Chapter 1052 Attack
It was an indescribable image.
Bullets were flying across Eastern Allied Army's airspace under the guidance of computers toward the predicted trajectory of
Remdik's missiles.
It was as though the Grim Reaper had set a large web of fire in the sky, enveloping the heavily armed soldiers on the ground.
The short-range missiles hid in the darkness of night.
Then, the powerful missiles silently and precisely rained down on the soldiers.
Innumerable balls of flame exploded in midair, illuminating River Onxy's airspace.
At that moment, the soldiers had totally forgotten about fear. It didn't matter if they hid in shelters or just stood in an open space
in the face of such an attack.
The light generated from the explosions landed on their countenances as though they had been marked by death.
While the air-defense network was effective in blocking the missiles, that didn't mean it could prevent all of them from landing on
their targets.
That was especially the case after most of the short-range missiles split open.
Even the most precise air-defense network can't hit every single missile traveling to their destinations.
At that moment, an arm-thick missile slipped through the air-defense network and landed on a living quarter.
Just as the people staring at the missile from below waited for their deaths in despair, a shield zipped through the air. Like a giant
palm, it slapped the missile back into the sky.
A nearly three-meter tall werewolf landed before the soldiers.
The shield returned to his hand with the help of spiritual energy.
“This is...” Initially, the soldiers were startled by the giant beast.
However, they shouted giddily once they saw the red scarf on the werewolf's wrist. “It's the Wolver Army! They've come to
rescue us!”
Promptly, the surrounding soldiers cheered.
However, the werewolf standing in the open space didn't react to the soldiers' delight. Instead, it stared at the dark sky with a
hollow look. It was as though it was a statue.
Wolver Army was the name Hades granted to the team of modified warriors.
There were nearly five thousand members in that army, and all of them were soldiers handpicked by Asura's Office before they
were trained for three years.
They received the best cultivation training, the best material support, and the best military guidance in Asura's Office's secret
If they were given more time, they would've become the new generation of core members in Asura's Office when they stepped
out of the base.
They would've become the first batch of substantial figures that Asura's Office cultivated to carry its banner into the future.
However, because of the war, all five thousand of them volunteered to undergo the modification plan.
Only less than forty of them were successfully turned into Beta Warriors, who still retained human thoughts and features.
The rest were transformed into mindless Alpha Warriors devoid of ego.
As for the failures, they died horribly. Their broken corpses were collected and disposed of.
It was all because they merely possessed the talent for cultivation.
Ordinary people were ironically the safest while people were getting converted into inhuman creatures.
It was just as what Karl said before he “died.”
It was precisely because he was a cultivator that he didn't want Killian to trek on the same path as he did.
Cultivators, entities that clashed against nature had, at some point, become the source of evil.
The werewolf warrior didn't acknowledge the soldiers' compliments. Suddenly, before the crowd could react, they saw the
werewolf throwing the shield again.
However, they weren't as lucky as before. The instant the missile struck the shield, an explosion occurred.
A flaming ball of death was brought into existence around twenty to thirty meters above the crowd.
The shockwave and shrapnel of the missile destroyed everything within a thirty-meter radius.
The werewolf was launched to the side by the shockwave and smashed into a military vehicle.
That occurrence wasn't exclusive to that one spot. Endless explosions could be heard everywhere in Eastern Allied Army's
As incredible as their air-defense network was, there were simply too many missiles in the air.
There were only less than two hundred Grandmaster Realm cultivators left in the base populated by eight hundred thousand
Even if those cultivators were spread across the entire area, it was still impossible for them to block all the missiles.
Hence, death and injuries were inevitable.
Outside of the central tent, Hayes and Hayes were standing in an open space, silently watching the night sky be painted red by
the explosions.
“Eclipse Army! Retaliate at any cost!” Hayes relayed another order to the missile unit.
Meanwhile, Hades contacted the Intelligence Unit. “Freddie, muster every ounce of strength you can to destroy Remdik's military
network by any means necessary.”
They would've become the first botch of substontiol figures thot Asuro's Office cultivoted to corry its bonner into the future.
However, becouse of the wor, oll five thousond of them volunteered to undergo the modificotion plon.
Only less thon forty of them were successfully turned into Beto Worriors, who still retoined humon thoughts ond feotures.
The rest were tronsformed into mindless Alpho Worriors devoid of ego.
As for the foilures, they died horribly. Their broken corpses were collected ond disposed of.
It wos oll becouse they merely possessed the tolent for cultivotion.
Ordinory people were ironicolly the sofest while people were getting converted into inhumon creotures.
It wos just os whot Korl soid before he “died.”
It wos precisely becouse he wos o cultivotor thot he didn't wont Killion to trek on the some poth os he did.
Cultivotors, entities thot closhed ogoinst noture hod, ot some point, become the source of evil.
The werewolf worrior didn't ocknowledge the soldiers' compliments. Suddenly, before the crowd could reoct, they sow the
werewolf throwing the shield ogoin.
However, they weren't os lucky os before. The instont the missile struck the shield, on explosion occurred.
A floming boll of deoth wos brought into existence oround twenty to thirty meters obove the crowd.
The shockwove ond shropnel of the missile destroyed everything within o thirty-meter rodius.
The werewolf wos lounched to the side by the shockwove ond smoshed into o militory vehicle.
Thot occurrence wosn't exclusive to thot one spot. Endless explosions could be heord everywhere in Eostern Allied Army's
As incredible os their oir-defense network wos, there were simply too mony missiles in the oir.
There were only less thon two hundred Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors left in the bose populoted by eight hundred thousond
Even if those cultivotors were spreod ocross the entire oreo, it wos still impossible for them to block oll the missiles.
Hence, deoth ond injuries were inevitoble.
Outside of the centrol tent, Hoyes ond Hoyes were stonding in on open spoce, silently wotching the night sky be pointed red by
the explosions.
“Eclipse Army! Retoliote ot ony cost!” Hoyes reloyed onother order to the missile unit.
Meonwhile, Hodes contocted the Intelligence Unit. “Freddie, muster every ounce of strength you con to destroy Remdik's militory
network by ony meons necessory.”
They would've become the first batch of substantial figures that Asura's Office cultivated to carry its banner into the future.
Thousands of kilometers away, Guardian Army, Shusonna Army, Southern Army, and Yalegard Legion had sent their fighter jets
toward River Onxy.
Aside from Southern Army, Shusonna Army's, Guardian Army's, and Yalegard Legion's fighter jets didn't take a detour and flew
directly across Yaleview airspace to reach their destination.
As for Wilbur, Hades had already contacted him.
Hades warned that Asura's Office would strike back against Yaleview Army with all its might if the army dared to attack the
former during the war at River Onxy.
It was the first time since Asura's Office's formation that the organization clearly stated its attitude toward Yaleview.
Meanwhile, within a small garden in Zedfield, Wilbur was lying on a chair watching the night sky.
The sound of fighter jets zooming across the air never once stopped since it started five minutes ago.
Naturally, his intelligence network had already noticed what was happening in Doveston. Ever since Remdik started gathering its
forces, he had been paying attention to the war at River Onxy. Finally, the war has begun.
An adjutant entered the garden with a plate of fruits. “I've prepared the fruits you've requested, Commander.”
Wilbur nodded with a smile. “Put it on the table.”
The adjutant did as Wilbur asked. Seeing that Wilbur didn't say anything, the adjutant turned around, preparing to leave.
Just as he did, Wilbur spoke. “Do you think we should intervene in Doveston's situation, Jacob?”
Upon hearing that, Jacob Valentine straightened his body, turned around, and saluted Wilbur. “I'll obey every order you have,
Commander. I'll be the first to run into any battlefield you want me to jump into. I won't retaliate if you ask me not to, even if the
enemy stabbed a knife into my heart!”
Wilbur was slightly bewildered by Jacob's words before he quickly waved his hand with a smile. “I'm not testing your loyalty. I'm
genuinely asking you if I, the commander, should interfere with Doveston's war.”
Upon hearing that Jacob still held his chest and head high. “I'm only a soldier, Commander. I do as I'm asked to. If it isn't
something I should think about, I won't.”
Wilbur sighed as a look of exhaustion flashed past his eyes.
Moments later, he waved his hand and slowly uttered, “You may leave now. Tell the troops to prepare for a Level One battle!”