Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 24

Chapter: 25
“Do you think a simple apology is going to put an end to this matter?”
Kasie rolled her eyes as she murmured to herself, but she made her voice loud
enough to be heard by everyone.
The astonished gasps of the other students echoed loudly.
“The punishment should fit the crime. Judging by what he has done, an oral
apology seems too forgiving.”
“Yes, if it had been another student in his place, he would have gotten expelled
from school.”
“Tut-tut, he has a powerful background. How can we compare with him?”
Brandon’s face became pale as death when he heard what the other students
were saying. In an effort to stem the tide of the crowd’s anger, he gritted his teeth
and said, “Of course, a simple apology is not enough. Terence Perez will be
expelled from school and Gail Murphy will be given a warning!”
Gail collapsed to the ground, dumbfounded.
A warning?
This punishment would go on her academic record, permanently staining her
When Terence heard that he was going to be expelled from school, he shook his
head in disbelief and yelled, “Dad! Why? I wasn’t serious about anything I said to
Debbie. Those were just words of anger. You can’t expel me from school for
something so negligible.”
Brandon’s fists were shaking in anger as he looked at his son and said,
“Unfortunately, actions have consequences and you need to pay for what you
have done. The rule applies to everyone in this school!”
Then, he motioned Paul to take them away.
Terence didn’t dare to make a scene in front of Carlos, but before he left, he
glared at Debbie with his eyes full of malice and resentment.
Gail followed him, gritting her teeth before she threw an angry glance back at
As Terence and Gail were being taken away, Brandon ordered the security
guards to evacuate the crowd.
Debbie and Kasie were about to Leave when a tall man suddenly blocked their
Debbie raised her head and saw that it was Carlos.
His cold gaze seemed to see right through her.
When their eyes met, the atmosphere grew a Little awkward.
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Noticing the tension between the
two, Kasie, Brandon, and the others

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around didn’t dare to make a sound.
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Debbie Looked up at him unhappily.
Carlos had just helped her. What did

he want from her now? The content

is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Er… What’s up?” Debbie asked seemingly casually.
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Are you pretending you don’t

remember me?” Carlos looked her up
and down and frowned. The content

is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!

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