I Am The Luna

Chapter 11

Chapter 0011
I wasn’t able to focus on anything properly after that and asked Mrs Watson if it
was alright to leave early as I am not feeling too good.
Taking my leave I hurry home, desperate to tell Mom what has happened.
Reaching the small two-storey home that we are renting, I unlock the door and
step inside, greeted by the dark hallway.
“Mom?” I call out as I close the door quietly behind me and place my handbag
down. She isn’t working today, so where is she? “Mom!”
I look up the stairs to see Mom standing there with a duster in hand, her hair tied
back so as not to get in her face. I hurry up the steps, making them groan under
my weight, the old wood has seen a lot of wear.
“Careful Zaia!” Mom exclaims as I reach the top and look at her, my hand still on
bannister. 7
“Mom, we have an issue,” I say, brushing my hair back and walking past her and
into the larger of the two bedrooms.
This one is mine. As Mom said, I will need the space once the babies are here.
It’s pleasant. With the sun shining through the ornate windows, the pattern in the
netting casts shadows on the ceiling. The floral patchwork bedding adds a
touch to the wooden bed.
I plop down onto it, gripping the sides as I take a deep breath.
“Sebastian is coming for the New Year’s Eve ball, Mom,” I say, frowning.
Mom’s confusion vanishes, replaced by shock and then worry. She places the
down, shaking her head.
“No, there has to be a mistake, Zaia, he would never come here, not only. She
off, quickly going over to the window and closing it before she turns to me. “We
to be careful.”
“There is no mistake. He’s coming.” I whisper, trying to keep my voice down.
“Mom, Alpha Atticus got a call when I was there, and he told me himself.”
Mom frowns. “Zaia, I already told you I don’t like you hanging out unnecessarily
with him. Remember, this man is known to be dangerous.”
1 tilt my head, sighing. “Mom, we have only heard that from our old packs, there’s
always more than one side of a story and we have to remember it’s Atticus who
has given us a home. Besides, I try not to be free with him, but neither can I be
hostile or
rude.”l remind her firmly.
I had spent years running a pack and even before then, I knew of the balance
that you need to keep things professional yet polite.
“I understand that, but he is still a dangerous man,” Mom warns me, sitting bed
and heaving a deep sigh.
“I know and he invited me to attend the function, too.”
“Absolutely not,” Mom replies worriedly.
on the
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I tilt my head at her and give her a
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pointed look. “Yes, I know Mom… and
I know I need to avoid Sebastian at all
costs. He actually found out about
the pregnancy… Visit
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chapter of this novel
I quickly fill Mom in, and her face is pale as she stares at me. I’m now pacing the
room restlessly. Repeating it all is making me even more anxious.
“Oh no, Zaia, this is making me uneasy. You need to message Valerie to call you.
immediately. We need to know more.”
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Mm…. I feel a little uneasy too,

remember when we considered
leaving the country? We were being
watched. What if Sebastian is trying

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to find me?” I bite my thumb as I Visit
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ponder over this.
“Don’t say that. Let’s speak positively.”
1 tilt my head, “I am only stating the possibilities, Mom,” I say, sighing.
“I know, with your pregnancy and your health you are in a vulnerable state, and
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the rejection only making you weaker,
I hate to say this, but it has helped

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that Atticus can’t sense that you are
the daughter of an Alpha, due to your
weakened Visit Novelxo.org to
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state,” she replies.

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