I Am The Luna

Chapter 18

Chapter 0018

That’s when things got darker and the beginning of my worries started.

I look up to see Jai’s eyes filled with concern.

“You spaced.”

“Sorry, I was thinking…”

Atense silence falls between us, and he looks at me. “l am your friend before I

your Beta Sebastian. If something is troubling you, tell me. You know you can


“It’s nothing.” I brush it off, not wanting to discuss it.

Dad is already pushing me into a corner, forcing my hand when it comes to the
business, Mom is angry at me. Goddess knows where Zaia is and how she’s

The thoughts given birth by fear are clawing to the forefront of my mind.

What if in my attempts to protect her I have put her in worse danger? 14

“I’ll find out as fast as possible.”

I look up and raise a brow. “What?” I ask.

“The full breakdown of who has entered and left the pack, Sebastian.”

I shake my head, massaging my temples. “This hangover is rough.”


“Yeah, sure,” he replies, standing up. He’s upset, because I’m not telling him, but
whoever it is made it clear I couldn’t.

If it was my life on the line, I wouldn’t care, but she’s the target. She’s the one

will hurt if I defy them.

“I’m sorry…” I reply quietly.

“Well, whenever you’re ready to share, you know where I am.” The door shuts


him with a sharp snap, leaving me alone in my office which stinks of alcohol.
Standing up, I draw the blinds shut before walking over to the door and locking it.
I push my desk back, pulling the rug up and move the chair away, before turning
and walking to the large 3D artwork that hangs behind my desk, depicting a wolf.
His eyes filled with rage and his fangs bared.

Staring at the image, I place my finger on the centre of his forehead, feeling
something buzz and then a faint click.

I look to the ground where my desk usually stands, watching as the panels move
back, revealing a metre square area. There’s a panel on it and crouching down, I
place my hand on it, allowing it to scan my hand.

“Enter Pin“ Flashes on the screen and I quickly thumb it in and finally… the key…
I pull out the chain from around my neck that has a metal tag at the end that I
always wear underneath my clothes. Clicking on the small indent, it clicks and a
slim intricate key-like panel pops out. I remove it and place it into the small

that awaits it.

A faint blue light scans over the entire surface before a faint whirring sound
comes from it and the door of the safe swings open. 2

It’s half a metre deep, and it’s filled with money, papers, files and old books and

I reach for one specific box, and take it out. I unlock it with a pin, and flip it open,
taking out the yellowed paper that’s been torn from an old book along with a


I stare at the torn paper, reading the italic text at the bottom of the page.
“Beware the one that wears the mark of discord, mischief and death.”

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But it isn’t the message that makes

my heart race, but the image itself.
Despite how battered it has become

over the years, it’s clear. An ancient
symbol that does not align with any
language, but what gets to me is that

it’s identical to Zaia’s birthmark that

sits on the side of her left breast… 2

Visit Novelxo.org to read the

latest chapter of this novel


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A mark that somehow holds far more
importance and meaning than we

know. Someone knows about it and I
know if others found out about it, it

will only put her in danger. Even

those who currently love her would

turn upon her. Visit Novelxo.org

to read the latest chapter of this


Visit Novelxo.org to read full content.

I place the paper down and take out

the envelope from the box. It

contains another white card, but this

time there’s also a photograph

included. A photograph of Zaia on the
balcony of our mansion, with her

hands in her hair, and circled in a red

pen, is her birthmark. Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel

Anger flits through me as I glare at the card once more.

I toss the photograph down, running my fingers through my hair.

Someone knew about the mark, I don’t know how, but they were able to get close
enough to take this picture. 3

I’ve messed up, I thought I’ll send her away and I’ll keep an eye on her, what if
I’ve put her at a greater risk by doing so? (13)

The unanswered questions spin in my mind, like a foreboding cloud hanging
above my head.

Who are they? Where are they hiding? And above all, why? Why are they doing

The ultimate question is, is there really more to Zaia and her birthmark, or was it
all a myth of the past? 2

Moonlight Muse Author

Ah… so many questions… so many answers to be learned. Another day. “sleep
deprived Muse cackles and runs away, mumbling to herself.”

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