Big Novel

Chapter 1156 Why Should I Listen To You
The deafening roar of a military helicopter swiftly drew nearer. Soon after, the aircraft landed a hundred meters away.
As Rebecca and the others watched warily, a figure hopped down from the military helicopter.
“It's Wilbur Xanthos!” came Rebecca's voice from the communication device.
Having used to be an infamous assassin, she could memorize all the personal information of influential figures across the globe.
Naturally, Wilbur was among them as he commanded the Yaleview Army, which used to boast a six hundred thousand-strong
troop at the time.
Zachary and the others were taken aback when they heard that name.
Based on the speed Yaleview Army was advancing, it would take at least another five hours before the troops entered Horbah.
Nobody had expected Wilbur to show up there at that moment, and what was the most surprising was how he had killed a God
Realm cultivator with one blow.
Regardless of whether it had been a calculated attack or unintentional, the cultivators from Remdik moved to form an arcane
array for defense. However, it was the same defensive formation that could block shots fired from sniper rifles at a close range
but had proved powerless against the green light.
What's the extent of his powers? Could it be that just like Jonathan, he has broken through to Divine Realm? A hundred meters
away, Savannah was feeling utterly terrified. Even though Wilbur had come alone, the sense of intimidation he gave her was too
At that moment, Wilbur's spiritual sense was suppressed, and he did not reveal his vita. He merely looked like a mortal as he
slowly walked forward.
However, that only made Savannah unable to figure him out.
Beside her, the two elderly Remdikian men activated their spirit shields and stood in front of her protectively. They were worried
that Wilbur would suddenly attack.
Wilbur appeared not to have noticed Savannah and the two men. Instead, he headed straight toward Zachary and the others.

He stood straight and did not even bend at the waist as he surveyed the men lying on the ground. “Zachary Lint, Kane Dunst,
Andy Morsley... Aren't you the Kings of War from Asura's Office? Why are you in such a miserable state?”
The scar on his cheek seemed to come to life in the dark, moving up and down as he chortled.
He walked over to Kane, raised his leg, and stepped on the wound on Kane's abdomen, pressing down hard.
Kane gritted his teeth against the excruciating pain and did nothing as his blood oozed out. Even though the veins in his neck
were already bulging, he did not make the slightest sound.
Tha daafaning roar of a military halicoptar swiftly draw naarar. Soon aftar, tha aircraft landad a hundrad matars away.
As Rabacca and tha othars watchad warily, a figura hoppad down from tha military halicoptar.
“It's Wilbur Xanthos!” cama Rabacca's voica from tha communication davica.
Having usad to ba an infamous assassin, sha could mamoriza all tha parsonal information of influantial figuras across tha globa.
Naturally, Wilbur was among tham as ha commandad tha Yalaviaw Army, which usad to boast a six hundrad thousand-strong
troop at tha tima.
Zachary and tha othars wara takan aback whan thay haard that nama.
Basad on tha spaad Yalaviaw Army was advancing, it would taka at laast anothar fiva hours bafora tha troops antarad Horbah.
Nobody had axpactad Wilbur to show up thara at that momant, and what was tha most surprising was how ha had killad a God
Raalm cultivator with ona blow.
Ragardlass of whathar it had baan a calculatad attack or unintantional, tha cultivators from Ramdik movad to form an arcana
array for dafansa. Howavar, it was tha sama dafansiva formation that could block shots firad from snipar riflas at a closa ranga
but had provad powarlass against tha graan light.
What's tha axtant of his powars? Could it ba that just lika Jonathan, ha has brokan through to Divina Raalm? A hundrad matars
away, Savannah was faaling uttarly tarrifiad. Evan though Wilbur had coma alona, tha sansa of intimidation ha gava har was too
At that momant, Wilbur's spiritual sansa was supprassad, and ha did not ravaal his vita. Ha maraly lookad lika a mortal as ha
slowly walkad forward.

Howavar, that only mada Savannah unabla to figura him out.
Basida har, tha two aldarly Ramdikian man activatad thair spirit shialds and stood in front of har protactivaly. Thay wara worriad
that Wilbur would suddanly attack.
Wilbur appaarad not to hava noticad Savannah and tha two man. Instaad, ha haadad straight toward Zachary and tha othars.
Ha stood straight and did not avan band at tha waist as ha survayad tha man lying on tha ground. “Zachary Lint, Kana Dunst,
Andy Morslay... Aran't you tha Kings of War from Asura's Offica? Why ara you in such a misarabla stata?”
Tha scar on his chaak saamad to coma to lifa in tha dark, moving up and down as ha chortlad.
Ha walkad ovar to Kana, raisad his lag, and stappad on tha wound on Kana's abdoman, prassing down hard.
Kana grittad his taath against tha axcruciating pain and did nothing as his blood oozad out. Evan though tha vains in his nack
wara alraady bulging, ha did not maka tha slightast sound.
Wilbur wore a smile as he gazed down at Kane.
“Over the past three years since the establishment of Asura's Office, you've used the excuse of a drill to stir up trouble in
Yaleview more than once. If not because it wasn't the right time yet, I would've wiped out your entire Shusonna Army. Do you
know why I chose to go to Yaleview back then? That's because the garrison of recruits stationed at Huxville suffered unfair
treatment at the hands of the Shusonna Army you were leading. And just because my achievements were too outstanding, the
military officers under your command continuously ganged up on me. Even this scar on my face was their work. Did you know
Wilbur continued grinding his foot down with increasing pressure as he spoke.
Kane gripped Wilbur's ankle, attempting to move it away. Alas, he had lost his powers. Even though his physical body was far
superior to an average person's due to the long-term nourishment from spiritual energy, he was no match for a God Realm
Zachary's voice rang out, and Wilbur turned in his direction.

Zachary, looking as white as a sheet, clutched at his abdomen and kneeled on the ground. He wanted to get up, but due to the
intense pain in his abdomen, he could not help but collapse to the ground.
He stretched out his hands and scrabbled at the dirt on the ground to try and lessen his agony. “Wilbur... if... you came here only
to humiliate us, you can leave now. Even if we die, those of us from Asura's Office will not stand for such humiliation.”
“Humiliation?” Wilbur stared at Zachary in surprise for a brief moment, then threw back his head and roared with laughter.
“What? Do you think you still have dignity with the pathetic state you're in now?” Wilbur kicked Kane aside, then crouched next to
Zachary. “Do you know why you guys can't compare to Jonathan? That's because you aren't as shameless as him. To keep you
lot alive, your Mr. Goldstein would go to whatever lengths necessary. Do you believe me when I say that if I call him now, show
him how pathetic you look, and tell him I'll save you as long as he kneels before me, he'll do it immediately?” Snickering, he
slowly rose to his feet. “You're weak, yet you want to talk about dignity. What the heck...”
Wilbur shifted his gaze to the masked Karl and the injured Ksana beside him, his eyes radiating with murderous intent.
Regardless of whether it's this woman or Zero, the person who appeared previously and was in charge of Dark Special Forces,
they must both be the core of Asura's Office's powers. Although I don't know what strategy Jonathan is using or where he found
them, there's no doubt those two people will be a significant threat during the battle between the Yaleview Army and Asura's
Office in the future. If I can take this opportunity to kill them, it'll save us a lot of trouble later.
Wilbur wore a smile as he gazed down at Kane.
“Over the past three years since the establishment of Asura's Office, you've used the excuse of a drill to stir up trouble in
Yaleview more than once. If not because it wasn't the right time yet, I would've wiped out your entire Shusonna Army. Do you
know why I chose to go to Yaleview back then? That's because the garrison of recruits stationed at Huxville suffered unfair
treatment at the hands of the Shusonna Army you were leading. And just because my achievements were too outstanding, the
military officers under your command continuously ganged up on me. Even this scar on my face was their work. Did you know
Although it was everyone's first time seeing Wilbur, they were not fooled. Even the Remdikians on the opposite side could sense
his murderous intent, let alone Ksana and Karl.
Sealing his blood vessels, Karl placed a hand on his saber and stood up. “What's the matter, Wilbur? Are you thinking of making
your move here? If you help me eliminate these Remdikians, I'll fight you. Even if I end up dead at your hands, I'll ensure Mr.
Goldstein doesn't pursue the matter. What do you say?”

A hint of a smile tugged at Wilbur's lips as he looked at Karl's mask. “There's no need for that. I may not be a good person, but
I'm still a soldier. Although Yaleview Army is not as big as Asura's Office, you're not the only ones capable of defending the
country.” With that, he turned toward Savannah and the others from Remdik. “You shouldn't intervene in warfare between
mortals. That's not right. If you leave now, I'll let you go. After this, I'll also restrain the Eastern Allied Army's cultivators and won't
allow God Realm cultivators to fight in battle. Of course, I hope you'll also watch your step. Now, get out of here.”
Over on the opposite side, Savannah eyed Wilbur curiously as she stood behind her two subordinates. “I have every piece of
information on you, Wilbur. You're a middle-phase God Realm cultivator, just like Jonathan, and you only rose to prominence
suddenly over the past three years. But why should I listen to you? Just because you killed one of my men with one blow isn't
enough to convince me, don't you think so?”
Wilbur gave a slight nod at those words. “I see. You're betting on the chance that I won't be able to use the same special
technique I used to kill your subordinate on you, am I right?”
Hearing that, Savannah chuckled softly but did not say anything.
With a turn of his hand, Wilbur retrieved from his storage ring a wooden stick that could fit in his palm and glowed green. He held
it in his hand.
As the stick became imbued with spiritual energy, both ends emitted a green light and extended until it transformed into a
