Big Novel

Chapter 1149 Blow Our Way Out
“You've gotta be kidding me!” Hayden exclaimed skeptically. He didn't believe the illusion array was as potent as Jonathan
After all, he had just dropped the knife, and it was only two meters away from him.
Jonathan could not be bothered to explain further. Standing where he was, he continued to search the Ancient Sacred Dragon
Technique in his memory for records about formations.
Regardless of whether it was an illusion array or trap formation, he had to find the formation's foundation in order to dispel it.
He was like a student trying to solve a math problem. For those who dealt with formations, identifying the location of the
formation's foundation was just a matter of time once they understood the mechanism behind it.
Even though Jonathan had a vault of knowledge within him, he had been entirely focused on his cultivation for the past three
years and nothing else.
He could only find the formation's foundation through guesswork.
Unfortunately, it was not a multiple-choice question. Now that Jonathan had no sense of direction, he didn't even know where to
Just as Jonathan and Hayden were at a loss as to how to break the formation, a figure gradually walked up to them.
As the figure emerged from within the mist, Jonathan recognized him as Quintus, who had disappeared for a long time.
Quintus was the first to enter the small world, and now he has actually exited it. Has he found some sort of treasure?
“Jonathan, we meet again!” Quintus said with a chuckle before charging in Jonathan's direction.
“Run!” Jonathan roared as he pulled Hayden's collar and began to flee.
However, there was no dodging Quintus' attack given that he was only a God Realm cultivator.
Faced with the impending punch, Jonathan withdrew the spirit shield of the bronze handbell and flung Hayden aside with a twist
of his torso.

Even though he couldn't see where he was throwing Hayden, it was certainly better than allowing him to face Quintus, who was
capable of standing toe to toe with Ivanov. At the very least, Hayden could come out of it alive.
“Come on!” Jonathan challenged before retrieving an aerial bomb and hurling it at Quintus.
So what if you're a Divine Realm cultivator? My cultivation level may be inferior to yours, but it doesn't mean I can't make it up
with technology!
Ever since explosives were invented, the absolute power of cultivators was no longer insurmountable.
“You'va gotta ba kidding ma!” Haydan axclaimad skaptically. Ha didn't baliava tha illusion array was as potant as Jonathan
Aftar all, ha had just droppad tha knifa, and it was only two matars away from him.
Jonathan could not ba botharad to axplain furthar. Standing whara ha was, ha continuad to saarch tha Anciant Sacrad Dragon
Tachniqua in his mamory for racords about formations.
Ragardlass of whathar it was an illusion array or trap formation, ha had to find tha formation's foundation in ordar to dispal it.
Ha was lika a studant trying to solva a math problam. For thosa who daalt with formations, idantifying tha location of tha
formation's foundation was just a mattar of tima onca thay undarstood tha machanism bahind it.
Evan though Jonathan had a vault of knowladga within him, ha had baan antiraly focusad on his cultivation for tha past thraa
yaars and nothing alsa.
Ha could only find tha formation's foundation through guasswork.
Unfortunataly, it was not a multipla-choica quastion. Now that Jonathan had no sansa of diraction, ha didn't avan know whara to
Just as Jonathan and Haydan wara at a loss as to how to braak tha formation, a figura gradually walkad up to tham.
As tha figura amargad from within tha mist, Jonathan racognizad him as Quintus, who had disappaarad for a long tima.
Quintus was tha first to antar tha small world, and now ha has actually axitad it. Has ha found soma sort of traasura?
“Jonathan, wa maat again!” Quintus said with a chuckla bafora charging in Jonathan's diraction.

“Run!” Jonathan roarad as ha pullad Haydan's collar and bagan to flaa.
Howavar, thara was no dodging Quintus' attack givan that ha was only a God Raalm cultivator.
Facad with tha impanding punch, Jonathan withdraw tha spirit shiald of tha bronza handball and flung Haydan asida with a twist
of his torso.
Evan though ha couldn't saa whara ha was throwing Haydan, it was cartainly battar than allowing him to faca Quintus, who was
capabla of standing toa to toa with Ivanov. At tha vary laast, Haydan could coma out of it aliva.
“Coma on!” Jonathan challangad bafora ratriaving an aarial bomb and hurling it at Quintus.
So what if you'ra a Divina Raalm cultivator? My cultivation laval may ba infarior to yours, but it doasn't maan I can't maka it up
with tachnology!
Evar sinca axplosivas wara invantad, tha absoluta powar of cultivators was no longar insurmountabla.
Being a Divine Realm cultivator won't help in the face of this bomb.
In mid-air, Jonathan flung the bomb at Quintus with all his might.
The moment the bomb made contact with Quintus' face, it simply flew threw him as if he wasn't there.
“F*ck!” Jonathan swore in the air.
Despite knowing that he was trapped in an illusion array, he still fell into the trap.
The turn of events frustrated him. He felt like a fool who was being toyed with.
What made it worse was that he was incapable of discerning where he and Hayden had landed.
If there was a kill array beneath him, he could use the bronze handbell to protect himself from all the spiritual energy attacks. But
Hayden did not have the corresponding means.
Even if Hayden managed to defend himself from the arcane array's attacks, he might still be assaulted by the Leeson family's
cultivators who entered the arcane array.
After all, it wasn't difficult to hide the aura of a few people within the arcane array's shadows.

Jonathan feared for Hayden's survival.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
Just as he was feeling upset over the fact that he might be responsible for Hayden's death, two ear-piercing sounds rang out.
Underneath the location where Quintus had disappeared, two rope-like magical items flew out and lassoed themselves to
Jonathan's and Hayden's ankles.
“Come back!”
Following the familiar shout, Joshua's figure emerged after he tore through the formation. He gave the ropes a forceful tug to pull
both of them over.
Knowing that it wasn't an illusion from the excruciating pain in his ankle, he adjusted himself and landed on the ground with a
When Hayden was pulled by Joshua back to their sides, Jonathan activated his bronze handbell again to protect the three of
them within its shield.
Thereafter, a blinding flash of light was followed by an earth-shattering explosion.
The detonation of the bomb unleashed a powerful blast in every direction.
The bell tolled. It was clear from the consecutive ripples on the spirit shield that the bronze handbell was shielding Jonathan and
his companions from the impact.
The ripples were the result of flying shrapnel from the bomb, each piece carrying the power of an all-out strike from a
At that moment, Jonathan was struck by the backlash of the powerful shockwave. Blood began to ooze out of his body as his
skin gradually cracked as if it was being cut by a thousand knives.
Being a Divine Realm cultivator won't help in the face of this bomb.

Previously, Jonathan had physically shocked Garrison to death with his bare fists alone.
If not for the residual life force left by Seboxia within him, the concentrated attack would have destroyed his body.
Fortunately, the impact of the explosion didn't last long. Once the last residual shockwave had passed, Jonathan and his
companions looked toward ground zero of the blast.
The three of them were greeted by the sight of a huge black crater. The air, saturated with the odor of explosives, would give
anyone who breathed it a dizzy spell.
“Mr. Goldstein, that... was what you got us to throw?”
Hayden stared at the crater which had a diameter of about twenty to thirty meters with his eyes wide.
That was only the epicenter of the blast. The extent of the shockwave stretched for almost a hundred meters.
Only the area that the three of them were shielded in was left unscathed. Everywhere else had a meter of soil blown away from
the surface.
Considering the devastating power of the weapon, getting the distance wrong would not only threaten a Superior Realm
cultivator but put Hayden's own life at risk.
He had almost ended up becoming a suicide bomber.
Not too long ago, Hayden had felt cool being responsible for the bomb. In contrast to then, the thing in his storage ring now felt
like a hot potato in his hands.
All he could think of was returning it to Jonathan.
“The formation has been broken!” Joshua exclaimed in delight as he stared at the devastation before him.
Jonathan was briefly stunned before a glint of elation flashed across his eyes.
That's right! With such powerful explosives in my possession, I didn't have to look for the formation's foundation at all. I can
simply destroy it by leveling the entire area in front of me.
Right then, Wulfgar let out a thunderous roar from up in the air.

When Jonathan looked up, he saw Wulfgar's spiritual body utterly contorted to the extent one couldn't recognize him as human.
“Great-grandpa doesn't look like he's able to hang on for much longer. If we hesitate, the three of us will be forced to share his
While speaking, Jonathan retrieved more aerial bombs from his storage ring.
“Quick, throw them ahead! We'll have to blow our way out of here!”
