Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Chapter 9

Chapter: 9
He had been in the business world for so many years, and this was the first time
that he had been humiliated like this in public.
Chelsea was the first person to dare embarrass him in front of his peers and
business partners.
He had been with Chelsea for three years, but he never knew that she could be
this brutally assertive. Also, he didn’t expect that he would find her so dazzling
when she was all dolled up.
Everyone thought that Edmund would be furious and cancel the lively
anniversary party right then and there. However, he simply collected himself,
ordered the celebration to continue, and then went off the stage.
Everyone admired him. He had excellent emotional control. Even though his wife
just humiliated him in a company event, he still acted Like he wasn’t shaken at
At the same time, everyone thought that Mrs. Nelson was magnificent and
impressive. After Edmund returned to his seat, Diane asked him with concern,
“Are you okay?”
Edmund pressed his lips together and didn’t say anything. Diane angrily
commented, “That was very rude of Chelsea. How could she make trouble on
such an occasion? Didn’t she care at all about your dignity and your image?”
Diane was so happy like a Little girl who had just been given a new doll. She
moved closer to Edmund.
This was a pleasant surprise for her. She didn’t expect that Chelsea would make
trouble and also ask for a divorce.
Utmost regret had been eating Diane up whenever she remembered breaking up
with Edmund three years ago. She had thought he would take out time to cool off
and then come to beg for her love. But to her dismay, he slept with Chelsea and
married her.
It was as if her whole world came crashing down when she heard the news at
that time. She was livid, but she still loved Edmund. She kept instigating Sonya
Nelson, Edmund’s younger sister to sow seeds of discord between Edmund and
Sonya was Diane’s best friend, so she naturally took Diane’s side. She also didn’t
Like Chelsea one bit.
Diane and Edmund went way back. Since she had been involved with him for so
many years, she knew that he was a proud man who detested embarrassment.
She was certain that they would get a divorce after this.
For three whole years, Diane had tried to break their marriage with different ploys
that proved abortive. Now, it was as if God had finally granted her wish. Her lover
was about to be freed from the shackle of marriage to Chelsea.
Zuri was already at the foot of the stage by the time Chelsea was done. She
helped her through the crowd to the car and they left.
Chelsea collapsed into her seat and breathed heavily as soon as she got into the
car. She had been a mess of nervous butterflies on stage. It took a great deal of
willpower for her not to shrink back and run away. But in the end, she succeeded
in embarrassing Edmund in public.
“Dearie, you were so cool back there,” Zuri said excitedly, holding her arm.
“Really?” Chelsea asked weakly.
She didn’t expect to act cool on stage. What she wanted was to successfully
provoke Edmund so he could grant her a divorce without hesitation. She went up
there to battle, not to show her cool side.
“Yes, you were. See, I recorded everything.” Zuri took out her phone and played
the video.
Chelsea was speechless as she watched the video.
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o . “
Zuri let out an evil Laugh. “Ha-ha-ha!
1 )
Look at Edmund’s face. He was so
: : ,
embarrassed. Serves him right. I’m
sure this was his first time getting
this embarrassed. Great job,
” .

Chelsea!” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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5 )
A pang of pain tugged at Chelsea’s


heart when her eyes fell on Edmund’s
face in the video. For some reason,
she felt pity for him. The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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This was probably the last time she
was going to look Edmund dead in
the eye. Once the divorce was
finalized, she would treat him like a
total stranger. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!

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