Love at First Novel

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Well, too bad the young couple was not that close.

Zachary and Serenity were only sharing a living space while still carrying on with their separate lives.
Even if Zachary was p*ssed at her to kingdom come, Serenity could not care less so long as he did not
kick her out.

Serenity washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen before mopping the entire house. Finally, she
sat on her recent purchase – the balcony swing – and enjoyed the cool night breeze in her hair. This
was the life.

Not to mention, the balcony was a mini garden. Looking at the flourishing greenery , Serenity was once
again in awe of Zachary’s competence to get the job done. The sound of steady footsteps led to the
balcony. Soon, Zachary came to the balcony. The sight of Serenity swinging leisurely only added
grimacing lines to Zachary‘s scowling face.

He drew close and handed two sheets of paper to Serenity.

“What‘s this?”

Serenity asked out of curiosity.

Although Zachary buttoned his lips, he got the message out loud and clear. She would know once she
took a look

at the papers.

Grabbing the papers, Serenity read through the content that outlined a contract . Zachary printed two
coples so each of them had one.

His signature and personal seal stamp were already on the documents.

Tch. What was this? Making it official?

Reaching the floor with her tippy toes, Serenity pushed back and let the motion of the swing take her.
Serenity leaned back against the swinging chair as she read every line of the contract.

The terms and conditions filled the entire page.

Serenity only paid attention to the main points. She was not to hanker after his body since they were
strangers and only husband and wife by name. To put it simply, they would sleep in separate rooms
and would not engage in marital obligations.

Should Serenity and Zachary fail to develop feelings for each other in six months, they would proceed
with an amicable divorce. Zachary was willing to sign the house and national MPV to Serenity as the
divorce settlement.

That was just about what Serenity could expect out of the divorce. Zachary specifically stressed that
Serenity could forget about getting her hands on Nana‘s assets.

Apart from getting the house and car after the divorce ,

Chapter 38


the terms were not in Serenity’s favor. Zachary made adequate precautions to protect his wealth and
chastity against Serenity.

Zachary callously uttered, “Serenity, we might be married but certainly not for love. I think we should
have a written agreement between us. Don‘t worry, everything else, unless outlined in the contract, will

remain unchanged.”

In short, she should not fall in love with him, get into his pants, or take possession of Nana‘s assets.

Serenity had no hard feelings at all. In fact, she understood the reason for him to cover all bases. She
said, “I have no intention of taking Nana‘s possessions. I‘m able–bodied and fully capable of caring for
myself. There‘s no need for me to mooch off the elderly.”

In Serenity‘s mind, Nana was a retiree living off her pension of around two to three thousand bucks a
month. Even if Nana received an allowance from her family, there was only so much she could save.
Nana probably did not have as much as Serenity.

It never crossed Serenity‘s mind to take what was never hers.

The whirlwind marriage to Zachary was to end the fights between Liberty and Hank. It was also to give
Liberty peace of mind that Serenity was in safe hands. Prior to getting the marriage license, Serenity
had asked Zachary

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if he wanted to go halves. Splitting the expenses could really drive the rift between couples who
married for love like Liberty and Hank. In Serenity and Zachary‘s case, the divided responsibilities
would work best.

Serenity ran her eyes on Zachary from head to toe before paying him a compliment. “Mr. York, you
must be favored by God because He gave you a nice face and hot body. Some people might revere the
unapproachable vibes you give while others would be tempted to conquer your heart.”

Zachary‘s eyes were overshadowed by a bleak grimness.

Serenity suddenly sang to a different tune as she added in glee. “But not everybody would adore you.
Don‘t worry, I won‘t fall in love with you, nor do I want to get into your pants, Mr. York. I have nothing to
add to your drafted agreement. Give me a pen to sign. Since I don‘t have a rubber stamp, I‘ll leave my
fingerprint as a seal of agreement.”

Having anticipated a full–blown tantrum from her when he drafted the contract, Zachary was taken
aback that she was not offended. As a matter of fact, Serenity even complimented him for having made
a good call in doing so. After a brief silence, Zachary presented Serenity with a pen.

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