The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1055

Chapter 1055
ida raised an eyebrow and began eyeing Byran’s handsome face, “Oh, I remember now, your head is pretty hard. You’ve even
smashed the tempered glass door of the hospital.”
Byran’s face darkened instantly, “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you, but you keep changing the subject!”
His voice rose out of anger.
Ida held a finger to her lips, signaling him to be quiet and not wake up the sleeping Ellinor.
It was only then that Byran realized he had raised his voice. He clamped his mouth shut, not uttering another word.
Ida ignored him. Since Ellinor had finally fallen asleep, Ida got up to cover her with a blanket, then moved to a distant sofa and
started playing mobile games to kill time.
If she remained beside Ellinor’s bed, Byran would keep pestering her with questions, potentially waking Ellinor up again.
Byran wandered over after seeing Ida engrossed in her game. He noticed her high game level and her game ID -DaDrizzle. The
name seemed familiar.
You’re playing this game too? I play it as well; how about we play together? I can help you win!”
Ida looked at her phone intently, completely uninterested in his offer, “No thanks; I’m just killing time; I’m not looking to play with
Byran frowned, “What’s your problem? I’ve told you I’m not a kid! I’m already an adult! Do you have memory loss or something?
Why are you always forgetting this?”
Ida ignored him, continuing to focus on her game and completely disregarding him.
Without a response, Byran felt disgruntled, but he knew better than to throw a tantrum in the hospital room. He sat there with his
arms crossed, fuming silently while glaring at Ida.
After a few games, Ida started to feel tired. She glanced at Ellinor, who was still asleep, then said to Byran, “If you’re not going to
sleep, can I catch a nap here?”

Byran scowled but got up anyway.
“Thanks!” Ida didn’t hesitate, and as soon as Byran got up, she sprawled lazily on the sofa, “If you’re not planning on leaving,
keep an eye on Ellinor for me. Wake me up if she does.”
“Fine!” Byran muttered, feeling peeved. He didn’t like being treated like a kid, even though he was often treated as such.
He didn’t want to watch Ida sleep, so he moved towards the window to look at the scenery, thinking about how to arrange a
future for his mother and
After a while, he heard a noise.
Byran turned his head and saw that Ida really had fallen asleep on the sofa. Her glasses had slipped off her face and fallen onto
the floor.
She was an adult; she should know that she had to take off her glasses before sleeping. Hmph!
With an annoyed look, Byran went over and bent down to pick up her glasses. His gaze unintentionally swept over her face, and
he was absolutely dumbstruck by her beauty.
Byran found himself holding his breath as the sound of his own heartbeat accelerating filled his ears.
What was going on? Why was his heart racing?
He… he couldn’t possibly be interested in this overly mature woman!
Ida suddenly opened her eyes, perhaps because she sensed that someone was close. Her cold gaze locked onto Byran, who
was closer than socially acceptable, “What do you want?”
Faced with her icy stare, Byran began to feel a bit guilty, “Your… your glasses fell off!!….I was just picking them up for you!”

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