The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 39

Chapter 39
I continue glaring at Jesse, but Rafe moves on with his interrogation of Ben.
“What makes you think Luca hasn’t figured out that Ariel’s a girl?” Rafe says as
he leans forward, eager for Ben’s answer and apparently deciding to trust him.
“I don’t think Luca knows because he hasn’t tried to hit on her yet,” Ben replies,
laughing. “Didn’t you see him this afternoon with the seamstress? Luca loves
women — he’s dying for some female attention. If he knew Ari is a girl, he’d be all
over her.”
“True,” Rafe murmurs, leaning back against the couch cushion and staring into
space a bit as he thinks it through.
Jesse’s eyes sparkle as he again catches my eye. My mouth draws to a thin line
as I stare at him, shaking my head at him because he is loving this just a little too
God, I want to smack him right now.
But that would give way too much away.
“Well, how did you know?” Rafe asks, blinking back to reality and turning his
attention back to Ben.
“Because,” Ben says, turning to smile at me. “I have four younger sisters. You
guys — you protect her the same way I’d protect my sisters if they were sleeping
in a communal room with a bunch of guys for two weeks. Plus,” his smile widens
now as he settles onto the carpet and leans back on his hands, clearly feeling
more relaxed. “You laugh like a girl, Ari.”
“What!?” I shriek.
And Ben bursts into laughter at my reaction, and then Rafe and Jesse do too,
and I blush, because I hear it now — it was a very girly shriek.
And so I start to laugh too, and we all laugh harder as we hear it, because my
laugh — it really does hit higher notes than theirs, lilting above over their low,
My face reddens even further, and I press my hands to my cheeks. And then,
experimentally, I try a lower laugh, seeing if I can make it more boyish
Chapter 39
But the result is just ridiculous, obviously fake as I try to mimic Rafe, which sets
us all off again. I can’t help it then, the peels of laughter that come from me as I
grab a pillow off the couch and hurl it at Rafe’s face, because he’s laughing the
hardest. But he just catches it out of the air and tucks it behind his head, sighing
as he leans back.
“Well, you’re part of the family now, Ben,” Rafe sighs when his laughter fades,
shrugging and giving in to it. “Thanks for keeping our secret.”
“I think it’s cool.” Ben says with a shrug, reaching for my packet of peach rings on
the table and grabbing one from the edge. “Plus, I like girls. It’s nice to have one
around.” He sends me a little wink as he pops the candy into his mouth.
“Don’t go thinking that it’s too nice,” Rafe says, his voice a low growl again. “I
said you’re family now, which means hands off the little sister.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Ben says, continuing to grin at me. “I don’t think I’m Princess
Ari’s taste anyway.”
My mouth falls open in a little appalled sputter, but before I can protest further a
knock comes at the door.
“It’s open!” Jesse calls, and we all turn in time to see the door swing open,
revealing Luca looking…devastatingly good in his black uniform.
“Finally found you,” he says, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk, a little
pasty box balanced in his hands. “Can I come in? I brought coffee cake. My nan
made it.”
“Sure!” Jesse calls, grinning at my mate. As Luca walks in I take the opportunity
to slip the velvet hair ribbon into my pocket.
Rafe and Ben greet Luca but I don’t say anything, because…honestly, I’m still
trying to catch my breath. God damn it, Luca in that high—collared black uniform,
with the dark grey belt around his trim waist…
My wolf howls inside me, rolling onto her back like she’s been knocked out cold.
We’re never going to make it here, I whisper to her, laughing inwardly, but she
doesn’t even bother to respond. This secret…might as well just spit it out now.
“Nope,” Ben whispers, pitching his voice low enough that only I can hear the
words as well as the humor lacing them, “I don’t think I’m the Princess’s taste at
Sun, Tu Mar
Chapter 39
I screw up my face and lean over, smacking Ben hard on the arm.
But we both laugh, because we know he’s dead right.
Luca comes in then, tossing the pastry box onto the coffee table just as the bell
to the dumbwaiter rings again. I perk up, completely fascinated by this crazy
aspect of on new life, and dash over to it. Even though Rafe beats me there. I’m
in time to see him open the door to a covered silver tray.
I cock my head to the side, wondering what it could be, but then the smell hits my
nostrils and I groan, reaching immediately for the covered tray which I now
realize holds some delicious dinner, but Rafe just laughs and swats my hand
away. “That’s too heavy for you,” he says, smiling at me cheerfully and lifting the
whole silver tray out with his big hands, balancing it carefully as he maneuvers
around me. “You get the drinks.”
I scowl a little as the food moves away and my stomach growls — I didn’t realize
that I was starving. But I cheerfully grab the pewter pitcher and the little metal
cups that come along with it, surprised to see that there are five, not three, as I’d
have expected.
Still considering the strange number, I wander over to the couch area in time to
see Rafe lift the cover from the tray. “Five!” I say, slipping over the back of the
couch so that I’m sitting next to Luca, leaning forward with interest. “How did they
know I mean, Luca just got here —”
“I left a note,” Ben says, looking up at me and shrugging. “Asked them to please
send mine here. I didn’t think you’d mind. I guess Luca did the same —
“Who cares,” Jesse murmurs, reaching eagerly for a plate and a set of silverware
rolled in a white napkin. “Seriously, why are we still talking? Everyone shut up
I just grin and start to pour the glasses of water and hand them around.
“Wish it was something a little better than water,” Luca murmurs when I hand him
his cup. “We’re celebrating, after all.”
1 grin a little, sitting next to Luca on the couch and considering that though he
might be right, I’m a little glad that we’re obliged to keep sober tonight. With a few
drinks in me and him looking like that? I’d probably have to sit on my hands to
keep myself from reaching out and stroking his face.
“What are those?” I ask noticing some folded up pieces of paper in the corner of
the tray as Rafe hands me my plate. I balance the dish on my knees as I dig in to
my meal steak, roasted potatoes, green beans lathered with butter, fresh brown
rolls. A shiver goes through me when I realize how amazing everything tastes.
God, food really is better up here than it is in the barracks. I had no idea we’d be
living in relative luxury candidacy really lowered my expectations.
But after the bath I took this afternoon and the evening meal tonight? I think I’m
going to like life in the Academy.
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« p ”
I don’t know,” Ben murmurs, and he
leans forward to grab them off the
, g
tray, as he’s closest. He takes a bite
of his meat as he sorts through them,
unfolding the one with his name on it.
« ” «
Oh, schedules!” he says. “Class
schedules, for tomorrow and the rest
” .
of term!” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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) .
There’s a great clattering of forks,
plates, and words as we all eagerly
reach forward, desperate to find out
because beyond our class schedule,
this also going to include information
on our educational track. The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
And this I am particularly dying to know.
paper is
Visit to read full content.
I put my unfinished plate on the floor,
still chewing a crispy piece of roll as I
snatch my schedule from Ben and
eagerly unfold it. My eyes flick over
my false name at the top, take in the
spreadsheet of class information at
the bottom, and… The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Right at the top of the sheet, in small letters below my name:
Espionage Track.
I let out a little squeal of delight, falling back into the couch cushions and kicking
my feet in excitement. Luca laughs, looking over me, pleased to see me pleased
And I go a little still, sitting up straight, trying to be just a little less girly. But still, I
can’t wipe the smile from my face.
“Get what you wanted, Shrimp?” Luca asks, leaning sideways to bump me with
his shoulder as, beyond him, Rafe and Jesse shout with joy, snatching their
schedules from each other and comparing their schedules.
“Yup,” I say, my smile growing. “Did you?”
“Sure did,” he says, holding out the schedule so that I can see it. “Warrior Track.”
1 grin at him, taking the schedule and looking it over. “Ohhh,” I say, noting that
he’s got a 7 am workout scheduled tomorrow and every other day this week, “you
have to get up early.”
“What, you don’t?” he asks, reaching for my paper.
I squeak a little, appalled, and hold it to my chest. “You don’t get my secrets that
easily. Luca Grant.”
“Oh, don’t 1?” he asks grinning and raising one eyebrow.

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