Serve No One This Life

Chapter 9

The following day, Angela woke up early, had breakfast, and made her way to
school. The school’s teaching buildings were quite old-fashioned, with some of
them having been renovated. At the entrance, there was a golden plague
engraved with the words “Riverdon University.’ Arriving early, Angela noticed that
there were only a few students in the school. Some girls had earphones in their
ears and were carrying the popular MP3 players of that time, giving them a
stylish appearance. After studying in the classroom for a while, Angela spotted
Jessica walking towards her. Angela put down the book she was holding and
stood up to greet her.

“Angela, is your injury better? I wanted to visit you, but my family recently moved,
so I couldn’t make it. Please don’t blame me, okay?” Seeing Angela, Jessica was
happy and held her hand. She felt guilty for not visiting Angela. Jessica had a
slender face, a tall figure, and fair skin. She was a classic beauty. “I’m fine.
Come, let’s go to Mr. Lone’s office.” They needed to transfer the spot before
Christopher took action; otherwise, it would be too late. Angela knew that Jessica
had a strong interest in Brundelian and had always wanted to apply for it. But
because she was a step too slow, she didn’t get the spot, and she had been
upset about it for a long time. “Okay, you just returned to school. It’s time to greet
the teacher.” Jessica followed Angela to the class advisor’s office and politely
knocked on the door. As the person inside responded, the two pushed the door
and walked in. Mr. Lone, who was preparing for class, adjusted his glasses and
glanced at the two who entered. He put down the book he was holding,
seemingly waiting for them to speak. “Mr. Lone, I want to give the spot for the
Brundelian speech to Jessica.” Mr. Lone looked at Angela with surprise. “Angela,
you have to think it through. Once the spot is given away, it cannot be restored.”
Even Jessica found it unbelievable. Angela hadn’t mentioned this to her before
they came. It was so sudden! “Angela, this is the opportunity you fought so hard
for. How can you give it to me? Quickly tell the teacher that you were just joking.”
Jessica was so excited that her hands were trembling, and she held Angela’s
hand. Jessica’s hands were cold and clammy. Although she liked English very
much, it didn’t mean she wanted to snatch someone else’s chance! Everyone
else might not know how important this spot was to Angela, but as her best
friend, Jessica could not know. Angela nodded firmly and said to Mr. Lone, “Sir,
I’ve made up my mind. I want to give the speech opportunity to Jessica.” Instead
of benefiting Fanny, it was better to let Jessica have this chance. In her previous
life, Fanny took away the speech opportunity from her, not only winning a prize of
960 dollars but also going abroad as an exchange student to share Centralis
culture with foreigners. She was very successful! This time, Fanny would
definitely not get the opportunity as she wished. Angela knew the consequences,
but she was not afraid at all. Jessica widened her eyes and pulled Angela hard,
whispering, “Angela, what’s gotten into you? Why did you suddenly give me the
opportunity?” Following her lead, Angela whispered back, “Actually, it’s nothing. I
just suddenly realized that I don’t want to be a sycophant anymore.” Being a
sycophant will only lead to nothing, without exception.

Mr. Lone finished transferring the opportunity and asked the two, “The spot has
been transferred. Do you have anything else?” “I have one more thing to trouble
you with, Mr. Lone. I want to transfer to the faculty of medicine.” As soon as she
said this, Mr. Lone looked at her deeply and reminded her. “Transferring to the
faculty of medicine requires an exam. Do you think anyone can just get in
easily?” In the past, there were people who transferred to the faculty of medicine,
but some failed the difficult exams and were advised to drop out. Some started
studying but realized they couldn’t make it and transferred back to their original
major. But because they wasted too much time, they were unable to keep up with
their studies and couldn’t graduate smoothly. Do they believe that the school is
their family’s business and they can do as they please? These students were
filled with youthful arrogance, but after being stubborn, they would have to face
the consequences themselves. Of course, there were also successful graduates
from the medical department who were later assigned to prestigious hospitals as
doctors, but that was merely an exception.

Angela stared at Mr. Lone with determination and said, “Mr. Lone, if you give me
this opportunity, I am confident that I can pass the exam.” When it came to
medical knowledge, Angela was quite self-assured. After all, she had spent many
years learning medical skills from her grandmother, and it was not in vain.
However, she now needed a certificate in order to treat patients, so Angela had
no choice but to study and obtain that physician qualification certificate. Jessica
had not yet recovered from the shock. It was already shocking enough for her to
give up the opportunity to deliver a Brundelian speech. Now, she wanted to
transfer to the medical department. Jessica seriously wondered if the hospital
stay had affected her friend too much. She had changed a lot. Mr. Lone sighed,
adjusted his glasses, and earnestly advised Angela, “Angela, you should go back
and discuss this with your parents. Supporting a college student is not easy. It
would be a shame if it doesn’t turn out to be worth it in the end. Your parents
would be very upset!”

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