The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006
Elinor steadied Hallie once again, eyeing her struggle to leave. She quirked a brow and said, “Haillie, you look all over the place.
How about I have the Blanchet family’s driver give you a lift?”
Ellinor wasn’t really bothered about this woman who once did her wrong. But she figured if Haillie toddled off on her own and
something happened to her, the Blanchet family would be in the hot seat.
The Blanchet Corporation’s stock market was still on the mend, and the last thing they needed was another PR nightmare.
However, Haille swatted Ellinor’s offer away, shaking her head, “No need, I can manage on my own. Butt out!”
She didn’t dare to ride in a Blanchet family car because Theo was probably still hunting her down. If a Blanchet family driver
unintentionally spilled the beans to Theo about her whereabouts and got her delivered directly to the Blanchet Corporation, then
she’d be done for.
Haillie was resolute about leaving on her own. She wobbled to the door, opened it, then paused, turning back to Ellinor with a
pleading tone, “Ellinor, if it’s all right with you could you see me to the elevator? If I run into Putnam and Marissa on the way
down, I wouldn’t know what to say…”
Elinor mulled it over, then nodded and followed her out.
However, Putnam and Marissa were not downstairs. They probably retired to their rooms for their afternoon siesta, as elderly
folks often do.
In the living room, only Veronica was lounging on the couch, flipping through TV channels, seemingly unable to find a show to
her liking. She seemed a bit antsy.
Today, Moran had things to do at school and couldn’t tutor her; she was bored to tears.
Hearing footsteps, Veronica swiveled her head around and saw Haillie and Ellinor descending the stairs.
Remembering that she hadn’t had a chance to greet Haillie earlier, Veronica politely said, “Haillie, are you leaving already? Why
don’t you stay for dinner? My brother, Theo, will be home tonight!”
Veronica remembered Haillie being good friends with her brother and Jonah Wyton…

Haillie seemed a bit out of it. Hearing Theo’s name made her heart race. She managed a weak smile at Veronica, “No need,
Veronica. I’ve got things to do. I’ll treat you all to a meal when I have the chance!”
Veronica, bored out of her mind, turned off the TV, stood up, and said, “All right then! I’ll walk you out!”
Haillie’s face fell a bit, but she waved her off politely, “No need, Veronica. You keep watching TV.
But Veronica was already up and walking over. She shrugged and said, “It’s fine. There’s nothing good on TV anyway.”
Haillie fell silent.
Seeing this, Ellinor chimed in and said, “That’s fine, Haillie. Let Veronica walk you to the door. I’ll stay here.”
Then she turned to Veronica and said, “It’d be great if you could help Haillie hail a cab. She’s not feeling well.”
Veronica didn’t seem to mind. She just nodded, “Mhm, sure!”
Seeing Veronica obey Ellinor’s words so easily, Haillie was taken aback. In her memory, Veronica was a Patricia supporter and
couldn’t stand Ellinor.
Now, Veronica had accepted Ellinor too?
Veronica turned to Haillie and said, “Let’s go, Haillie. Ellinor just got home and is tired. She needs to rest. I’ll accompany you
Haillie snapped back to reality, glancing at Veronica, then at Ellinor, who was about to head back up to her room to rest.

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