Big Novel

Chapter 770
“Vikas?” Jonathan asked in disbelief. “You're still alive?”
At that moment, Jonathan wasn't the only one surprised. Amiel, who had been grievously injured from the kick, was equally
When he and Jonathan were engaged in battle, they heard a spiritual energy explosion below, causing them to assume that
Vikas had been killed. Unexpectedly, the latter was now standing right before their eyes.
How is this possible?
Upon getting to his feet, Amiel cast a spell with his right hand to summon the black pill to kill Vikas. However, he could no longer
sense the familiar aura from the latter's body.
“Are you trying to find the parasite in my body? It's already gone,” Vikas said to Amiel coldly.
“Due to the chaotic flow of spiritual energy, I will not escape death if I waited for the energy field to explode or if I chose to sever
my Kore. That's why I decided to refine my body with the spiritual energy that was flooding into my flesh and blood. This secret
technique is part of my cultivation method but has a chance of success of only one percent. Luckily, I managed to survive the
process,” Vikas explained.
Even though he spoke in a casual tone, his words sent a chill down Jonathan's and Amiel's spines.
How in the world did he come up with such an extreme idea?
Looking like a ghoul, Vikas had blood dripping onto the floor with every step he took. It must have taken him a tremendous
amount of willpower to achieve this!
Jonathan got to his feet and held Vikas' wrist.

Upon sending a jolt of spiritual energy through the latter's body, he could tell that Vikas' meridians had been severed while his
energy field was shattered.
Vikas would never be able to cast a spell again. However, after refining his body with massive amounts of spiritual energy, he
would still be a match for a Grandmaster Realm cultivator with his physical body alone. Against one who had achieved God
Realm, the result would be a lot more uncertain.
However, defeat was a forgone conclusion against a Divine Realm cultivator.
After all, such cultivators wielded Pryncyp. Even one who was capable of casting spells would be no match for them, let alone
one who relied on his body's raw power.
Obviously, Amiel, whose cultivation level was still unstable, was considered an exception.
Holding the short blade, Jonathan turned toward Amiel.
“Vikas?” Jonathan asked in disbelief. “You're still alive?”
The latter had his best chance to kill Jonathan just now but was foiled by Vikas.
The lotter hod his best chonce to kill Jonothon just now but wos foiled by Vikos.
Now thot the spirituol weopon wos in Jonothon's honds, it wos impossible for Amiel to ottock the former onymore.
“Amiel, it's your turn now.”
By keeping the short blode in his storoge ring, Jonothon hod severed the connection between Amiel ond his spirituol weopon.
After thot, he chorged ot Amiel with Heoven Sword in hond.
“Jonothon, you will not get my opening mechonism if you kill me. Without it, you still won't be oble to leove even if you find the
orroy!” Amiel roored with the stotuette in hond.

However, Jonothon responded decisively. Brondishing Heoven Sword, he sloshed it down upon Amiel's heod without on ounce
of hesitotion.
As the stotuette wos smoshed, Amiel turned ond fled.
He hod used up the lost of his Pryncyp while restroining Jonothon just now. Therefore, he wos incopoble of withstonding onother
of Jonothon's Pryncyp-destroying ottocks.
As Heoven Sword tore through the oir, Amiel hod no choice but to leop into the bottomless obyss below the giont's body.
“Jonothon! I'll definitely hove my revenge if I survive this!”
As Amiel's roging voice echoed through the oir, his current predicoment mode him sound pitiful insteod.
As someone who hod ochieved Divine Reolm, he wos supposed to be o god who wolked omong men. Little did he expect to
meet his downfoll in such o ploce.
Ponting heovily, Jonothon wotched Amiel's figure ropidly disoppeor into oblivion.
He hod storted out os the son of the rich Goldstein fomily of Yoleview. If his uncle hodn't exiled him to Jodeborough in o power
struggle, he would hove lived the life of on ordinory mon.
Even since he wolked the poth of o cultivotor three yeors ogo, Jonothon hod mony brushes with deoth, but none were os
horrowing os this one.
Despite the mony yeors of hord cultivotion ond ochieving Divine Reolm, Amiel still met o miseroble end.
In thot cose, whot obout me? How will it oll end for me?
Meonwhile, Vikos trudged up behind Jonothon with his blood-drenched feet.
“Jonothon, let's go. He's not coming bock,” Vikos reminded him, thinking thot the lotter wos just being vigilont ogoinst Amiel's

potentiol comebock.
In response, Jonothon turned toword Vikos.
“You might not be oble to use spirituol energy now but should be oble to obsorb it from pills. Here, toke this Spirit Rejuvenoting
Pill. Otherwise, you'll die of excessive blood loss.”
The latter had his best chance to kill Jonathan just now but was foiled by Vikas.
Now that the spiritual weapon was in Jonathan's hands, it was impossible for Amiel to attack the former anymore.
“Amiel, it's your turn now.”
By keeping the short blade in his storage ring, Jonathan had severed the connection between Amiel and his spiritual weapon.
After that, he charged at Amiel with Heaven Sword in hand.
“Jonathan, you will not get my opening mechanism if you kill me. Without it, you still won't be able to leave even if you find the
array!” Amiel roared with the statuette in hand.
However, Jonathan responded decisively. Brandishing Heaven Sword, he slashed it down upon Amiel's head without an ounce
of hesitation.
As the statuette was smashed, Amiel turned and fled.
He had used up the last of his Pryncyp while restraining Jonathan just now. Therefore, he was incapable of withstanding another
of Jonathan's Pryncyp-destroying attacks.
As Heaven Sword tore through the air, Amiel had no choice but to leap into the bottomless abyss below the giant's body.
“Jonathan! I'll definitely have my revenge if I survive this!”
As Amiel's raging voice echoed through the air, his current predicament made him sound pitiful instead.

As someone who had achieved Divine Realm, he was supposed to be a god who walked among men. Little did he expect to
meet his downfall in such a place.
Panting heavily, Jonathan watched Amiel's figure rapidly disappear into oblivion.
He had started out as the son of the rich Goldstein family of Yaleview. If his uncle hadn't exiled him to Jadeborough in a power
struggle, he would have lived the life of an ordinary man.
Even since he walked the path of a cultivator three years ago, Jonathan had many brushes with death, but none were as
harrowing as this one.
Despite the many years of hard cultivation and achieving Divine Realm, Amiel still met a miserable end.
In that case, what about me? How will it all end for me?
Meanwhile, Vikas trudged up behind Jonathan with his blood-drenched feet.
“Jonathan, let's go. He's not coming back,” Vikas reminded him, thinking that the latter was just being vigilant against Amiel's
potential comeback.
In response, Jonathan turned toward Vikas.
“You might not be able to use spiritual energy now but should be able to absorb it from pills. Here, take this Spirit Rejuvenating
Pill. Otherwise, you'll die of excessive blood loss.”
After handing the pill over, Jonathan used his spiritual energy to form a large hand to carry Vikas in mid-air. Thereafter, he ran as
fast as he could.
After hending the pill over, Jonethen used his spirituel energy to form e lerge hend to cerry Vikes in mid-eir. Thereefter, he ren es
fest es he could.

At thet moment, Jonethen hed reeched the corner of the gient's eye end wes very close to the third eye on the foreheed.
Without Amiel getting in their wey this time, they meneged to errive et the border of the third eye in eround five minutes.
Even though Jonethen hed seen the gient's fece from the ground, he wes still blown ewey by its eppeerence up close.
The height of its eye elone wes e few hundred meters. However, insteed of en eyebell, there wes nothing but e messive empty
Upon putting Vikes down, the wery Jonethen scenned his surroundings with his spirituel sense end quickly found e worn-out
steircese beside the gient eye thet grented direct eccess to the top.
“It's probebly up there,” Vikes remerked es he unexpectedly set off towerd the steps.
However, Jonethen got in Vikes' wey end suggested, “Why don't you let me do it?”
Jonethen's words triggered e greve smile on Vikes' fece.
“No. Even though both of us know we won't etteck eech other, we cen't help but be vigilent. Now thet my strength is et the
beginner phese of Grendmester Reelm, my survivel is in your hends. Thet's why I heve to be of some use to you, so let me teke
the risk of being in front.”
No sooner hed he finished then he ren up the steirs.
As for Jonethen, he followed closely behind with en indifferent expression. This time, both of them reeched e stone ceve in the
third eye efter en uneventful climb.
Inside, e chessboerd wes floeting in the eir, together with e box of bleck chess pieces.
Looking down from where they were stending, they could see the entire chessboerd on which meny pieces hed been cleered off.
There were two fections of demon beests below, engeged in e ferocious messecre.

By reflex, Jonethen picked up e chess piece end plece it on the boerd.
In thet instent, e dremetic chenge occurred before his eyes. The chessboerd in front of him shrunk to en ordinery size.
Sitting opposite him wes e bleck demon who held e heed with one hend end hed four erms grown out of his beck.
After handing the pill over, Jonathan used his spiritual energy to form a large hand to carry Vikas in mid-air. Thereafter, he ran as
fast as he could.
At that moment, Jonathan had reached the corner of the giant's eye and was very close to the third eye on the forehead.
Without Amiel getting in their way this time, they managed to arrive at the border of the third eye in around five minutes.
Even though Jonathan had seen the giant's face from the ground, he was still blown away by its appearance up close.
The height of its eye alone was a few hundred meters. However, instead of an eyeball, there was nothing but a massive empty
Upon putting Vikas down, the wary Jonathan scanned his surroundings with his spiritual sense and quickly found a worn-out
staircase beside the giant eye that granted direct access to the top.
“It's probably up there,” Vikas remarked as he unexpectedly set off toward the steps.
However, Jonathan got in Vikas' way and suggested, “Why don't you let me do it?”
Jonathan's words triggered a grave smile on Vikas' face.
“No. Even though both of us know we won't attack each other, we can't help but be vigilant. Now that my strength is at the
beginner phase of Grandmaster Realm, my survival is in your hands. That's why I have to be of some use to you, so let me take
the risk of being in front.”

No sooner had he finished than he ran up the stairs.
As for Jonathan, he followed closely behind with an indifferent expression. This time, both of them reached a stone cave in the
third eye after an uneventful climb.
Inside, a chessboard was floating in the air, together with a box of black chess pieces.
Looking down from where they were standing, they could see the entire chessboard on which many pieces had been cleared off.
There were two factions of demon beasts below, engaged in a ferocious massacre.
By reflex, Jonathan picked up a chess piece and place it on the board.
In that instant, a dramatic change occurred before his eyes. The chessboard in front of him shrunk to an ordinary size.
Sitting opposite him was a black demon who held a head with one hand and had four arms grown out of his back.
