An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2218

“Who the hell are you? Tell us your name!” Garrett’s face tensed as he frowned.
Despite his attack, the beggar remained unruffled and composed. Not only did
the beggar’s counterattack neutralize Garrett’s strike, but it also sent him stumbling back.
Garrett realized the beggar’s skill surpassed his. It was hard for him to fathom how someone so unassuming could wield such power.
“Ah… excellent wine!” The drunkard remained indifferent to Garrett’s question and fully engrossed in his drink.
Sensing Garrett’s mounting frustration, Hank stepped in. “Let’s not get worked up, gentlemen.”
He stood between the two parties with a smile. “You know what they say about a friendly spar can break the ice. After our little tussle earlier, I bet we all better understand each other now. Allow me to make the introductions.”
With a gesture toward the drunkard, he said, “This gentleman here is the esteemed Mr. Willard Lent. He is also known as the Wein Sage. I’m sure many of you are familiar with his reputation.”
“Wait! He is Willard Lent, the Wein Sage?”
The others couldn’t hide their surprise.
Willard was a well-known figure in the martial world. Rumors abound of his insatiable love for wine and his indifference to fame, fortune, and power. Yet, his martial prowess was unrivaled.
He was ranked at the forefront among grandmaster martial artists.
Willard was infamous for his elusive behavior. It was characterized by movements akin to a phantom marked by unmatched stealth and agility.
Numerous attempts to locate him had proven futile. Hence, stumbling upon him at today’s gathering was quite unexpected.
The individual before them bore little resemblance to the esteemed figure they had envisioned. After all, he looked like a beggar.
If not for his display of formidable power against Garrett earlier, they might not have believed that this ragged beggar was indeed the famed Wein Sage.
“Mr. Styles, are you sure he’s the Wein Sage?” Garrett’s frown deepened as he eyed Willard with suspicion.
Garrett was familiar with the reputation of the Wein Sage. He knew that on the grandmaster rankings, the Wein Sage’s position surpassed even that of the Cosmos Demon.
He couldn’t comprehend why someone of such high stature appeared as destitute as a beggar.
“Elder Mason, you’ve just sparred with Mr. Lent. What do you think?”
With a smile, Hank added, “You can try to assume a role, but genuine strength always reveals itself. If it weren’t Mr. Lent, with his legendary reputation as the Wein Sage, who else could stand on par with you?”
His words were tactful. He subtly boosted Garrett’s ego and diffused any tension between them.
As Hank’s praise lifted Garrett’s spirits, he asked, “So, is Willard the one we’ve been expecting?”
“Yes,” Hank confirmed with a nod. “Wein Sage enjoys his drink. He likely got sidetracked on his way here. Elder Mason, I’m sorry for his tardiness.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Garrett replied casually. “Mr. Lent is a big shot. A little tardiness won’t ruffle any feathers.”
Despite feeling annoyed by Willard’s behavior, Garrett refrained from confronting him due to the man’s strength.
After their recent bout, Garrett clearly understood Willard’s capabilities. He knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against Willard in a one-on-one fight.
It would require both Cosmos Demons to join forces to suppress him effectively.
However, Monde Liam, Garrett’s wife, was still on her way and couldn’t join them immediately. Therefore, he had to be patient for the time being.
“Mr. Styles, now that everyone is here, how about we get down to business?” Dustin, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up.
He wasn’t particularly interested in the martial world’s conflicts among these individuals. But his primary concern was uncovering any schemes from the Hall of Gods.
Hank smiled and adjusted his glasses. “Each of you is a top-tier martial artist, respected and valued by the Hall of Gods. Your skills are impressive, and that’s exactly why we’ve approached you.
“Our goal is collaboration, and if you lend your aid to the Hall of Gods, we’ll make sure you’re well- rewarded.”
“Oh? And what kind of collaboration are you referring to, Mr. Styles?” Garrett raised an eyebrow.
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“We’ve heard rumors of valuable
treasures emerging in the forbidden ground of Sacred Wxym Summit. We are intrigued and seek the help of skilled individuals like yourselves to explore and uncover these treasures,” Hank explained plainly. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
Upon hearing this, the martial artists frowned and looked uneasy. They were hesitant to speak.
They knew that venturing into the forbidden ground of Sacred Wrym Summit was like walking into a lion’s den. One wrong move, and they might not make it out
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“Mr. Styles, you must understand the
immense danger of Sacred Wrym
Summit. It’s
t. It’s not something we can take lightly. This business
proposition might be too risky for us,”
Garrett said seriously. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Exactly, Mr. Styles. Sacred Wrym Summit is too powerful for us to meddle with. We may have to pass on this opportunity,” another agreed.
“Yes, Mr. Styles. We’re willing to help with information gathering, but venturing
into the forbidden ground of Sacred Wrym Summit is too much of a gamble,”
added a third.
Upon hearing that, the martial artists collectively shook their heads. While they were no strangers to danger, it didn’t mean they were eager to court it.
They might tolerate risks for the right price in ordinary circumstances. But the forbidden ground of Sacred Wrym Summit was a whole different story.
It was shrouded in mystery and peril, where even the most skilled martial artists
hesitated to venture.
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Whether divine masters or
grandmaster master artists, they
knew better than to provoke them
Ancient Sage of Sacred Wrym Summit, who commanded
unparalleled respect in the martial
world. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Getting involved in any dubious dealings under the watchful eye of such a formidable presence would be nothing short of inviting disaster.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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