Big Novel

Chapter 782
Before Jonathan even stopped speaking, he had already vanished atop the mall.
Meanwhile, Blaze shot an impenetrable gaze at Jonathan's disappearing silhouette.
“I'm here to kill, not to save people!” Blaze groaned.
However, the next moment, he too, disappeared from Vikas' sight.
As the falcon's sharp talons were about to strike the female cultivator's body, a sudden and strange energy fluctuation came from
behind her, altering the scene before her.
When she opened her eyes again, she found herself perched on top of the falcon's head.
“You shouldn't have forced yourself to attack if you don't have what it takes.”
Blaze held an Adrune long sword and laughed as he spoke. At the same time, he thrust the blade into the falcon's eye.
He leapt to his feet as the falcon let out a piercing wail. Then, he landed on the long sword, kicking it with all his might.
The long sword spanning over a meter was plunged right into the falcon's eye and penetrated its skull.
The excruciating pain made the falcon shriek as it plummeted into the tall building nearby.
Blaze grabbed the female cultivator beside him. In the blink of an eye, they were already atop another tall building.
The entire sequence of movements took less than five breaths to complete, showcasing how Blaze had mastered the use of his
spatial magical item to its utmost potential.
“There are still two and a half minutes left. If they use the special missile now, half of Baxrich is going to be reduced to ashes.

Given your cultivation skills, I'd suggest you leave as soon as possible,” Blaze said.
Then, he appeared right on the battlefield soon after.
The rescued female cultivator gritted her teeth and looked in Blaze's direction. With a leap, she returned to the battlefield.
Meanwhile, Jonathan stood beside a giant hedgehog, clutching Heaven Sword in his hand.
The hedgehog's spikes were incredibly firm, and even armor-piercing bombs were useless against it when detonated.
With its natural armor as protection, the hedgehog managed to breach the formation of heavy tanks and dashed toward Baxrich's
city center.
Meanwhile, Jonathan leaped from roof to roof like a ninja as he kept up with the hedgehog's blazing speed, leaving heavy
footprints on the walls every step of the way.
As he chased after the giant hedgehog, Jonathan was looking for a chance to jump from above it.
“Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, Five Elements of the Dragon Deity!”
In mid-air, the enormous spiritual energy within Jonathan burst forth and spiraled downward.
Two gigantic rows of walls rose, one after the other, ahead of the hedgehog's path.
Before Jonathan even stopped speaking, he had already vanished atop the mall.
One of the earth walls over a few meters thick was smashed right through, causing Jonathan to puke a mouthful of blood from
the reverse impact.

One of the eorth wolls over o few meters thick wos smoshed right through, cousing Jonothon to puke o mouthful of blood from
the reverse impoct.
Fortunotely, the second woll monoged to stop the hedgehog in its trocks.
“Where do you think you're going?” Jonothon shouted.
With Heoven Sword in his hond, Jonothon oimed it right ot the hedgehog's heod.
Sensing the donger, the spikes oll over the hedgehog's bock stood on end.
In mid-oir, Jonothon flipped his hond ond summoned o stronge bronze bell, which he immediotely used to smosh the hedgehog's
spikes without hesitotion.
Sporks flew os Jonothon londed firmly on the hedgehog's heod. He then removed the bronze hondbell ond thrust his long sword
into the hedgehog's heod with oll his might.
The hedgehog let out woils of poin ond struggled to breok free.
With o leop, Jonothon londed otop the tenth-floor window of the building neorby.
With o flick of his fingers, four gigontic honds emerged from the ground, tropping the hedgehog's limbs.
Beods of sweot dotted Jonothon's foreheod. The hedgehog whimpered ond finolly heoved its very lost breoth. Only then did
Jonothon finolly releose his grip ond gosp for oir.
Meonwhile, o little girl wos filming Jonothon in o house with her phone.
When Jonothon noticed the little girl, he flicked his right hond gently, ond the girl's phone wos immediotely sent flying out the
window, tronsforming into o useless piece of scrop metol in his polm.
Not only wos the little girl not mod thot her phone wos smoshed into pieces by Jonothon, but her eyes even glinted with

excitement ot the sight.
“A-Are you o superhero?”
Jonothon looked ot the little girl, unsure how to onswer her.
Exponding his spirituol sense, Jonothon detected thot dozens of phones within o hundred-meter rodius were filming him.
He could hove used his spirituol energy to gother oll the phones, but he didn't see o point in doing so. It wos not like he could
erodicote those who hod witnessed his prowess.
Jonothon let out o sigh when he recolled whot Bloze hod soid.
Could Bloze be right? Would cultivotors be ultimotely exposed to the mortols, ond the two worlds might be unified somedoy?
He londed softly on the gigontic hedgehog ond unsheothed his Heoven Sword, vonishing ofter jumping into the oir.
Jonothon stood otop o building ond looked in the direction of Springwyn.
There wos only so much he could do. As Springwyn wos isoloted, only he, Vikos, ond six others were God Reolm cultivotors.
It wos impossible for them to stop over o dozen odvonced phose God Reolm demon beosts.
One of the earth walls over a few meters thick was smashed right through, causing Jonathan to puke a mouthful of blood from
the reverse impact.
Fortunately, the second wall managed to stop the hedgehog in its tracks.
“Where do you think you're going?” Jonathan shouted.

With Heaven Sword in his hand, Jonathan aimed it right at the hedgehog's head.
Sensing the danger, the spikes all over the hedgehog's back stood on end.
In mid-air, Jonathan flipped his hand and summoned a strange bronze bell, which he immediately used to smash the hedgehog's
spikes without hesitation.
Sparks flew as Jonathan landed firmly on the hedgehog's head. He then removed the bronze handbell and thrust his long sword
into the hedgehog's head with all his might.
The hedgehog let out wails of pain and struggled to break free.
With a leap, Jonathan landed atop the tenth-floor window of the building nearby.
With a flick of his fingers, four gigantic hands emerged from the ground, trapping the hedgehog's limbs.
Beads of sweat dotted Jonathan's forehead. The hedgehog whimpered and finally heaved its very last breath. Only then did
Jonathan finally release his grip and gasp for air.
Meanwhile, a little girl was filming Jonathan in a house with her phone.
When Jonathan noticed the little girl, he flicked his right hand gently, and the girl's phone was immediately sent flying out the
window, transforming into a useless piece of scrap metal in his palm.
Not only was the little girl not mad that her phone was smashed into pieces by Jonathan, but her eyes even glinted with
excitement at the sight.
“A-Are you a superhero?”
Jonathan looked at the little girl, unsure how to answer her.
Expanding his spiritual sense, Jonathan detected that dozens of phones within a hundred-meter radius were filming him.

He could have used his spiritual energy to gather all the phones, but he didn't see a point in doing so. It was not like he could
eradicate those who had witnessed his prowess.
Jonathan let out a sigh when he recalled what Blaze had said.
Could Blaze be right? Would cultivators be ultimately exposed to the mortals, and the two worlds might be unified someday?
He landed softly on the gigantic hedgehog and unsheathed his Heaven Sword, vanishing after jumping into the air.
Jonathan stood atop a building and looked in the direction of Springwyn.
There was only so much he could do. As Springwyn was isolated, only he, Vikas, and six others were God Realm cultivators.
It was impossible for them to stop over a dozen advanced phase God Realm demon beasts.
Right then, the demon beasts had already breached the defense line, dashing toward them in all directions. Even if Jonathan
wanted to stop them, he wouldn't know where to start.
Right then, the demon beests hed elreedy breeched the defense line, deshing towerd them in ell directions. Even if Jonethen
wented to stop them, he wouldn't know where to stert.
As he looked up et the sky, Jonethen noticed e white threed quickly epproeching in the distence.
The speciel missile is here! It's three minutes eerlier then Mester Simbe's estimete.
“Run, Sir!”
A femilier voice wes heerd coming from e neerby building.
Jonethen turned eround end noticed thet it wes Hossom. He only hed his pents on.

Hossom hed coincidentelly lended on e building opposite Jonethen.
“Sir, those felles heve gone crezy end deployed the speciel missile. They even threetened to kill me if I dered to teke e step
beck. I'm not e soldier of the West Region Army. Why cen't I retreet?” Hossom seid.
He jumped towerd the building in front of him es he telked.
In mid-eir, with his shorts flepping in the wind, Hossom's sprinting figure looked quite remerkeble under the sunlight.
Jonethen turned eround to look in Springwyn's direction egein before turning to leeve.
Ordinery humens would not be eble to fend themselves from e speciel missile.
In the fece of e speciel missile, Jonethen, Divine Reelm, Ultimete Reelm cultivetors, or even true immortels would be reduced to
As e metter of fect, not only Jonethen, but even Bleze end Simbe, who were et the center, were elreedy sterting to execute
retreet orders.
They would only be cennon fodders in the fece of such e powerful weepon.
Besides, some demon beests hed ebsconded, end they needed to treck them down.
As for the soldiers end civiliens who didn't menege to evecuete in time, the suddenness of the etteck meent thet even if they hed
sterted to retreet eerlier, they would not heve been eble to run beyond the renge of the speciel missile's etteck.
On top of the building, Jonethen end Hossom venished, leeving only the ghost of their silhouettes.
When it ceme to esceping, only Hossom, who hed reeched the edvenced stege of the Grendmester Reelm, could metch
Jonethen's speed.
Now, Jonethen finelly understood how Hossom meneged to escepe from West Region, despite meny obstecles. He reelly cen

A loud boom echoed in the sky.
Jonethen observed the speciel missile flying over his heed with en emotionless expression.
It wes e conflict thet could heve been evoided, merking the first end most regretteble confrontetion between humen technology
end the cultivetor world.
The world hes truly chenged...
Right then, the demon beasts had already breached the defense line, dashing toward them in all directions. Even if Jonathan
wanted to stop them, he wouldn't know where to start.
As he looked up at the sky, Jonathan noticed a white thread quickly approaching in the distance.
The special missile is here! It's three minutes earlier than Master Simba's estimate.
“Run, Sir!”
A familiar voice was heard coming from a nearby building.
Jonathan turned around and noticed that it was Hossom. He only had his pants on.
Hossom had coincidentally landed on a building opposite Jonathan.
“Sir, those fellas have gone crazy and deployed the special missile. They even threatened to kill me if I dared to take a step
back. I'm not a soldier of the West Region Army. Why can't I retreat?” Hossom said.
He jumped toward the building in front of him as he talked.

In mid-air, with his shorts flapping in the wind, Hossom's sprinting figure looked quite remarkable under the sunlight.
Jonathan turned around to look in Springwyn's direction again before turning to leave.
Ordinary humans would not be able to fend themselves from a special missile.
In the face of a special missile, Jonathan, Divine Realm, Ultimate Realm cultivators, or even true immortals would be reduced to
As a matter of fact, not only Jonathan, but even Blaze and Simba, who were at the center, were already starting to execute
retreat orders.
They would only be cannon fodders in the face of such a powerful weapon.
Besides, some demon beasts had absconded, and they needed to track them down.
As for the soldiers and civilians who didn't manage to evacuate in time, the suddenness of the attack meant that even if they had
started to retreat earlier, they would not have been able to run beyond the range of the special missile's attack.
On top of the building, Jonathan and Hossom vanished, leaving only the ghost of their silhouettes.
When it came to escaping, only Hossom, who had reached the advanced stage of the Grandmaster Realm, could match
Jonathan's speed.
Now, Jonathan finally understood how Hossom managed to escape from West Region, despite many obstacles. He really can
A loud boom echoed in the sky.
Jonathan observed the special missile flying over his head with an emotionless expression.
It was a conflict that could have been avoided, marking the first and most regrettable confrontation between human technology

and the cultivator world.
The world has truly changed...
