Serve No One This Life

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Private Resolution
Stella was momentarily confused but quickly grasped David’s intention.
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She patiently explained. “Dad, it’s all because Angela is heartless. She even
reported her own brother to the police, and 1 heard he now has a criminal
David finally understood and felt somewhat relieved. No one would support such
a heartless person. Not only could Stella retaliate against Angela today, but he
could also witness Angela’s mother disciplining her.
Good, let her understand the consequences of bullying his precious daughter!
Scarlett was furious with Angela.
Seeing that there were still people around, Scarlett restrained her urge to have
Samuel hold Angela down for her to hit and sternly ordered, “Angela, your lack of
manners is my fault as a mother, but today you must apologize to this classmate.
Otherwise, you’re committing intentional assault. Do you want to go to the police
station too?”
Angela glanced at her but remained silent.
For some reason, Scarlett felt an inexplicable unease from her gaze.
It was as if she felt that Angela was completely disappointed in her, treating her
like a stranger.
But what surged up in her heart was nameless anger.
Why did she look at her like that? She was her biological mother, who had
carried her for ten months.. Asking her to apologize was like asking her to harm
David timely interjected, “Madam, I must make it clear to you that an apology
from Angela is not enough today. I can’t bear to lay a finger on my daughter on
normal days, but this wild girl hit her! She must let my daughter slap her back
three times, or she can go to the police station.”
Scarlett was taken aback, and when she looked at Stella, she noticed her
swollen face.
Was it appropriate to return the slaps directly?
“Aunt Scarlett, it’s me, Stella, Fanny’s friend. Today, I was trying to stop Angela
from disrupting Fanny’s speech competition, and that’s why she hit me,”
Stella cried out in grievance. She had been to the Kins Family before, and
although she didn’t visit often, Scarlett should still recognize her.
“What?” Scarlett was surprised, and only then did she recognize the swollen—
faced Stella. She quickly became furious. “Angela, you dared to disrupt Fay’s
competition! And you hit Fanny’s friend!”
Before Angela could say anything, Scarlett glared at her. “Mr. Johnston, I think
we should resolve this matter privately today. It wouldn’t be wise for our family to
face public scrutiny.”
The family had spent a lot of money and effort trying to clear Samuel’s criminal
record, and it was still unresolved.
Chapter 47 Private Resolution
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Angela was registered under their family. If she got a criminal record, it would be
a complete disaster. If they wanted Fanny to have an easy job as a civil servant
in the future, it would be impossible.
Resolving it meant allowing Stella to slap her back.
And Stella was already flexing her wrist, proudly approaching Angela.
Btch. She still had to obediently let herself be slapped back. She was going to
scratch her face when she slapped her later and see how she could attract men
in the future.
Jessica watched these people’s malicious expressions towards Angela, feeling
extremely anxious. Why hadn’t her father arrived yet?
She wanted to step forward to help, but Samuel glanced at her and blocked her
with his arm. “She brought this upon herself.”
Seeing that no one was stopping her, Stella’s eyes gleamed as she walked up to
Angela instinctively protected herself but heard Scarlett complaining on the side.
“You’re always causing trouble at home and now causing trouble for Donald.
Samuel, you go and explain to Uncle Donald what happened. I don’t want to see
Angela’s eyes drooped slightly, and the hand she had raised dropped again.
If she went to the police station, even if it was eventually proven that Stella was
at fault, she probably wouldn’t be able to get out for a while, and Donald’s family
would have to go through a lot for her.
Stella glared maliciously at the silent Angela, her sharp nails hooked, and she
raised her hand high..
The office door swung open abruptly, causing Stella to pause and turn her
attention towards the entrance. To her surprise, it was an elderly man who had
Was it Jessica’s father? Or Uncle Donald?
Before she could react, a sound resembling the rolling of a wheelchair reached
her ears from outside the door.
Aman in a wheelchair was being pushed into the room.
Stella was taken aback.
Could there truly be such a handsome man in existence?
The man had a cold demeanor and a stern face, with features that appeared as if
they were chiseled by a skilled artist. Despite being confined to a wheelchair, his
posture remained upright and commanding. emitting an aura of authority that
sent a chilling and intimidating vibe without any visible signs of anger.
Such an individual would undoubtedly capture one’s attention in a crowd, making
it impossible to divert one’s gaze elsewhere.
Stella was so astonished that she momentarily forgot what she was doing with
her hands.
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Chapter 47 Private Resolution
However, as the man observed her actions and the person in front of her, his
brows furrowed imperceptibly.
“What is happening here?” Sebastian had not anticipated stumbling upon
someone about to harm Angela. In his haste, he disregarded everything else and
rushed over to shield her. “Angela, are you alright?”
Angela was also taken aback.
Why was Jonathan here as well?
Every time something occurred, Jonathan seemed to be present. Angela felt a
mix of reassurance and anxiety,
Would Jonathan think she was a troublemaker, always causing problems?
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Thomas assumed that these two
rs )
individuals were also Angela’s it!
relatives and hesitated Mier al, it
would A {fect well if it became
known that a student was being
assaulted under his supervision. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
But how was he supposed to pacify David’s anger?
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Just as Thomas grappled with this
predicament, he noticed a change in

riyy .
David’s expression. David com
lglg becamé Le ious,
rdtrieV] ng a cigarette from his jacket
pocket and scurrying over to

Jonathan. “Mr. Lawson, what a
pleasant surprise! I was planning to
an A »

visit your home in a few days.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Upon reaching him, the previously arrogant David became as submissive as a
eunuch, bowing so low that it seemed as if he wanted to bow even lower than
Jonathan cast him a cold glance. “Is this how your school handles conflicts
between children?”
Angela’s heart skipped a beat, and she recoiled, appearing particularly pitiful.
“I understand.” David glanced between Angela and Jessica, suddenly
comprehending. He chuckled ingratiatingly. “So this is Mr. Lawson’s child. What a
With that, he turned to Jessica, assuming the role of a benevolent elder. “So, you
are the daughter of the Lawson Family. I must admit, I was unaware.”
Jessica blinked, her mind going blank. Was he referring to her?
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David attempted to win favor with
Jessica in an attempt to make
amends for his earlier col
uppleadantAess However, he failed
to notice the perplexed expressions
on the faces of Scarlett, Samuel, and
Jessica herself. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Just as David was about to approach Jessica, Jonathan suddenly looked up, his
gaze directly falling upon Angela.
“Was there a fight?”
His tone was casual, making it impossible to discern whether he was pleased or
Angela’s heart tightened, and she felt as if Jonathan was unexpectedly
supporting her. This thought caused her face to flush. “Yes, there was a fight.

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