The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
1 gulp as we approach Luca’s lower bunk because I am completely out of my
element never, ever been in a boy’s bed before except, obviously, a member of
my family —
But Luca, to my relief, gestures me towards the head of his bed before sitting
down on the other end, lounging back against the metal footboard with one leg
bent at the knee, his arm wrapped casually around it. I grimace a little inwardly to
see that his left boot is sole-down on his blankets. Slowly I lower myself onto the
bed, perching on the edge, my eyes unblinking as I watch him.
“Make yourself comfortable, Shrimp,” he says, raising his chin and indicating that
1 should relax. “I’m not going to bite.”
My wolf gasps. Do you think we could get him to do that? He could give us his
Mentally I smack her on the nose and she gives a little yelp, but it does nothing to
defer her excitement.
Slowly I do as Luca bids, leaning back against his pillow a little and curling my
bare feet beneath me. I don’t say anything though, letting him start the
He grins at me, lifting his other leg and stretching it out along the length of the
mattress, effectively pinning me in on my left side. I glance down at his gigantic
foot, which is just inches from me now, before raising my eyes back at him.
Without intending to, I wrinkle my nose.
Luca bursts into laughter.
“Are you like, a clean freak or a germaphobe, Shrimp?” he asks, turning his foot
so that he taps me with the dirty toe of his boot.
“No!” I protest, even as I flinch away from his boot — mostly because I don’t want
any more tingles but, also, yes! Because it’s a dirty boot!
“You totally are,” he says, grinning at me from the other end of the bed but
turning his foot
“First you go
take a secret bath in the middle of the night, then the only time I can get you
alone is when you’re brushing your teeth, and now you’re scared of a dirty boot?”
He raises an eyebrow at me, clearly entertained.
“Did you ever consider that you’re just dirty, Luca?” I ask, leaning forward and
flicking my eyes deliberately to where his shoe is pressed into his clean blankets.
“Because I think that
wanting a hot bath and brushing my teeth just makes me normal.”
“So,” he says, leaning forward to peer at me, his smile deepening. “You know my
I sit back, fast, blushing a little to have been caught out.
“Don’t worry,” he says, laughing again as he, too, leans back. “I know yours too,
“It’s not Shrimp,” I say, renewing my glare.
“I know, Ari Clark,” he says, tilting his head at me. “l just think Shrimp suits you
I don’t let my inner victory show, because of course he doesn’t know my real
Tell him! My wolf ridiculously prompts. Maybe he’ll say it! Maybe he’ll whisper it!
I swat at her again, but she dodges my blow and continues to run in excited
circles. I sigh inwardly because she’s making it hard to concentrate.
But frankly, so is he.
Because, god damn it, but he is handsome. The way he’s sitting there, with his
powerful body so relaxed — and how his scent is coming off of him in waves after
his shower?
God, that shower — I’m suddenly hit with the memory of him running his fingers
through his wet hair-
“So,” Luca snaps and I blink, gritting my teeth as I realize that I was just staring at
him, thinking about what he looks like n*ked. No wonder he thinks I’m so weird.
“What were you really doing out last night?”
“I was just taking a bath,” I reply, my voice cold. “Like I said. Now are you going
to let me go back to my
“What are the chances,” Luca says, ignoring my question, “that you and my mate
would be outside at the same time? Just…coincidentally.”
100% chance, I think to myself wryly, my eyelids lowering a little at the irony of
his question.
“My cousins are going to be pissed when they find out you kidnapped me,” I say,
not bothering to answer, even as my body settles back against his pillow a little.
Because as much as my mind knows I’ve got to get back to my bed? My body…
wants to stay right here.
Being lightly interrogated by my gorgeous mate.
My wolf yips in agreement.
“What did she look like?” he asks, ignoring my comment and speaking swiftly, all
“She’s really ugly,” I snap in reply, something in me wanting to piss him off.
He bursts out laughing. “No, she’s not,” he says, shaking his head. “Come on, tell
“I don’t know,” I lie. “I didn’t get a good look at her.”
“Why did you say she went north, and then when I pointed south, you confirmed
that that was her direction?”
“What?” I breathe, confused.
“I was testing you — you sent McClintock in one direction and me in another,” he
says, leaning forward. “Why?”
“I don’t know —” I spit out, frustrated with myself for not catching that. I remember,
suddenly, the moment he’s talking about — after Jackson ran and Luca stayed
crouched by the pool. I didn’t look where he pointed, I just said yes to whatever
direction he was indicating. I just wanted him to go —
“Why won’t you just tell me?” Luca asks, his tone suddenly changing as he leans
forward further, studying my face. “Seriously, Shrimp — why are you holding out?
Is she…is she in trouble or something? What bad thing would happen if you just
told me why you were out there —”
“I’m not lying —” I protest.
“You are lying,” he says to me, stating a simple fact that’s frustrating because it’s
true. It’s bizarre — like he can already read me or something. “You know
something, Shrimp, and I can’t figure out why you won’t spill.”
“If she ran from you,” I say quietly. “Maybe she doesn’t want to be found.”
“Why wouldn’t someone want to meet their mate?” Luca asks, leaning forward,
staring at my face.
1 go silent for a long moment, torn. Because on one hand I am the girl he’s talking
about —
the one who’s running from him, trying to keep our bond a secret. And on the
other hand… I’m sitting here in his bed. And I could shout for Rafe, or just get up
and run.
But instead I’m sitting right here, and we’re staring at each other in silence, and I
know that there’s absolutely no place I’d rather be in this moment.
Except…well, except maybe a little closer to him…
Shit, I think, shaking my head a little. I am…I am in trouble here.
And Luca, even though he doesn’t know what I know, he stares right back at me
and the silence between us grows warm and comfortable. He turns his head a
little in curiosity as he studies me and his eyes narrow, like he can’t…can’t quite
see me or something. I watch, fascinated, at how his chest rises and falls as his
breathing starts to deepen —
Some silent impulse comes over me — I don’t know what
I don’t know what — and as he watches I slowly run my tongue over my lower lip
before pressing my lips together, wetting them. And then I leave my mouth
slightly parted so that my breath rushes out over my lips as I exhale a deep
breath I didn’t know I was holding.
Luca’s eyes drop subtly then, fastening on my mouth
And I swear to god, a shudder passes through him, traveling all the way down his
I sit up straight, suddenly realizing —
But I don’t know what the hell I realize because a new hand wraps around my
arm now and yanks me out of Luca’s bed.
“What the hell are you doing here,” Rafe growls, glaring down at me as I
scramble for my feet.
“He made me!” I shout, pointing at Luca. “He — he —”
I hold myself back from saying anything else — because one, Rafe doesn’t need
to know, and two, he’ll probably punch Luca or something ridiculous.
So I sigh and, not knowing what else to do, snap my mouth shut.
“Hey, Sinclair,” Luca says, and I turn to see him grinning at my brother with a
calm equanimity that makes me wonder if I imagined everything that just passed
between us
I stare at Luca as he leans back against his footboard, lifting his arms to tuck his
casually behind his head as he smiles at my brother.
“Shrimp and I were just catching up,” Luca says, nodding his head toward me
though he definitely, almost pointedly, does not look at me. “Always good for the
little guy to make friends, especially with someone who can protect him.”
“Ari’s got all the help he needs,” Rafe snaps, glaring first at Luca and then at me.
“Are we good here?” he snarls, asking me in not-so-veiled code whether or not
Luca needs to be punched.
“We’re fine,” I say, rolling my eyes, my toothbrush kit still clasped in my fist.
“Then let’s go,” Rafe says, pulling me along with him as he strides across the
“Rafe,” I sigh, trying to figure out how the hell I can explain this as we get to our
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“ ) en
I don’t want to hear it,” he snaps,
spinning on me and pointing his long
: . « )
finger in my face. “But you’re not
going a single place alone ever again,
Ari — not even to brush your teeth.
And with that he bends down and
grabs me by the waist, his other hand
reaching behind my knee, and I shriek
as he basically launches me up into
my bed. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
I hit the mattress hard, the breath leaving me for a second as I hear Jesse burst
out in laughter from his bunk.
“Rafe!” I shout in protest, starting to get pissed — I hate it when he throws me
around just because he can
“Good night, Ari!” he shouts, ending the conversation before he gets even
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And I open my mouth to protest just
as the lights flick off, which feels like
a sign. So, I heave a sigh and flop
back against my pillow, staring at the
dark ceiling. I jump and give a little
shriek as something hits my
stomach. My hands fly to whatever it
is, touching cellophane… The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Eat your dinner,” Rafe grumbles.
“I already brushed my teeth
“Fine! Do whatever you want!” The bed shakes as my brother throws himself onto
the bunk
below me.
My hands wrap around the sandwich though, because I realize quite suddenly
that I am hungry. I was just too distracted by the events of the evening to realize
“Night, cousins!” Jesse laughs, his words almost lost in the clatter of the rest of
the candidates turning in alongside us. “Love you!”
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Neither of us reply. I just scowl,
turning in my bed and quietly
unwrapping my sandwich, taking a
bite as I peering into the darkness
towards Luca’s bed. And even though
I can barely see anything at all, I
swear I see his silhouette still sitting
at the end of the bed, not having
moved an inch. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Except for his head — which is now turned towards me.

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