The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
Olivia believed that Tyler’s care for her stemmed from his love for Naomi. That’s
why he took extra care of her, like the saying goes, “If you love someone, you will
love everything that belongs to
She said, “Okay. I understand, brother—in—la…” But she couldn’t bring herself to
say it, and her
words trailed off.
Tyler furrowed his brows for a moment but said nothing. He seemed to have
accepted her attempt to address him that way, considering it something an
inexperienced child would do
In the end, Olivia didn’t visit Jacob. She called his parents.
She thought that even if Jacob didn’t think of himself, he should think about his
parents. Should he really throw away everything they had sacrificed for him just
because of her?
The next day, Jacob was finally released from the police station when his parents
Olivia didn’t go to meet him. Instead, she waited at school. She didn’t inquire
about him, and he
didn’t contact her either.
For the next few days, she stayed at school without going home or leaving the
premises. However, Naomi called her to ask about Jacob. Olivia assured her that
everything was resolved and expressed her gratitude, saying, “Thank you,
Naomi. I appreciate what Tyler did for him.”
Naomi asked her not to worry about it.
After they hung up, Naomi felt a sharp pain in her chest. The nurse was busy in
the pantry, but she rushed out when she heard the commotion. She found Naomi
had fallen from her bed.
The nurse dropped the tray of pills in her hands in shock. “Ms. Naomi!”
Within minutes, nurses and doctors rushed to her ward.
Olivia had been on her way to class after the phone call with Naomi. However,
she received an emergency call shortly after. It was Mrs. Jones calling
She found it odd that Mrs. Jones was calling her at this time.
Before she could say anything, Mrs. Jones’s panicked voice came through as
soon as she answered, Olivia! Come to the hospital right away. Your sister has
Her mind went blank upon hearing that.
“Olivia! Are you there?!”
She snapped back to her senses and quickly replied, “I-I am, Aunt.”
“Get over here now.”
Mrs. Jones hung up right away, and Olivia rushed to the hospital
It was chaotic there. Tyler arrived just as the doctor was wheeling Naomi out on a
gurney. He rushed to her side, calling. “Naomi? Naomi?”
But there was no response from her.
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The top medical team surrounded
her, and the doctor approached Tyler.
« ) . I
Mr. Tyler, we’re taking her to the
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emergency room. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Knowing there was no time to lose, Tyler stopped calling out to Naomi. The
nurses hurried ber into the emergency room
Tyler turned to the doctor. “What are you going to do?” His expression was cold.
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. «
The doctor explained, “She may need
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a blood transfusion, but it’s
complicated. She has a rare blood
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type, and we don’t have it in stock.
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We’re checking with other hospitals,
” .
but so far, no luck.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“So what do we do now?”
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The doctor appeared worried as he
I “ .
replied after a pause, “We might have
to take a risk and use blood from her
, . . )
immediate family. Doesn’t she have a
half-sister? Although their bone
marrow doesn’t match, we can try to
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see if their blood type matches.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Tyler frowned, considering the options.

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