Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 4

She quickly opened her bag to get the money. To her surprise, she only had two
hundred dollars and some changes left. Pausing for a few seconds, she cleared
her throat and added, “Uh… can I get a discount?”
“A discount?” Carlos repeated, outraged. The more he looked at her, the more he
was sure that he had seen her before.
It did not take a genius to know that the man in front of Debbie was pissed off. He
Looked as if he were planning on throwing her into the sea to feed a shark. If
Looks could kill, she should have been dead already.
Suddenly, Debbie’s face lit up. She took out her phone and suggested,
“I know! I’ll make the transfer via the cellphone.”
She clicked on the screen, but it did not light up. A sinking feeling emerged in her
heart when she saw that her phone was dead.
Embarrassed, she raised her head and smiled awkwardly at the man.
“It seems that my phone has died…”
Meanwhile, Carlos was fuming with anger. He felt that the woman in front of him
was making a fool out of him. Just when he was a second away from losing his
temper, Debbie stuffed all her remaining money into his hand and ran away.
Carlos was dumbfounded. He stared at the money in his hand in a daze and then
looked in the direction in which Debbie just left.
Emmett Cooper, Carlos’s assistant, had just gone to park the car. When he
headed towards the bar, he saw Carlos standing still with a grim expression.
Emmett swallowed hard and then trotted towards his boss.
Seeing that Carlos was holding hundreds of dollars in his hand and giving off a
frightening aura, Emmett cautiously asked, “Mr. Hilton, are you… are you going
to buy something?”
Carlos cast a fierce glance at his assistant and threw the money to him.
“Catch that woman!” he ordered, through gritted teeth.
“Yes, sir!” Emmett was confused, but he followed Carlos’s order nevertheless.
At the same time, Debbie was able to leave the bar unscathed. It did not take
long before she reunited with her classmates.
Her face was still flushed as she sat in Jared Hampton’s car. What had happened
just now was the craziest thing she had ever done in her life.
“Oh my God! I gave my first kiss to a stranger! Was that considered as being
unfaithful to my marriage? Did I just cheat on my nominal husband?”
On second thought, Debbie believed that it should be alright. She had signed the
divorce agreement anyway.
ALL of a sudden, Kasie Garcia gasped in shock and exclaimed, “Oh, my
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I , .

What’s wrong? Are those hooligans

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still after us?” Kristina Lawrence
nervously asked. She was so terrified
that she almost jumped up from the
seat when she heard Kasie. In a fit of
panic, she hurriedly looked at the rear
window to see what it was. The
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Kasie leaned closer to Debbie, who
was still in a trance, and shook her
shoulders excitedly. The content is
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chapter there!
“Debbie, do you know who that man is?”
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It was only then that Debbie came to
her senses. She knew very well that
Kasie was someone who would
easily get startled. She did not mind,
though, as she was used to it by now.
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