I Am The Luna

Chapter 37

A Symbol
ZAIA. “Zaia, what’s wrong? Do you want me to come down there? Because I
swear if you don’t tell me, I will.” Sebastian’s growl makes me blink. “I… it’s my
birthmark.” I say quietly, brushing back a few wet strands of my hair.
“What?” “My birthmark. There’s the old book I’ve been going through of old
practices like healing, and I just saw the symbol.
“Are you serious? I’ve looked for it all over, and never found anything.” He asks,
sounding uncertain.
“Yeah… it’s exactly the same…” I murmur, staring at it. The very same mark that
is on the side of my breast, with the upside down V and the symbol…
“What does it say?” he asks, his voice hushed as I drag my eyes away from the
symbol and scan the page. Trying to read it, whilst my head spins.
“Blood Born,” I say, reading the title, before I look at the first line of the small text.
“The Blood Born symbol graces the ones born of the Celestial Lunar… within
their blood is the fire to quench the earth and moon of all life. Beings or
monsters, we know not, but fear them, we do.
For it is said that they are the judgement upon the people. By the warning of our
Goddess, recite her words; Forget me and I will send my Blood Born, and that is
when it is time to end my creation, for they will have forgotten me and I… I will
bring an end to their time…and forget them.”
There’s silence as I quietly reread what I just read out loud. Pushing my hair
back, I tuck the phone between my chin and ear as I check the next page, hoping
for more.
“Bullshit, that can’t be true, that’s just… none of this stuff is real.” “We exist,
Sebastian, we’re werewolves. How can you say that this doesn’t mean
something? And don’t you think we are forgetting the goddess?”
“Really Zaia, this is modern times. Why should we be praying daily to a god that
probably doesn’t exist?”
I close my eyes. “She does exist.” “You don’t know that. Maybe she’s moved on. I
don’t think there’s a god or goddess watching down on us,” Sebastian replies
“I do though, and I know she’s real because WE exist. The paper you have read
“Beware the ones that wear the mark of discord, mischief, and death.’ This might
just align with that.”
“Is there more?” he asks. I scan the rest of the symbols and drawings. There’s
not much I can make out and part of the text is in a language I have no
knowledge of.
“No. There are just some smaller drawings and a language I do not recognise.”
“The talented bilingual Zaia Toussaint doesn’t know the language, that’s a first.”
He says, but despite his words, his tone is still serious.
“What can it mean?” “It sounds a little ominous, but don’t overthink it. That’s more
than I ever learned with regards to your birthmark, and I’ve been looking. Where
did you get that book?”
“Dad had it. It was in one of the old boxes in the safe room. They’ve not been
touched for years.” I reply, staring at the symbol. Even the smallest flick to the
symbol in the centre matches the birthmark I have…
“He might know more then,” Sebastian murmurs.
“I’ll ask him,” I say. “Yeah, in a casual manner, there’s no harm in it, and see what
he says because you are his daughter and bear that mark.”
“Exactly.” “Take some pictures of the page and if you find anything else of that,
too. I’ll get them from you next week when we meet for the business meeting.”
My heart skips a beat, and I let out a scoff of disbelief, remembering that. “You
know that’s my project. Why would you do this?” I ask icily. “I will win that deal
“I have no intention of winning that deal. My only intention is to be near you and
perhaps I’ll score another kind of win.”
My heart skips a beat as his voice dropped a few octaves and the words slip from
my lips before I can stop them. “And what kind of win might that be, Mr King?”
I’m giving him an opening to flirt, and I know I shouldn’t. Why does the heart want
what it shouldn’t? “The kind where I win a smile from the most beautiful woman
on the planet.” 3
My breath hitches. I was expecting something a lot dirtier from him, but either he
is behaving or he knows exactly what melts my heart.
“Tell me, if I win a smile, what reward will I get?” He asks sexily. Ah, there he is,
ever the businessman. I roll my eyes, still feeling a little jittery.
“Hmm, how about this, make me laugh, and I don’t mean a scornful laugh, but
get an actual laugh out of me, and I will give you something,” I say.
“Oh? Anything you give me will be worth it for sure, but no violence better be
involved.” He says, a little suspicious.
“Fine. I promise.”
“Good, otherwise I might need to return the favour with a spanking session.” He
says arrogantly. “Oh please, you wish. You really don’t back down.” I say, shaking
my head.
I’ll let him see the children. I don’t know how right now, but I figure something out.
He deserves to see them… and with Sia being sick; I want her to meet him…
I push the painful thought away. Tilting my head, I stare at the book. I know Sia
has not yet attained her wolf, she’s only a child, but maybe I could try some of
these healing remedies on her…
“I don’t back down, I’m an Alpha, losing isn’t in my genes. Regarding the
birthmark, don’t worry too much about it. We’ll figure it out.” He says quietly.
He’s serious now, and he means it. The no- nonsense Sebastian who will get
things done… 1
“Thank you,” I say quietly. “You aren’t alone. I’ll always have your back, even if
I’m not by your side.” I’m silent. That ache in my chest is still there.
“So did you ask Payne?” “He denied remembering or doing it on purpose,” I say.
“Be careful of him. I don’t trust him, Zaia. He’s a shrewd one.”
“Of course, you’d say that. You’ve never liked him.” I reply, frowning slightly. I
know he isn’t perfect… but…
“Think what you may. I stand by my words.” “Of course, but I also have been
around him for the last few years and he’s been a good friend,” I say quietly.
He doesn’t reply, and I’m about to change the subject when suddenly I remember
something I want to ask him. “Sebastian?” I begin nervously.
“Yeah?” “Annalise, what happened to her?” I ask quietly. There’s a pause before
he sighs. “Nothing. Shortly after you left, I told her it wasn’t working out and
ended it. She’s still in the pack, though.”
“I see… I’m surprised she simply remained there if you two broke up.” I ask,
trying to sound like I really didn’t care.
“Are you becoming possessive of me again, Little Fox?” “No. Keep wishing. I’m
just curious, because why would she remain there if there’s no reason to?”
“I couldn’t just boot her… after all, I wanted whoever was watching to see that
she’s still around.” Meaning for a while, they kept the facade up…
“How long did you pretend to be with her?” I ask, the words bitter in my mouth.
“Several months… but I used the excuse that Mom doesn’t approve of her, to
end it.”
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« . .
Ah, so she thinks she still has hope…
Sa .
not wonder she isn’t meddling. She
probably thinks you are the easiest
” : )
step to power.” I say bitterly. I don’t
ki hy I h
now why I’m upset, but the memory
of the rejection has returned to my
mind and the pain I had felt… Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
“There’s nothing between us, trust me.” That I can’t, not when it comes to
women. “Father also told me that there’re talks about you and Cara getting
engaged. Is that true?” I ask bravely.
Of course, he’ll think I’m getting jealous. I’m expecting an instant response, but it
doesn’t come, making my stomach churn. “Dad’s been pushing for it, but I won’t
be accepting.” He says, all traces of amusement gone from his voice.
My heart thuds. “You won’t be, but you haven’t said no… because it looks to me
like she has been hanging around you and you two have been bonding over late-
night dinners.” I say, unable to keep the sharpness from my voice.
“Look, it’s your life. Do whatever you want, Sebastian. But if you plan to marry
someone else, then you should stop flirting with others. It doesn’t look good.”
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T. . . .
The only woman I want in my life is
you, Zaia. Dad and I have not seen
eye to eye since you left, and rest
assured, Mom still misses you. Our
family is incomplete without you and
the little ones. Cara can think what
) 5
she wants. I’m not taking another
» 5 ?
Luna. Ever.” He says, his voice
dangerously low. Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
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I ”
You know what hurts the most?” I
B 5 A 2
ask. I’ve already dived in, why not just
: : : : “
give him a piece of my mind? “The
fact that first, you decided to hurt me
by faking you wanted your ex — my
sister back. Then, you went after
Cara, or your dad suggested her,
regardless of whichever. She used to
be a friend of mine… What can I
: ee
expect from you, Sebastian?” Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
“I’ll show you what you can expect from me when I see you next week.” He says
almost menacingly. I close my eyes, trying to calm my heart.
“Good night, Sebastian,” I say, knowing this conversation is going nowhere. “You
confuse me, Zaia… Do you want me or Because it’s driving me crazy trying to
read you.” His voice comes not?
“I don’t,” I reply, removing the phone from my ear and cutting the call. Closing my
eyes, I toss the phone onto the bed, groaning as I rest my head back against the
headboard and stare at the wall opposite.
“What do I want? A part of me the logical part wants nothing to do with him, but
I’m not an idiot, to deny that he still does something to me and that… to admit
“Still love him.”

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