I Am The Luna

Chapter 40

A Bitter Surprise
Something happened, and I don’t mean the lights simply going off. When
Sebastian walked through the conference hall doors after the turmoil had died
down; I could sense the rage that was burning behind those eyes.
I don’t know what happened, but the news of Mr Harrison’s son being attacked
had spread and that had caused a delay to the final half of the meeting. But Mr
Harrison refused to cancel it despite his son being rushed to the hospital.
Understandable, since everyone here had come from all over the states. “Do
they know what happened to him?” One of the men asks another quietly.
“No, but whoever it was, hit him quite badly. They think he was hit with a weapon.
His jaw is completely smashed by the looks of it…” The man trails off when Mr
Keith Harrison steps into the rooms, now flanked by two guards, as he adjusts
his jacket.
“Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen… Security is handling the matter and the
building will be on lockdown until they make sure all threats are cleared. There is
nothing to fear. Shall we continue?”
The fact that he’s saying that, it’s almost as if he isn’t surprised something
happened to his son. I have heard a lot about the young heir, and he is trouble.
I saw the way he was watching me during my presentation, and it made me
completely uncomfortable. I just hope he isn’t around often.
“Of course,” Sebastian says, b voice hostile. I look at him sharply. It’s subtle, but I
know that tone…
Did something happen?
“Well, would you like to go next, Mr King?”
“I’ll go last,” Sebastian says. I’m curious as to what he’s thinking, and I take my
seat as the next presentation begins.
I win the job, despit the I am confident Toussaint resources being slightly less
than some of these companies, not to mention the casualties of the mining
accident. I am still confident I can do this.
I’m nervous. This is my biggest project, something I’ve into It’s something D
Poured my heart and soul said I wouldn’t be able to acquire until recently. When
he saw my plans, he said he had confidence in me. I personally want to show
him that I am capable.
The fact I am a woman already puts me at a slight disadvantage compared to the
rest, but I won’t let it get in my way. Feeling his burning gaze on me, I glance at
Sebastian. He’s trying to contain his aura…
What is going on with him? Our eyes meet. and I raise my eyebrows
questioningly at him slightly.
But he simply looks away, his brows creased in a deep frown, flexing and
unflexing his hand as he combs his fingers through his beard.
I turn my attention back to the presentation, not worried or threatened by the
current presenter and what he is offering to Mr Harrison. He has not offered
anything that the others before him haven’t already… and I’m not being
conceited, but I’m feeling confident.
His presentation finishes, and Mr Harrison asks a few questions before he looks
at Sebastian. “Mr King.”
He gives him a curt nod before standing up. Everyone here is in high-rank
positions in their respective companies. A deal worth millions…
“Thank you for allowing me to step in despite the late entry. I had a lot on my
plate and when you initially reached out to me, I had far too much going on, but I
think I can offer something new to this project.”
My heart drops, my smile fading as I look at him. He never told me he had been
offered this deal prior. He’s going to knock me out of the game. Sebastian may
be an idiot, but when it comes to business, he is the best. He isn’t called the
Black Beast for nothing…
His eyes meet mine and I look away, trying to hide how hurt I’m feeling. Forcing a
polite smile on my face, I look down at my file smoothly.
He’s going to take this from me, too. “As everyone knows, the King Empire has
the largest number of staff working under With factories that deal with steel, iron,
bricks and mortar, we can offer a lower price than purchasing from elsewhere.
Any jobs. we do would be the most cost-efficient for our clients. There is not one
company here, and correct me if I’m wrong… that has even two-thirds of the
manpower we hold…”
My biggest fear…
The only part of the Toussaint offer I was concerned about, and I had said I will
be putting in work and dealing with other contractors. Now he’s gone and put
emphasis on why I shouldn’t get the job and why he is better Why is he doing
I know he said this wasn’t a deal he wants to win… but then what will he do?
Make a mockery out of me and then say, you got the deal because I let you? I
look up at him, and his eyes meet mine. Why? “Are you alright, Mr King?” Mr
Harrison asks, making Sebastian look away smoothly.
“Yes, of course…” Sebastian says hesitantly. A few people exchange looks, and
Mr Harrison sits back, observing him.
“There is not one deal that you have ever lost yet your ex-wife, do forgive me, Ms
Toussaint, well she has shown she might be very capable.” Mr Harrison says,
making a few people glance at me.
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Of course, most of them know… but
as his wife, I Was never in the
a – ’
business game. Harrison’s words
WH ) )
Might be very capable’ don’t sound
: : )
Very encouraging Sebastian’s
struggling with himself, despite how
emotionless and cold his face is. Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
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I .
You thire correct, I never lose a
deal… and I think I want to keep that
B :
streak. Hence, I don’t think I can
: : »
compete with Ms Toussaint …” I look
up in surprise, not expecting that. A
twinge of irritation rushes through
’ g 5
me. I don’t need him to give me the
job. Visit Novelxo.org to read the
latest chapter of this novel
Harrison nods. “I have always wished to work with you, I have heard great things
and all the projects you work on have been successful so far…” His gaze flits to
me and I realise he’s hinting at that accident again.
I had won him over by proving I can do this… but he is clearly leaning towards
“That is true… but I think we can all agree that Ms Toussaint deserves this job. I
am willing to partner with the Toussaint group and offer them the manpower they
do need. If that is an option for both Ms Toussaint and you?”
What is he doing?
“A partnership?” Harrison sounds interested. He’s taking it away from me. “What
percentage are we talking?” Harrison. asks. “I do like Ms Toussaint’s approach,
however, my only concern is the areas that the King Empire excels in.
“Twenty percent for the Kings and Eighty to the Toussaint Empire,” Sebastian
suggests. My heart is thumping as I try to remain. emotionless. “Is he trying to
cause problems for his ex?” One of them whispers but I catch it.
“I wonder why he would even offer that unless he wants somet I stand up, trying
my best to contain the anger that is raging through me. “The Toussaint group pull
out. Mr Sebastian King can keep the project.” I say quietly.
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I feel humiliated. The moment
Sebastian stepped up, Harrison has
not once been interested in me.
Thank you, Sebastian, for showing
“ :
me my worth. “Ms Toussaint, we
), 0 : : 3
can’t take simple things like this to
» « +
heart.” Harrison chuckles. Sebastian
is frowning, his blue eyes meeting
mine. Visit Novelxo.org to read
the latest chapter of this novel
I smile gracefully before I shake my head. ” Not at all, Mr Harrison. I just do not
wish to work with Mr King’s Company. Have a good day.”
Gathering up my belongings, I walk to the door, chin up, despite the sinking
feeling in my stomach.
“Ms Toussaint, the building is still under lockdown,” Harrison calls. “That is fine, I
will go have a coffee,” I say with a smile over my shoulder I lost.
The doors open and I step out, my heart heavy. I can feel his eyes on me, but
once again, the father of my children truly disappointed me.

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