I Am The Luna

Chapter 33

A Restless Night
SEBASTIAN. There’s sadness and regret in her eyes before she looks down,
taking her phone. back from me. There’s no way to explain the pain in my chest.
Ashbane or not, I fucked it all up. I should have been there when she was
pregnant and going through heartbreak when she was poisoned, when she was
in labour, for my pups, but I couldn’t be.
So many years have passed and despite my every chance to find the one behind
it, he’s slipped out of my grasp, to the point when he realised I was onto him,
he’d threaten Mainly, it was in the form of trying to harm Zaia as a warning. I had
to tread carefully, and I really have been, but the stealthy approach has made the
process slower. However, I have found clues and no matter how many times he
escapes my grasp, he won’t be able to do so forever.
She passes the phone back to me. “You can scroll through.”
My heart races as I stare down at the image of Zaia in a hospital bed, she looks
tired yet breathtaking as she holds the babies to her breasts, clearly just having
given birth. There’s more… them in their first outfits…
them in their Moses baskets… their name plaques… There are many, and with
each passing image, I can see how they grow. Zion is a mini-me, and seeing that
really makes me feel even more emotional, and
Sia, she’s a mini-Zaia, even if her hair and eyes are not the same colour.
My kids are beautiful. Our kids.
There are a few random pictures between, of a hot drink or some scenery, but
most of the gallery is of the children.
There’s the occasional precious shot of Zaia, and each time I can’t help but
admire her breathtaking beauty. Not wanting her to take the phone back, I
continued to skim through the photos of our children.
It’s like I’m watching them in slow motion, like a reel going through the years. I
click on the video, where the kids are playing with slime and laughing.
“Give me some Mommy!”
“Sia! Look at mine.” The emotions become too much, and I place the phone
down and stand up. My throat is dry and although I want to say something, I
I walk to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Leaning against it, I close
my eyes. I have nothing. She was my everything, and I lost her and our two
treasures too…
I can’t face her, not like this. I squeeze my eyes shut, taking a deep breath.
Trying to steady my racing heart. It’s a few minutes later when she knocks on the
“I’ll be out soon,” I say, my voice coming out rougher than I meant it to.
“Ok.” I hear her move away from the door and I massage my temples.
How do I justify to myself that I deserve another chance? After I rejected her and
pretended to like someone else, to protect her, I was ready to let her go. I let her
go, and she built herself up, so why do I think I should try to win her back?
Why am I falling weak now?
I stare at the tiny window with the frosted glass, staring at the flowers in the
glass. The rain is hammering against it violently; the sound soothing to the story
within my own mind.
It’s a good while later. ‘m not sure how long I have been in here, when I finally
bravely step back into the bedroom. The light is off, and the bed is empty. I look
sharply at the floor where she had placed the towels on the ground, fast asleep
with one of the pillows from the bed.
I frown as I silently walk over to her. She’s asleep. I can hear the steady rhythm
of her heartbeat. I crouch down beside her, my heart clenching when I notice the
teardrop at the corner of her eye.
I keep hurting you. Slowly I slip my hands under her, ever so slowly, ready to
move her to bed, when her eyes fly open. She slams me back onto the floor. My
head hits the corner of the wall, sending pain rushing through my head.
She then pins me to the ground straddling me, one hand tight around my neck.
She raises her other hand, her claws coming out.
Surprise flashes through me as I stare at her. Her eyes flicker from orange back
to amethyst and she relaxes, letting out a breath of relief.
Big mistake. Her pussy is now pressed against my lower abdomen and the feel
of it sends pleasure south, awakening the dormant beast within Fuck.
“What were you doing?” she asks, releasing my throat. She sits back, looking the
vision of perfection. Raising her hand, she brushes her hair back as she scans
the room as if trying to remember where we are. “Trying to move you to the bed.
You should move… unless you want me to take you.” I growl.
She swallows hard, jumping off me quickly. Her gaze dips to the tent in my towel,
which is still tucked in firmly and I stand up.
“You…” she begins with a glare. “Dirty-“
“Hey, you are the one who pressed your pussy right on me,” I growl, making her
cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.
“I did not! I thought you were an attacker! I nh!” I clamp my hand over her mouth,
placing the other finger on my lips.
“Hush, you don’t want to disturb anyone, do you?” I ask huskily. Her heart is
thumping as she slowly nods, and I let go of her. I’m about to turn away when
she speaks.
“Dirty dog.”
1 tilt my head, giving her a murderous glare, but she’s standing there, fists
clenched, cheeks flushed and a pout on her plump lips looking cute as hell.
“Well, you used to enjoy riding this dirty dog.” I taunt, before I open my towel
cockily, giving her a full-on view of my hard -on, making her eyes widen before
she covers her face. Gasping in mortification.
I chuckle, wrapping my towel around myself once more, trying not to admire how
her bare legs look so inviting…
“No need to be shy. If memory serves, you are anything but shy and you did get
pretty down and dirty yourself… I remember exactly how you played and took
this cock.”
“Sebastian!” She growls, pushing me. “You are a shameless pig!” “Pig, dog… the
list of insults sure is growing,” I say, frowning as she storms to the bed.
“You wanted to give me the bed, then fine! Sleep on the floor.” She retorts as she
gets 33 A Restless Nigh into the bed. She always did hate being disturbed when
sleeping. I smirk and drop to the floor.
Although I was planning to sleep beside her, I can’t. I wouldn’t be able to sleep
and all I’d be able to think about is the way she looks in that shirt. The way her
breasts press against the fabric, the outline of her nipples…
Focus Sebastian. I internally groan as I lay back and place my arms under my
head, closing my eyes.
Sleep? Sleep didn’t come so easily, with the thunder outside and the emotions I
feel, spending time with her… seeing our kids… it’s a lot…
I frown as I crack my eyes open, feeling extremely cold and clammy. My body is
aching, and I have a pounding headache.
I look into the eyes of none other than Zaia before I glance around.
“What is it?” I ask, my voice sounding rough.
“You’re shivering… and youre burning up …” She murmurs, touching my
forehead. Her hand feels cool, and I welcome the touch. “Get up, get on the bed.”
“I’m fine, you sleep.” I groan.
“Don’t argue with me. Get up.” She says, standing up, and it takes all my self-
control not to stare at her sexy legs as she holds a hand out to me. I get up on
my own and only then do I realise I really feel fucking bad.
“Fuck.” I stagger to the bed and I’m about to lie down when she quickly puts the
pillow down for me.
“Here’s some water from last night. Drink it if you need to.” She says placing the
bottle down in the covered bag that contains the wraps I never ate.
I can’t help but smile. Maybe it’s good I got ll… if it meant her looking after me.
My head is pounding, and I feel her getting into the bed behind me as she pulls
the sheet over us, bringing memories of the past to the forefront of my mind.
Love is painful… beautiful, irreplaceable, but with it the pain you are ready to let
the other person inflict on you is deadly…
I’m truly sorry Zaia…
She’s tossing and turning, and I slowly turn onto my back and look at her. Her
eyes meet mine and I roll onto my side to face her.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” I ask quietly. She shakes her head, placing her hand
under her cheek. I observe her, my beautiful little vixen…
“He proposed to you… you didn’t agree.” I say, taking her hand in mine and
staring at her ring finger. She tugs free and looks down. “How did you know?”
she asks. “I saw you both at the fountain that night,” I admit hoarsely.
She nods in understanding. “I’ve never liked him that way.” She says quietly.
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“ o 3
Mm… after Valerie went into a coma,
I visited his pack. I think it was about
a week or less later. He apparently
called you to ask if you would come
to see me when I pleaded to have
RE ” .
one word with you.” I begin,
remembering the emotions I felt back
then. Visit Novelxo.org to read
the latest chapter of this novel
She’s frowning as she listens to me.
“It was your name on the screen when she showed me the messages… You
didn’t want to see me, although I told him your friend was in hospital. I know you
both wanted me gone, but did he really never mention that to you?” I ask quietly.
There is disappointment in her eyes, and I regret disappointing her, knowing they
were close.
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« . 5
No, but I want to ask him, and I will. I
mean, he doesn’t know we met, but I
can say I went to see Valerie and Jai
mentioned it to me. I consider him
q » BS g
my friend…” she sighs, turning her

back to me. “Men really are
: Pr ”
disappointing…” she murmurs, hurt
clear in her voice…. Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
Visit Novelxo.org to read full content.
The following morning, I woke to find
her missing from the bed. She
had’stepped out of the bathroom
shortly after, fully dressed, but there
was something wrong. She is far
more closed off and silent, not
looking me in the eye and clearly in a
hurry to leave. Visit Novelxo.org
to read the latest chapter of this
I took a quick shower, feeling a bit better despite my body aching, and when I
stepped out of the shower, she’s not here. “Zaia?” I call, scanning the room.
I pull open the closet.
Her clothes are gone too.
What the fuck? I stride over to the dresser, about to grab my phone, when I see
the money and small card that sits on the dresser.
It’s written in her writing, and I can’t help but stare at it. My share of the cost for
the room and food, thank you. I will be in touch regarding other matters. Good
day -Z
She left… 1
I turn, striding to the window and stare out, scanning the parking lot, but the car is
gone. A sudden emptiness fills me inside and I shake my head, scoffing lightly.
What did I expect… that after last night, I may somehow have a chance? Once
again, she just left.

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