I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Bonnie dodged swiftly and punched his chest.

Milo stumbled backwards and stared at her in shock.

The park was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

“What a punch!” Orson shouted excitedly.

Scott gaped stupidly at her.

The other elderly men were stupefied as well.

They had sparred among themselves before, but Bonnie had applied her
techniques in a real fight!

“That’s impossible! She must have just hit him by accident!”

Kay couldn’t believe that a young girl like Bonnie could get the best of Milo.
After all, her grandfather had hand picked him from among the best fighters!
“Milo, what are you waiting for? Attack!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Pulling himself together, Milo took a quick step and delivered a jab
at his opponent.

Bonnie blocked it and landed a strike on his ribcage with her left knee.

Milo groaned loudly in pain.

The old men gasped.

“That knee strike must have hurt like hell!”

Milo growled through clenched teeth and charged at Bonnie.

But no matter how he tried, he couldn’t land any hits on her.

In the end, Bonnie threw a roundhouse kick, knocking Milo to the ground.
Every muscle in his body ached, and he could not get back up.

Everyone else was dumbstruck.

Orson approached Bonnie. “May I know your name?”

“I’m Bonnie Shepard.”

She added, “I’m not a kickboxing expert. I just do this for fun.”

What the hell?

Astonished, Orson caught himself and looked at Kay.

“Apologize to Ms. Bonnie.”

Chapter 7


Kay was silent.

Orson frowned. He thought Kay was being stubborn.

Suddenly, Kay walked up to Bonnie and earnestly held out her hands.
“Please teach me how to fight like you, ma’am!”

Orson was taken aback. “Huh?”

Bonnie was surprised as she saw Kay’s eyes shining with admiration for her.
“I want to be just like you!”

She was now Bonnie’s number one fan.

She liked watching superhero movies and longed to be like Wonder Woman or
Black Widow.

So she was awed when she saw Bonnie beat Milo down like it was nothing.
Bonnie checked the time and saw it was already 8:00 a.m.

She was late for school.

“If you’re interested in learning kickboxing, you can get anyone to teach you. I
need to go now.”

She turned and left. 1

Kay stared after her and told Milo, “Get someone to look into her, but don’t let her
find out about it or cause her any trouble. And you need to treat her respectfully
the next time you see her, okay?”


Bonnie didn’t realize that Kay would start to investigate her. When she reached
school, it was already 8:15 a.m.

Mr. Rios, the math teacher, was livid. He glared at Bonnie as she stood in the

“You’re late for my class again! Is my class not good enough for you?”

A student raised her hand. “I don’t think she did it to upset you, Mr. Rios. She’s
always late to other classes too. Sometimes, she doesn’t even show up for

But that information did not make him feel any better.

“You’re old enough to know that you should take school seriously, Bonnie.
“How will you graduate from high school if you keep acting like this? If I were
your dad-“

“Can I go in now, Mr. Rios? I’ve been standing here for two minutes.”

Bonnie glanced at her seat.

Mr. Rios was furious, but he couldn’t resort to corporal punishment.

Chapter 7


So he tried another method.

“Don’t sit down yet, Bonnie. Solve the question on the blackboard.”

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The system of equations with two
variables wasn’t too difficult, but it

also wasn’t easy. He thought a bad
student like Bonnie would never be

able to solve it. The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Okay.” Bonnie picked up the chalk and wrote down the answer without


Mr. Rios* eyes went wide.

The answer was correct.

She must have gotten it right by chance!

“Solve all the other questions.”

He was convinced that Bonnie wouldn’t be able to solve these math questions.
Bonnie glanced at them and frowned.

Mr. Rios sneered.

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“What is it? You can’t solve them,

huh? This is why you shouldn’t be

late to school or skip class!” The

content is on Novelxo.org! Read

the latest chapter there!

“It’s not that.” Bonnie picked up the chalk again and solved the equations without

She answered five questions correctly.

Mr. Rios was exasperated. “If you knew how to do it, why did you hesitate?”
“Because they’re too easy. Answering them would just be a waste of time,”
Bonnie replied truthfully.

Visit Novelxo.org to read full content.

Mr. Rios felt his blood pressure rise.
“Okay, since you think my questions

are too easy, why don’t you try to

solve this one? If you can’t, I’m

sending you to detention!” The

content is on Novelxo.org! Read

the latest chapter there!

He then wrote a difficult question on the blackboard.

Some students recognized it.

“That looks like an Olympiad math problem. We studied it in math club, but no
one could solve it.”

“How’s Bonnie supposed to solve that?”

“Didn’t you hear what she said? If I were Mr. Rios, I’d be upset too.”

“Bonnie had it coming!”

As the students murmured among themselves, Mr. Ross suddenly gaped at the
blackboard in disbelief.

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