I Am The Luna

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 A Talk
SEBASTIAN. “Get my car ready. I’m going to head out.” I say through the phone
to my driver, pausing when the news playing on the television catches my
“… outside the Stanton Hotel Building. The mass shooting has left nineteen
confirmed dead on the scene with three in critical condition and another injured
when she tried to tackle the attacker…”
My heart thuds as I stare at the screen. The Stanton Hotel, Zaia’s there. She was
meeting Harrison there. “The following video is from the hotel itself and contains
extremely distressing footage…”
The screen switches from the news reporter to a video of a man on a bike
smashing straight into a car on purpose.
The scene unfolds. My heart is in my mouth when I see a redheaded woman
pulled away as her men surround her. The people are blurred out, but why do I
feel it’s her?
Zaia. I’m rooted to my spot as I watch the blurred- out people drop like flies.
Zaia… Her men are killed, and I see her pick something up before she runs .
Fuck, get out of there! Is she ok? My hands are shaking as I dial her number, It’s
switched off.
Fuck! I don’t have her main number! I’m about to call Jai for it when the news
reporter captures my attention.
“The woman now identified as Businesswoman Zaia Toussaint, heir and CEO of
the Toussaint Empire and daughter of the business tycoon, Hugh Toussaint, is
hailed a hero. When she spotted an unknowing girl crossing the road and saw
the shooter turn his attention to her, she ran out and tackled him to the ground.
Despite her efforts, he managed to injure her and get away before the police
arrived at the scene…”
Is she fucking crazy?
My heart is thumping as I stare at the Television screen. “Police are now on the
hunt for the shooter, someone who is deemed a risk to the city and its people…
this is Pamela Greenfield…”
I turn, running to the door as I dial Daniel’s number. “Fine out where Zaia
Toussaint is currently! According to the news, she was injured today.” I snarl. 1
“Yes, boss!” My phone beeps as an incoming call comes through. Frowning, I cut
the call with Daniel and stare at the name that is emblazoned across my screen.
Hugh Toussaint Of course, he would have his number listed…
Why is he calling me?
“Hello,” I answer the call. “We need to talk, King. Come to the Edmond Wall
Hospital immediately, and do not question me because I am ready to unleash hell
on not only your company but your pack too!” Hugh Toussaint’s snarl rips through
the phone and I move the phone away from my ear.
“Understood.” I reply, cutting the call, for once not caring that he just threatened
my pack. I need to get to her. I know where she is now, and I will have to tolerate
Hugh if I want to see her.
Was she hurt badly?
Stepping outside, I get into the car quickly. “Get to the Edmond Wall Hospital and
step on it.” I command as I sit back and scan the news articles on my phone, it’s
spreading online like wildfire. She was shot in the shoulder and suffered trauma
to her head…
I feel uneasy. Is it a coincidence or is it the same person? “Step on it!” I growl,
and the driver instantly speeds up. I reach the hospital fast enough and make my
way inside. Two of my men escort me to the entrance where I command them to
wait. I can handle myself.
There are several cops in the hospital, and I spot Hugh’s men from afar. I
approach one of them. He’s a werewolf and from his pack and he’s watching me
keenly, knowing exactly who I am. “Tell your Alpha, Sebastian King, is here,” I say
quietly. He nods, lowering his head as he touches his earpiece.
“Alpha, the Black Beast is here.” He mutters. I resist showing my irritation as I
wait. After a few moments, he mutters an affirmation before he motions me to
follow him, taking me down a corridor which is heavily guarded.
“She’s stable…” I hear one of the doctors murmur to another. “She was incredibly
brave yet did something extremely dangerous…”
Zaia… of course she would. She never backs down. I’m led down a side corridor
until we stop before a door. The guard knocks, waiting for permission to enter.
The moment the door swings open, my heart races as I look at the hospital bed.
Her eyes are shut, and she’s hooked up to a machine as well as a blood bag.
She’s wearing a pale blue hospital gown, her breasts rising and falling with each
breath she takes. Her head is bandaged and so is her shoulder and arm.
Zaia! I step inside, wanting to go to her side, but I am instantly grabbed by the
guards. I let out a menacing snarl, throwing them off me. “Remember who you
are manhandling.” I snarl.
“Enough,” Hugh says coldly. “Let him be.”
“Yes, sir.” They shut the door behind them, and I fix my jacket, my eyes flashing.
“You really are a beast… can’t you control the animal within you?” He sneers and
as much as I want to punch that arrogant look on his face, I control myself.
“I understand you wanted to see me, but it does not mean your men nor you can
disrespect me!” I growl menacingly.
I’ve always hated this man to the very core. He may be her father, but he is as
arrogant as Dad and always looks down on me.
“My daughter is in that bed because of you!” he thunders as he crosses the
room, “What do you want me to do, roll out the welcoming carpet!”
“Because of me?” I ask coldly, glaring at him. How can he blame me without any
reason? “Who fucking else!” he snarls, shoving something into my chest. I glare
at him, snatching up the card, but before I even look at it my stomach churns with
unease. The same card…
There’s a photograph of me and Zaia last night … I have her pinned against the
wall, but it’s obvious that we’re in an intimate position. There’s no way to deny
that when her skirt is up around her waist and my hand is between her thighs.
Luckily, I’m covering most of her, and you can only see the side of her thigh… the
bold writing at the bottom draws my attention.
Fuck. It is the same person… and I thought I did a good job of keeping that visit
to her bedroom on the low, clearly not.
And how do I hide what happened from Hugh? There’s no denying the clothes
she’s wearing are the same ones she was in yesterday, or the bedroom walls…
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He scoffs, shoving his hands in his
pockets. “So, what do you have to
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say?” he hisses, turning sharply
« :
towards me. “Nothing comes to
mind? When will you stop playing
with my daughter! Is this why she
wanted you to see the children
? FN
because you manipulated her?!” Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
“No. I never asked her… can we not argue?” I say quietly, staring at the paper.
“This was the reason I divorced her to begin with, because of these notes. I
swear I was thinking we could tackle this together. I never meant for this to
Guilt. I feel fucking guilty. Once again, I couldn’t protect her. I run my hand
through my hair, twisting the strands as I stare down at the note. “So, are you two
together again?” He asks coldly.
“No.” “Then what is that picture depicting?!” He asks. “I don’t fucking know, it
just… that’s up to Zaia to label,” I growl, glaring at the paper. “Fuck this…”
“Sebastian.” I look up to see he’s watching me sharply. “What do you mean, the
reason you divorced her, to begin with?”
I look down at the note again. What do I say? “I made stupid decisions…. And I
lost the one I loved above anything else. It’s a long story… how is she?”
“She’ll live if that’s what you mean. She acted recklessly by going after the
attacker, but she survived. She may not have been so lucky, but this time she
survived. Clearly, this man was out to get her, clearly a message to you!”
I walk over to the bed, brushing her hair back. She’s pale, but she’s breathing
steadily. I’m grateful for that…
Bending down, I kiss her forehead, hearing Hugh tsk in irritation. I don’t really
I run my fingers down her cheek before I force myself to step back, not wanting
to push it. “You have a lot of explaining to do.” He says. icily.
“I do… and I can’t deny that as long as she remained within your pack, she was
protected. Any threats I received that included her and the children were taken
from afar. To think the moment she stepped out of that pack, someone was able
to get close.”
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« , . . 5
I don’t trust you either. When did this
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begin and why was I not alerted?” He
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asks, bristling with anger. “Because I
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didn’t know who we could trust in my
own pack, I was being blackmailed
and given doses of Ashbane. Zaia, as
¥ ho TD
you know, was poisoned…” Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
“Well, it’s clear you weren’t able to figure it out. Why didn’t you reach out for help
or advice from an elder?” “I just told you I didn’t know who to trust.”
“Well, I am her father, and though our relationship has been rocky, I can assure
you that although I may not always show it, she is important to me. Start talking,
this person has just made himself a new enemy,” he says coldly.
I look him dead in the eye, tilting my head.”
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Then, in return, I’m sure you will
willingly talk about her birthmark.
Why does she have the symbol of the
Blood Born on her? Tell me what you
’ s .
know, because I’m certain there is no
way that you could have simply
ignored that unique mark and
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pretended it was just ordinary.” Visit
Novelxo.org to read the latest
chapter of this novel
I watch him intently and, although he doesn’t even bat an eyelid; he swallows
slowly. I smirk, so I was right. “Do we have a deal, Alpha Hugh?”
He’s struggling, but when he looks at Zaia, his hard expression softens slightly
before he sighs heavily. “Very well, you have yourself a deal, Alpha Sebastian.”

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