilia’s accusations shattered the warm atmosphere at home. Hecate and
Donald had awkward and cautious expressions on their faces, afraid of upsetting
her again.
Angela frowned. The previously pleasant family atmosphere was completely
In the room. Quincy also came out with a frown. “Grandma, it’s just a cake.
Consider it an early celebration of my birthday.”
With Quincy speaking up, Emilia’s face changed several times, as if she was
suppressing her anger. Her tone finally softened, “Fine, eat if you want to, but be
careful on normal days.”
The family breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions gradually relaxed.
Angela couldn’t help but glance at Quincy, her heart fluttering slightly.
Was Quincy standing up for her?
“Thank you, Quincy.” Angela quickly approached and thanked him sweetly.
Quincy snorted coldly, ignoring her as if she were invisible, and went to the
kitchen to help serve the food.
The improvement in their relationship was a positive sign.
Angela hurriedly rushed to assist and brought out the homemade double—layered
milk pudding she had saved for the family.
With determination, she persisted in sticking close to Quincy and said, “Quincy,
try the milk pudding I made later.”
Quincy gave her a cold glance, ignored her, and walked away..
Angela touched her nose and made a mental note to bring her sister-in-law back
after the exam!
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Early the following morning, she
prepared the medicinal meal and
went to the LavsanhEAaiy-Upon
akrival; Bastian escorted her inside
but asked her to wait in the guest
room. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Alright.” Angela agreed. She had already noticed that there were visitors in the
house before entering.
Next to the shoe cabinet by the entrance, there were two additional pairs of
She didn’t know who they belonged to. Could they be Jonathan’s business
Sebastian returned to Jonathan’s study and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” An elderly voice came from inside the room.
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In addition to Jonathan, there was
another elderly man with white hair
sitting in the room, Kewyasd fessed
ina dark\gfay suit and wore a ruby
ring on his left thumb. Despite his
age, he appeared lively, with deep
laugh lines at the corners of his eyes.
The content is on!
Read the latest chapter there!
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« . >
Master Jonathan, Miss Kins is here
. ”
and waiting in the pully mM
’ 5
iii) Sadr or was even
ore respectful than usual. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
16:00 Wed, 28 Feb GG »
Chapter 39 Jonathan Has A Girlfriend?
Jonathan acknowledged without further inquiry.
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However, the elderly man showed interest and asked, “Which Miss Kins? Has
Jonathan found a girlfriend?”

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