The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
“Ari’s just curious, Rafe,” Jesse says, still laughing and grinning, looking around
to see if anyone noticed, but there’s no one behind us in line for the shower stalls
yet and everyone else is too busy to care. “He’s led a sheltered life.”
“And he’s going to continue to lead a sheltered life,” Rafe growls, glaring first at
Jesse and then at me. “I’m serious, Ari — this is not…” he stumbles now,
searching for words.
“A meat market?” Jesse whispers wickedly, making me blush again.
“Fine,” Rafe snaps, taking another step forward as another shower clears. “For a
lack of a better term, yes.” He grabs my arm, leaning down to hiss in my ear. “We
took you from home a virgin, Ariel, and whenever it is that you go home? You’ll
be returning the same way. So, if you had any ideas otherwise, get them out of
your head now.”
I gasp, appalled, and shove my brother away. “Ew, Rafe! How did that!?” I look
between Rafe and Jesse, shocked.
— how do
how do you even know
“Oh, come on, Ari,” Jesse says, giving me a sad little smile. “When would you
have had the chance? Uncle Dominic keeps you locked down —*
My jaw drops again as I stare between them, realizing that…that…
“Oh my god,” I gasp, looking between them. “Are you two…are you not virgins!?”
Jesse laughs and gives a little shrug, playing it off like it’s not a big deal, but Rafe
just clenches his jaw and stares forward at the shower stalls. Only a faint touch of
pink on his cheekbones gives away the fact that he’s hiding something from me.
“Rafe!” I shriek, swatting at him. “Who was it!?”
“Stop. Shrieking,” he snaps, glaring at me and knocking my hand away. I purse
my lips, tucking my hands behind my back and admitting, at least internally, that
— okay — maybe that was a little more girlish than I’d like. But still!
“Seriously, Rafe,” I say, lifting my chin at him and demanding an answer. “Who
did — who did you
-“I blush again and curse my stupid cheeks.
“We’re not talking about this,” Rafe snaps, ending the conversation as he strides
into a newly vacated shower stall, whipping the curtain closed behind him.
I spin on Jesse now, the same question in my eyes.
“I don’t kiss and tell,” Jesse says, shaking his head with a smirk. I glare at him
and he laughs, but then he gestures forward to an empty stall. “Go on, Ari. I’ll see
you on the other side.”
I give my cousin a glare and hurry into the stall, yanking the curtain closed and
stripping down before letting the hot water run all over me, fuming over the
hypocrisy of my brother and my cousin who are apparently insisting on my
celibacy even if they themselves…
Well. I guess the less thought on that, the better.
But still, as I hastily soap down and let the hot water do its work unwinding my
muscles, I wonder…
Is that even something I want to do? I mean, my attraction to my mates is
undeniable, and my wolf basically salivates after them all day — but emotionally,
am I ready for that? And even if I were…the Academy is notoriously rigorous, and
there are more cuts once you’re admitted as a cadet. Half the reason that the
academy is male—only is so that those enrolled can concentrate completely on
their studies.
Won’t having two mates just be an incredible distraction, if I even get inside the
castle walls? Am I really willing to sacrifice everything the Academy offers just
to…1 don’t know, kiss them?
Or more?
sigh as I turn the water off, shaking my head, not knowing at all how I feel or
what I want. But…maybe I don’t have to decide today, right now. There’s time,
At least I hope there is…even though the way Jackson smells, and the way Luca
looks when he’s n*ked?
God, the memory of both sends shivers down my spine.
When I emerge from the shower fully dressed in my dirty clothes — a little
chagrined that I didn’t realize that I should probably have brought a set of fresh
fatigues or something else to change into — I still haven’t decided what I think or
feel about any of it. Jesse steps immediately forward and subtly scent marks me
at my neck and wrists while Rafe watches, his arms crossed.
“Probably good you’re wearing your dirty clothes,” Jesse murmurs, slinging an
arm around my shoulders as the three of us head towards our bunks, my brother
and cousin just
dressed in a towel wrapped around their waists like most of the other candidates.
“Nobody’s going to be able to smell your girl scent in those.”
1 twist
my head to the side, glancing to the right to where Luca and Jackson’s beds are,
subtly considering that maybe it’s in my favor to be dirty, at least for a little while.
“I’ll go get dinner,” Rafe says, quickly pulling on a t-shirt and a pair of soft pants
that he’ll sleep in before heading off to the mess hall. Evening meal is simple for
the first couple of months — they give us hot breakfast in the morning and a big
lunch, but it’s just wrapped sandwiches and bottled water at night in the twenty
minutes before lights out. Candidates eat in bed or gathered in small groups
around our bunks.
When Rafe strides away, Jesse finishes dressing and sits down on his bunk,
patting the next to him in invitation. Knowing I can’t avoid it, I sigh and sit down.
“Come on, Ari,” he says, friendly but stern. “Spill. I know something’s up.”
“It’s nothing,” I mutter, not able to look him in the eye, but desperately tempted to
tell him. Jesse — he’s always been a friend and a great listener, and I’m dying to
talk to someone about this. I’m having trouble processing how I’m feeling about it
all by myself.
But still if he knows? Will he make me leave?
Jesse sighs. “Ari, either you talk to me about it, or I tell Rafe and let him
interrogate you about it. Pick your battle.”
“Can’t you just trust me?” I ask, looking up at him with big pleading eyes that
usually work.
“Normally I would, cousin,” he says, bumping his shoulder into mine. “But when
tackle me in bed and make me scent mark you at 2 AM, panting like you’ve just
run a race? I’ve gotta know.”
And I sigh, realizing that there’s no way out of this, and I…tell him.
Well, I tell him some of it — about how I wanted to get clean, and how the
showers were gross, and so I went out to the hot springs —
Jesse groans when I say that, covering his face with his hands and falling back
on his mattress. “Who caught you?” Jesse’s words are muffled by his palms. “Did
they figure out that…”
“No,” I say, shaking my head even though he can’t see me. “Secret’s safe.”
“So?” he asks, dragging his hands down a little so he can see my face. “Who
was it?”
I bite my lip for a second, deciding whether or not to tell him, but I’m bursting to
talk to him about it. When my wolf gives me an encouraging little prod with her
nose, telling me to trust him, I lean forward. “Jesse,” I whisper, “it was my mate —”
Jesse stares at me in shock, his mouth hanging open for way too long — until I
start to worry that he’s like… frozen like that or something.
“Jesse!” I hiss, giving him a sudden shove on the shoulder.
“Ari,” he says, snapping out of it and sitting up fast. He grabs me by my
shoulders. “Are you…are you serious? Your mate is here!?”
His face is deathly pale, his eyes wide and scared like I’ve told him the worst
thing he’s ever
Well, my
wolf says, turning in an anxious circle inside of me. At least you only told him
about one of them…
I hesitate, scared of his reaction and wanting to take it all back, but before I can
say anything Jesse’s eyes flick to the side.
“Whatever you do, do not tell Rafe,” my cousin hisses, leaning forward to make
me hear him. “He will kill every guy in this room rather than let one of them touch
you, let alone
claim you
“What?” I ask, shocked. “Why does he
“Promise me!” Jesse snaps, shaking me once, hard.
“Okay!” I burst out, surprised into agreeing. “Okay, I won’t tell him!”
Jesse lets out a long breath and lets me go, turning away just as a wrapped
sandwich lands in my lap.
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“ ” .

Roast beef,” Rafe says, his face
pleased. I look down at the sandwich
A ) 3
in my lap, but I don’t touch it or say
anything. I mean, I know my brother
and my cousin are protective of me,
The content is on!
Read the latest chapter there!
but —
“What’s going on here?” Rafe says, and I look up to see him staring between
Jesse and me. “What’s wrong?“
Chapter 10
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shake my head, not saying anything,
but Jesse fumbles out some lie
about being worried about the
rankings. Rafe looks at me
sympathetically, leaning forward to
give me some kind of pep talk or
advice, but before he can start a
Lieutenant suddenly appears at the
end of the bed, a tablet in his hands.
The content is on!
Read the latest chapter there!
“Candidate Rafe Sinclair?” the Lieutenant asks.
“Yes?” Rafe asks, standing, suddenly all business.
“A video call,” the Lieutenant says, holding the tablet forward, “from…the Palace.”
My eyes go wide because…well, obviously I know who’s calling.
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Rafe says, nodding to the man and dismissing him even
though he clearly outranks my brother.
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Rafe turns to me and Jesse, and I
can see his mind working fast. He
beckons Jesse forward, but I stay on

) >
the bed. When Jesse’s standing next
3 y a

to him and I’m sufficiently out of
frame, Rafe presses the button to
take the call. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Hey mom,” he says, pasting a big smile on his face. “Hey dad. What’s up?”

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