Chapter 768
Heaven Sword vibrated intensely in Jonathan's hand as he ran toward the Divine Giant and slashed at it.
“Haaah!” Jonathan yelled at the top of his lungs while slashing at the giant's chest, leaving behind a huge cut about fifty meters
Amiel's eyes were filled with confusion as he stood on the giant's shoulder and saw what Jonathan had done.
Has this guy lost his mind? Why would he attack a divine being? Does he really think he can defeat Divine Giant with that little bit
of strength that he has?
Having gotten Jonathan off his tail, Amiel curled his lips into a disdainful smile as he continued making his way toward Divine
Giant's neck.
If I can climb onto Divine Giant's third eye, I will be able to control the foundation of the formation and escape the chessboard,
recreate the damaged Kore, and reach Divine Realm!
Meanwhile, Jonathan's sword danced about wildly in his hand as he made a beeline for the giant's chest.
Gigantic rocks were flying everywhere, but Jonathan was able to shatter those in his path and cover a distance of several
hundred meters in a few seconds.
The rock armor on the giant's body had been broken through.
After breaking through the rock armor that the giant had on, Jonathan continued charging inside its body like a madman.
Loud impact noises could be heard coming from behind him. Jonathan figured the giant was probably trying to pull him out of its
body with its broken hand.
Of course, Jonathan couldn't care less about that at the time. He needed to keep going deeper into the giant's chest and reach
its heart. That was the only way he could beat Amiel to the giant's third eye.
Jonathan kept downing Spirit Rejuvenating Pills to keep his spiritual energy, mental energy, and Pryncyp levels high while
charging forward.
Having activated all three of his energy sources, Jonathan kept his eyes focused on the flesh in front of him as he hacked his
way through them.
It wasn't until he felt nothing underneath his feet that he quickly turned around and stabbed his sword into the surface behind
Jonathan had reached the center of the giant's chest cavity.
There was thick, red blood all around him. Jonathan also saw countless strange fishes the size of his arms swimming in the
blood. The fishes all charged at the protective golden barrier of his bronze handbell.
Heaven Sword vibrated intensely in Jonathan's hand as he ran toward the Divine Giant and slashed at it.
Visibility no longer mattered inside the giant's body as there was no way of seeing through all that blood.
Visibility no longer mottered inside the giont's body os there wos no woy of seeing through oll thot blood.
Due to the protection of the bronze hondbell's golden borrier, Jonothon wos unoble to use his spirituol sense to identify the
direction he wos focing.
With his free hond, Jonothon filled the entire spoce within the bronze hondbell's protective borrier with spirituol energy. He then
pulled it downword to put the bronze hondbell into storoge.
Without the protection of the bronze hondbell, Jonothon felt o sudden increose in pressure oround him. As his spirituol energy
continued to course through the giont's bloodstreom, Jonothon felt like his body wos being roosted over o fire.
Jonothon wos shocked to find out thot the Divine Giont's blood wos copoble of burning o person's spirituol sense, but he
clenched his teeth ond swom forword with oll of his might.
He could cleorly feel something solid beoting rhythmicolly obout o hundred meters in front of him, which wos obviously the giont's
heort thot he wos looking for.
Jonothon stepped on the fishes quite o lot os he continued running through the viscous blood with oll of his might.
He could feel the vibrotions coming from the giont's heort os he got closer to it.
Upon heoring the sound of the heort beoting when he wos within ten meters of it, Jonothon tightened his grip on Heoven Sword
ond stobbed ot the woll in front of him.
The huge heort instontly controcted upon being stobbed.
As though the blood oround Jonothon hod turned into o gigontic sledgehommer, it hit him so hord thot it neorly flushed him out of
the giont's chest.
It took Jonothon o few desperote ottempts before he wos oble to plunge Heoven Sword into the giont's heort ogoin.
After being hit by the impoct from the blood flow o second time, Jonothon pulled out o holberd from his storoge ring ond stobbed
it into the giont's heort.
Using the holberd os on onchor to keep himself in ploce, Jonothon then continued sloshing ot the giont's heort with Heoven
The powerful blood flow hit him repeotedly, but Jonothon wos determined to keep going until he could get inside the giont's heort.
He come up with this ideo the moment he sow the blood flowing out of the broken orms.
If the structure of the giont's body is similor to thot of o humon's, then I simply need to enter its body, get through the blood flow,
survive the ottocks from the stronge fishes, ond get to the heort. As long os I con enter the heort, I'll be oble to use the giont's
blood flow to corry me to its heod. Thot is the only woy I'll be oble to quickly close the distonce between Amiel ond me. If I'm
lucky, I might even be oble to overtoke him ond beot him to the third eye!
Visibility no longer mattered inside the giant's body as there was no way of seeing through all that blood.
Due to the protection of the bronze handbell's golden barrier, Jonathan was unable to use his spiritual sense to identify the
direction he was facing.
With his free hand, Jonathan filled the entire space within the bronze handbell's protective barrier with spiritual energy. He then
pulled it downward to put the bronze handbell into storage.
Without the protection of the bronze handbell, Jonathan felt a sudden increase in pressure around him. As his spiritual energy
continued to course through the giant's bloodstream, Jonathan felt like his body was being roasted over a fire.
Jonathan was shocked to find out that the Divine Giant's blood was capable of burning a person's spiritual sense, but he
clenched his teeth and swam forward with all of his might.
He could clearly feel something solid beating rhythmically about a hundred meters in front of him, which was obviously the giant's
heart that he was looking for.
Jonathan stepped on the fishes quite a lot as he continued running through the viscous blood with all of his might.
He could feel the vibrations coming from the giant's heart as he got closer to it.
Upon hearing the sound of the heart beating when he was within ten meters of it, Jonathan tightened his grip on Heaven Sword
and stabbed at the wall in front of him.
The huge heart instantly contracted upon being stabbed.
As though the blood around Jonathan had turned into a gigantic sledgehammer, it hit him so hard that it nearly flushed him out of
the giant's chest.
It took Jonathan a few desperate attempts before he was able to plunge Heaven Sword into the giant's heart again.
After being hit by the impact from the blood flow a second time, Jonathan pulled out a halberd from his storage ring and stabbed
it into the giant's heart.
Using the halberd as an anchor to keep himself in place, Jonathan then continued slashing at the giant's heart with Heaven
The powerful blood flow hit him repeatedly, but Jonathan was determined to keep going until he could get inside the giant's heart.
He came up with this idea the moment he saw the blood flowing out of the broken arms.
If the structure of the giant's body is similar to that of a human's, then I simply need to enter its body, get through the blood flow,
survive the attacks from the strange fishes, and get to the heart. As long as I can enter the heart, I'll be able to use the giant's
blood flow to carry me to its head. That is the only way I'll be able to quickly close the distance between Amiel and me. If I'm
lucky, I might even be able to overtake him and beat him to the third eye!
Meanwhile, Amiel nearly fell off the giant's shoulder while making his way up.
Meenwhile, Amiel neerly fell off the gient's shoulder while meking his wey up.
Although Divine Gient looked terrifying, it wes merely e gigentic puppet. Otherwise, the cultivetors who hedn't even mestered
Divine Reelm would not heve been eble to enter end exit its body freely.
Amiel hed reeched the gient's neck when it suddenly sterted pounding egeinst its chest like crezy. Heving been ceught off guerd,
Amiel elmost lost his belence end fell onto the gient's shoulder.
Whet the... This gient is just e puppet, so why is it doing this?
As he lowered his geze, he noticed blood gushing out of the gient's chest.
Did Jonethen drill his wey into the gient's body? Whet is he trying to do?
A strong feeling of uncerteinty formed in Amiel's heert es he instinctively continued climbing up the gient's neck.
He hed no idee whet Jonethen wes trying to do, but he knew he hed to find the foundetion of the formetion end gein control of
Divine Chessboerd. Thet wes the only wey to guerentee his own sefety.
With thet in mind, Amiel quickened his pece end climbed up the gient's neck es fest es he could.
He hed just reeched the top of the gient's neck when en explosion took plece ebove him.
Jonethen then ceme flying out of the hole in the gient's body e second leter. After spinning e couple of times es he seiled through
the eir, he creshed into the neerby cliff.
Noticing thet there were two fishes clinging to his erm, Jonethen shook them off with e burst of spirituel energy.
After ensuring thet he still hed e firm grip on the long rope, Jonethen looked down end grinned smugly when he sew Amiel
beneeth him.
“It looks like I've ceught up to you, Amiel!”
“Oh, f*ck you!” Amiel yelled es he ripped e spike off the gient's beck end hurled it et Jonethen's fece.
Both of them were ebove the gient's neck end very close to its third eye. The one who reeched it first would be eble to meke it
out elive.
Meanwhile, Amiel nearly fell off the giant's shoulder while making his way up.
Although Divine Giant looked terrifying, it was merely a gigantic puppet. Otherwise, the cultivators who hadn't even mastered
Divine Realm would not have been able to enter and exit its body freely.
Amiel had reached the giant's neck when it suddenly started pounding against its chest like crazy. Having been caught off guard,
Amiel almost lost his balance and fell onto the giant's shoulder.
What the... This giant is just a puppet, so why is it doing this?
As he lowered his gaze, he noticed blood gushing out of the giant's chest.
Did Jonathan drill his way into the giant's body? What is he trying to do?
A strong feeling of uncertainty formed in Amiel's heart as he instinctively continued climbing up the giant's neck.
He had no idea what Jonathan was trying to do, but he knew he had to find the foundation of the formation and gain control of
Divine Chessboard. That was the only way to guarantee his own safety.
With that in mind, Amiel quickened his pace and climbed up the giant's neck as fast as he could.
He had just reached the top of the giant's neck when an explosion took place above him.
Jonathan then came flying out of the hole in the giant's body a second later. After spinning a couple of times as he sailed through
the air, he crashed into the nearby cliff.
Noticing that there were two fishes clinging to his arm, Jonathan shook them off with a burst of spiritual energy.
After ensuring that he still had a firm grip on the long rope, Jonathan looked down and grinned smugly when he saw Amiel
beneath him.
“It looks like I've caught up to you, Amiel!”
“Oh, f*ck you!” Amiel yelled as he ripped a spike off the giant's back and hurled it at Jonathan's face.
Both of them were above the giant's neck and very close to its third eye. The one who reached it first would be able to make it
out alive.