I Am The Luna

Chapter 6

Chapter 0006


I look at Valerie sharply as she glares at Jai, snatching the file back from me.
“You’re a pig!” She hisses.

“Like you’re any better!” He snaps.

The two always clash. They had dated for a short while and were inseparable,
but after a nasty breakup, they can’t even stand being in each other’s presence.
Often, Zaia and I had to calm them down.

“Answer me, Valerie.” I say, ignoring Annalise, who has walked over to me,

on to my arm.

“Answer him, Val.” Jai repeats, earning himself another deadly glare.

Does he have a death wish?

“Fine! You want to hear it? Then listen! She was pregnant, but she no longer is.
Satisfied now?” She glares at the three of us.

Annalise rolls her eyes and walks off to my desk, but her callous behaviour is the
least of my worries.

“Was?” I ask, my stomach twisting with nerves. A dreadful thought settles into my
mind. “What do you mean? Did she get rid of it?”

Valerie hugs the file to her chest and shakes her head vigorously.

“No, Alpha, Zaia would never do that. It was your rejection that caused her to
miscarry.” She says bitterly.

My head jolts up sharply, and I stare at her, letting those words sink in.

I… I’m the reason my child is dead…

“What the fuck Val?” Jai snarls, grabbing her arm.

“That is why I was saying don’t tell him!” She shrieks.


“Stop it.” I say, my voice cold. My heart is thundering like a galloping horse in my
chest, replaying our last days in my mind..

Why didn’t she tell me?

“She must have known that a rejection could risk our child’s life. Why did she do
it?! I growl.

Valerie looks down. “You left her no option. She tried to talk to you…” She
glances coldly at Annalise. “You were too busy trying to get rid of her.”

The guilt and regret I’m feeling now change to anger and I turn, punching the first
thing my hand connects with. My wine collection from my bar goes flying.
shattering against the wall and spilling over the rug. The strong smell of alcohol

the air.


“She should have told me she was pregnant!” I snarl.

“She was going to, but instead, you handed her divorce papers Alpha.” Valerie
says, I

can smell her fear as she takes a step back, but even then, she’s defending her

I freeze, remembering that night.

“What did you want to tell me?… It doesn’t matter anymore…”

Was that why she had refused the wine I had offered her that day? She had been

such a rush to get the rejection over with.

Did she really plan to simply take my child and leave?

Thanks to her selfishness, we lost the baby,

I run my fingers through my tousled hair. The entire place feels too small and

presence is becoming far too overwhelming.

“Are you serious?” I hear Jai murmur.

“I am. It’s why I said to you to not tell him. It would only hurt him as it did Zaia. I
have things to do.” Her footsteps recede as she leaves the room, leaving behind
the. pain and regret she had brought with her.


“It’s going to be fine, Seb,” Annalise purrs, wrapping her arms around my neck.
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“I’m responsible for killing my child.” I

say quietly, the words leaving bile in

my Visit Novelxo.org to read the
latest chapter of this novel

mouth as I untangle her arms and step back.

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“You aren’t. It’s on Zaia, there are

women who face rejection and no

harm comes to Visit

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chapter of this novel

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the baby. This just shows she wasn’t
strong enough to be Luna or carry

your child…” Visit Novelxo.org to
read the latest chapter of this novel

If I hadn’t rejected her, the baby would have been fine….

“Seb, are you listening?”

“He wants space. Can you stop making this about yourself and get the hell out of
here?” Jai says sharply.

“How can you speak to me like that? Don’t forget that I am going to be your

Annalise argues, clinging onto my arm again.

“Even the chickens in the coop won’t accept you as Luna.” Jai retorts.”

Pulling out of her grasp, I turn my back on them and look down at my hands.

I as good as killed that child with my hands…

My child.

“Get out, the both of you.” I say coldly.

“Seb, please don’t shut me out-“

“OUT!” I snarl.

My command is crystal clear and they obey without further dispute.

The door shuts behind them, leaving me alone with my gloomy thoughts, the

of the revelation hanging above me like a dark grey cloud.

I drop onto my leather chair, placing my head in my hands.

She’s gone. I don’t know where she went, but she simply left. No one knows

she went. Even her mother, who lived in the quieter part of town, is gone. The

has been empty for months.

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