I Am The Luna

Chapter 4

Chapter 0004


The next day I reach the Pack Hall early. Sebastian has texted to say he’ll send a
car, but I refuse, saying I’ll make my way there by myself.

I have donned a simple black dress, and Mom has pinned my hair back in a neat

“Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you inside?” Mom asks, holding


I nod, “I’ll be alright, just wait here for me.”

Leaving her outside, I head inside, making my way to the third floor. I’m

he hasn’t changed the pin code. Maybe he forgot.

Approaching Sebastian’s office, I’m about to raise my hand to knock when I hear

sound of talking coming from inside.

“But I want to be here.” Annalise’s sweet voice comes. She moans and I can just
envision her pouting as if she is a child deprived of her favourite treat.

“This is between me and Zaia. I will meet you outside when it’s done.”

Annalise obviously wants to stay and witness how Sebastian rejects me.

A huge part of me is relieved that he has refused her. This is already humiliating,
and if Sebastian allows her to stay and see how I suffer from the rejection, it will
only be the icing on the cake for her.

She has already taken everything from me, but she still doesn’t want to miss a
chance to hurt me.

“Fine, then.“l hear her say.

The door is pulled up and I come face to face with Annalise.

She looks me over, a smug smile on her pretty face, but it just makes her look

She doesn’t say a word, her shoulder hitting mine as she walks out.


I glance at her back as she hums to herself. Of course, for her, this rejection is
something to celebrate.

I look ahead to where Sebastian is sitting behind his desk. He looks handsome in

navy suit, but his face is emotionless.

I step inside and shut the door behind me. Sebastian stands up and walks toward

as he looks me dead in the eye.

A tense silence fills the air.

“Care for a drink?” He asks, taking two glasses from his bar and picking up a

of what was once my favourite wine.

“No, thank you.” I say quietly. I can’t drink because I’m pregnant.

He can save the wine and celebrate with Annalise. His mood instantly darkens at
my refusal and he pours himself a full glass, downing it in one go.

“Then let us get this rejection over with.” He says coldly, placing his glass down.
harder than necessary.

I take a deep breath, my heart hammering as I prepare myself as best I can.
“Let’s.” I reply, my eyes flashing with determination.

1 will not show him how this is breaking me.

He observes me for a moment, no emotion showing.

“1, Alpha Sebastian King of the Dark Hollow Falls Pack, reject you, Zaia
Toussaint, as

my mate and Luna.”

I gasp, as pain rips at my chest and I feel the violent pull of the bond tear through
me, but I keep my head up/refusing to feed Annalise’s smug look of victory when
they laugh over this moment together.

Sebastian is watching me, almost as if doesn’t think I can do it.

“I Zaia Toussaint, former Luna of the Dark Hollow Falls Pack, accept your
rejection, Alpha Sebastian King.” A whimper leaves my lips as I feel the final
threads of the bond between us break, and I’m left in agony. I clutch my neck,
feeling it burn.


“You accepted.” He murmurs in the distance, but I can’t focus, as the pain
heightens, I’m struggling to breathe. My vision darkens and I turn my head to
look at the man I once called my own.

Our eyes meet one final time before I succumb to the pain…

The incessant beeping of a machine makes me crack open my eyelids. My entire
body is aching as if I have run a marathon.

A groan leaves my lips as I look around to see Valerie and Mom talking. They

and look at me.

“You’re awake, Zaia!” Mom says,as she rushes over to me.

“Ms Walton, please, allow me to run some tests.”

I force a smile to tell Mom I’m fine as I lie here, a huge gaping hole in my chest
and there’s a part of me wanting to give up.

“Are my babies ok Valerie?” I whisper.

“Yes, they are stronger than you think. You should care more about yourself. You
are still weak and your blood pressure is low.” Valerie scolds. “So he rejected you
and you let him? Why didn’t you tell him you are pregnant?”

Mom shuts the door, keeping watch as she looks over at us tentatively.

“He wouldn’t have cared.” I reply, turning my head away, trying to hide my tears.
Atense silence falls as she finishes her tests.

“Well, you are lucky enough that you aren’t worse off. You will feel weak for a
while, but keep your energy up and do not stop eating. In a few weeks, you may
feel better physically, but mentally, I can’t say.”

“Thanks, you saved me again. Can I ask you to not tell anyone about my
pregnancy? Even to Sebas… the Alpha. I will go far away.” I say quietly. I can’t
call him Sebastian


She pauses, her pen pressed against the paper on her clipboard before she
sighs and



* figured as mouth but are you sure Zala, you are still our Lune


1 sale bomenly “Lone? That is not my title anymore”

She places her clipboard down tiling ber head. “You will always be Lune to me
and So many in this pack. Believe me.”

I’m not so sore anymore…

Then can she leave the hospital?” Mom ands

“I would say she can leere, but arben she does, please be aware that she needs
ved rest. At least car wreaks Please”

Dostarczy, Darmare sure she does “Mom says firmly. “We will leave this place”
We all are go?” I ask query

*Asgarbere but bare you don’t want him to car, then are must leave before he
realises you are carrying his children

lood. Wes than’s best…”

“Okay I will go call a cab faron’t be long Take care of bet, Doctor Mom promises
before the braries from the room

Valerie sighs. “Are you certain about the?”

Yes. “I reply staring blankly an the wall stead

She parts my shoulder, sighing heavily. Her pager bespo

*1 will be back.” She says, giving me a small smile before the hurries from the

A part of me bad hoped Secanas would come to vint me. I fainted in front of him
but he really is happy to be rid of e

Suddenly the door is pulled open, and for a split second, my heart leaps, thinking
“I figured as much, but are you sure Zaia, you are still our Luna.”

I smile bitterly. “Luna? That is not my title anymore.”

She places her clipboard down, tilting her head. “You will always be Luna to me
and for many in this pack. Believe me.”

I’m not so sure anymore…

“When can she leave the hospital?” Mom asks.

“I would say she can leave, but when she does, please be aware that she needs
bed rest. At least two weeks. Please.”

“Don’t worry, I will make sure she does.” Mom says firmly. “We will leave this

“Where will we go?” I ask quietly.

“Anywhere but here. If you don’t want him to know, then we must leave before he
realises you are carrying his children.”

I nod. “Yes, that’s best…”

“Okay, I will go call a cab. I won’t be long. Take care of her, Doctor.” Mom

before she hurries from the room.

Valerie sighs. “Are you certain about this?”

“Yes,” I reply, staring blankly at the wall ahead.

I feel dead inside.

She pats my shoulder, sighing heavily. Her pager beeps.

“I will be back.” She says, giving me a small smile before she hurries from the

and I’m left alone.

A part of me had hoped Sebastian would come to visit me… I fainted in front of

but he really is happy to be rid of me.

Suddenly the door is pulled open, and for a split second, my heart leaps, thinking

maybe, just maybe, it is him, but to my dismay, it’s Annalise who saunters in.
“Oh, so it’s true! You pretended to faint just so you could gain sympathy and

the rejection?” She sneers contemptuously.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I look back at her. “Don’t worry, he rejected me
and I

accepted it. You won.” I try to hide my pain.

For a mere second, she looks surprised before she smiles gleefully.

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“Oh? Well, that’s great…” She says,
strutting over to the bed. “There is no
place for Visit Novelxo.org to

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you in our lives, especially since we’re going to become parents soon.”

I gasp, unable to hide my hurt as I stare at her stomach as she strokes it gently.

He had cheated on me….

“Does it hurt? Knowing your man was busy with me when you were playing a

little wife at home?” She taunts. “What do you think was happening all those

he came home late?”

I open my mouth, about to reply, not wanting her to see how much she is hurting

when I hear Mom cursing.

“Ah look, a filthy cockroach made its way into the hospital room! The entire place.
needs sterilising!” She says, making Annalise spin around.

“Do you mean me?” She asks accusingly.

“Of course I did! I have never seen an uglier roach in my life! You look just like

mother.” Mom sneers, planting her hands on her hips, “Do you think just by
putting on some makeup and pretty clothes that you will become pretty? Your
true colours. show through. Now get out! My daughter is not well, and the doctor
made it clear

she should not be around vermin!”

I hide my smile as Annalise stands there, her mouth hanging open.

“M-My father will hear of this!“*

“Oh please, I would like to see what he does!” Mom snaps back. Annalise’s head

whips around to me, casting me one final glare before she storms from the room.
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“Come, the taxi will be here in fifteen
minutes. You know there is barely

any signal around here. I might need

to change my network,” Visit
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chapter of this novel

I smile faintly at her. “Thank you.” I say softly as I sit up.

She pauses and looks down at me. The corners of her eyes crinkle as she

warmly at me.

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“What else are mothers for? I will

always be right here.” She says gently

as she helps. Visit Novelxo.org

to read the latest chapter of this


me off the bed. “Now come, we will head down.”

I nod, allowing her to lead the way from the hospital. I feel stares on me, but I

bother looking back. I will only look forward.

Sebastian and Annalise can stay happy, together.

You win Annalise, he’s all yours.

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