Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 48

Chapter: 49
Private Club, a girl was seen singing a beautiful, sad song.
“Just one last dance, before we say goodbye…” her song continued playing.
When Emmett recognized the singer, he widened his eyes to plates, his jaw
slack. “Since when did Mrs.Hilton start to make a living as a street singer?’ he
When Marvin noticed that Carlos seemed to be interested in the female singer,
he thought he had a chance to fawn on him. He took out a thick wad of notes
from his briefcase and threw it into the iron box in front of Debbie.
After seeing the amount of money he just threw, Debbie stopped singing,
shocked by the impressive amount of thousands of dollars.
Everyone looked at Marvin, who put on a proud smile and demanded in an
arrogant tone, “Sing a song for our Carlos. If you can make him smile,
I’LL give you more money.”
Hearing his words made her fuming mad. The fat man’s words came as an insult
for her.
Casting a quick burning glare at her so-called husband, she immediately
straightened herself and flashed a sweet smile.
“Sure, I’ll be glad to offer Carlos a song. I hope you enjoy it.”
On the other hand, in the gathered crowd, some recognized Carlos and couldn’t
help but go berserk over his handsome face.
Noticing Debbie’s beaming eyes, Carlos suddenly felt bad over Marvin’s
groundless request. He then uttered, “No need to..” Even before he could turn
her down, she started strumming her guitar and singing a song.
Skipping the first part of the song, she immediately went to the climax and hit the
Her song went, “I pray your brakes go out running down a hill. I pray a flowerpot
falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to. I pray your
birthday comes and nobody calls. I pray you are flying high when your engine
stalls. I pray all your dreams never come true…”
Hearing the end of her song, the crowd became silent and stole glances at the
handsome man, waiting to see his response.
Surprised, Marvin hadn’t expected Debbie to sing such a song. He was so
scared, thinking he had done a stupid thing. “Damn bitch! What is she singing?
Oh man! I’m screwed!” he thought, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.
Without giving a care nor caring to stop, Debbie continued singing her song for
Carlos. She didn’t mind irritating the man in front of her. At the same time, Carlos
lowered his head and rubbed his arching brow. Her song came as a surprise.
Without raising his head, he pointed to Debbie and demanded, “Since she can
swim, you, Emmett, dig a whole and bury her alive!”
Carlos felt his heart beating so fast. Not because he was flattered, but because
his anger was slowly filling the brim of his patience. His gut feeling was telling
him that if he didn’t kill this girl now, he would someday die of anger because of
Carlos’ words made the crowd surprised.
“What? Bury her alive?” were the words heard from the crowd. Everyone was
startled from his sudden reply.
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If it were somebody else who had
said those words, everybody would
think that it was a joke. However, it
was Carlos speaking and he was
known as a man of his word.
Noticing a group of strong, terrifying
bodyguards heading towards Carlos,
the crowd immediately dispersed in
an uproar. The content is on
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chapter there!
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Emmett panicked, not knowing what
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to do. ‘l guess I should tell him the
truth now before things get worse.
Otherwise, he will definitely regret his

Po. “
decision today, ” he thought to
himself and made a decision. The
content is on Novelxo.org! Read
the latest chapter there!
Leaning towards his ears, Emmett whispered to his boss, “Carlos, this girl, whom
you just asked us to bury, is Debbie Nelson!”
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His words confused Carlos. He
looked at Emmett as if looking at an
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idiot. “What is wrong with him? He’s
been acting really weird recently, The
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the latest chapter there!
* Carlos thought. “Do I not know her name? Do I need him to remind me of that?’

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