My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 24

24 Good Stamina

Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking at the person who was speaking.
It was Jalen.

He had dark circles under his eyes, and his face was

full of irritation.

Jake looked shocked. “You’re her husband?”

“Of course not,” Jalen sneered. “If her husband were a real man and knew you
were bullying her here, he’d definitely come to fight you! How could he possibly
stand by and do nothing?”

Jake was speechless.

He forced himself to stand up despite the pain, glaring at Jalen. “I want to
transfer her to my group.”

“No way,” Jalen firmly said. “People in my team aren’t under your control.”

His arrogance was still the same, but in Keira’s eyes, it was now more


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24 Good Stamina

Jake asked in confusion, “She’s here because of nepotism. Don’t you hate such
things the most?”

Jalen smirked. “What right do you have to mock her? She’s just a small
employee, and you, a college

graduate, are the leader of the second team! Who are you to talk about

Jake was so frustrated by him that he ground his teeth. “It’s not the same. I’m the
legitimate grandson of the first branch of the Horton Family!”

“Right. The most frequent nepotism users in the Horton Group.”

Jake took a deep breath, then suddenly said, “In a few days, Dr. South will come
to my research team. Jalen, isn’t he your idol? As long as you don’t interfere with
this matter, I can introduce you to him.” a

Jalen fell silent.

Among this group of people researching new energy, everyone’s idol was Dr.

Jalen had long read. Dr. South’s nublished naners over


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24 Good Stamina

and over again, and the more he read, the more he realized how amazing Dr.
South was.

He had been looking for various channels, trying to find a way to meet Dr. South
Jake was actually threatening him with that…

Jalen hesitated for a second out of respect for Dr. South, then said, “No!”

He looked at Keira. “Stop embarrassing yourself here.

Come with me!”

Keira looked in the direction where Lewis had just been, only to find that he had
left at some point.

She silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Luckily he had left, otherwise her comment about “good stamina” would be too

She followed along Jalen out of the data center.

Jalen frowned with displeasure. “It’s all because of you.

I missed the chance to meet Dr. South!”

But Keira smiled. “There will be other opportunities.”


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Jalen scolded her again. “You’re a college student, can’t you just stay in the office
obediently? Why did you go there and make a fool of yourself?”

Keira didn’t argue anymore.

What Luca said was right. He might have a foul mouth, but he’s actually a good

Jake still stood there with a gloomy look in his eyes.

He clenched his fists!

One day, he would make Keira sob and beg him to take


He took a deep breath, waited until the pain in his body subsided a bit, then
called Isla. “You have a lunch appointment with Dr. South tomorrow afternoon,
right? Take me with you!”

Keira and Jalen returned to the first team of the R&D

department, only then did she see the message on WhatsApp.

She used the excuse of going to lunch and went to the

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top floor into Lewis’s office.

Lewis was dressed in a white shirt and black suit, looking very gentlemanly.
Without raising his head, he pointed to the dining table next to him. “That’s your

Keira was still a little uneasy

With his current demeanor, he shouldn’t have heard what she said earlier, right?
Just as she was thinking, she heard the sound of a camera shutter from a phone.
After Lewis casually finished taking a photo and sent it to ” Fragile Grandma Do
Not Agitate” on WhatsApp, he

came over.

Knowing the purpose of his photo, Keira didn’t ask an more questions. She just
looked at the dining table to look for something to say. “Mr. Horton, what a hearty


Lewis took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, sat down elegantly opposite her,
and said, “Only by



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24 Good Stamina

keeping up with nutrition ca

Keira was speechless.

Her cheeks felt a bit hot. She forearm that was exposed, th

the food.

“Mr. Horton, I just remember yet, I’ll take my leave first.”

She picked up the container

Lewis’s face stiffened for a m

Keira was delighted.

The first team of the R&D de

Jalen was eating his takeaway thinking about what he had

At first, he thought that the was overreaching, but now w working hard because
she ha Jake.


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24 Good Stamina

He thought about the demands Jake made and found them indeed quite

No wonder she was eager to learn more.

Unfortunately, haste made waste. She hadn’t even built a solid foundation, so
even if she saw those profound materials, she wouldn’t understand.

He got up and walked to Luca, whispering, “Find something for the
undergraduate to do in the afternoon. Give her some pointers.”

Luca blinked. “Sure.”

Jalen looked a bit awkward and said in a fierce tone, “That’ll stop her from
running around and causing us


Luca didn’t know what to say.

Thus, when Keira wanted to go to the data center again in the afternoon, she
was stopped by Luca. “Jalen said we don’t keep idle people. You have to finish
your work before you can go to the data center to study.”

He arranged for her some basic work that was already


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24 Good Stamina


Without a clear research process, sorting out these things was very troublesome.
But a newbie could learn a lot from it.

Luca felt that it should take a month, or even more, to

sort out these things.

But to his surprise, Keira handed in her work half an

hour later.

Luca didn’t know what to say.

He checked the work and found it was actually better than what they had done!
Keira asked modestly, “Is there any other work to do? If not, I’ll go to the data

What else could Luca arrange at the moment?

There were still a lot of things he didn’t understand.

He gritted his teeth and handed her his own work.

The module he was responsible for was something he had been working on for a
week and hadn’t yet


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24 Good Stamina

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completed. Although it was a bit
difficult… the undergrad seemed to

grasp the basics very well. He

decided to let her struggle a bit with

the more profound things, and she

would realize the reality and

obediently follow their learning path,
right? The content is on! Read the latest

chapter there!

But an hour later, Keira handed in her work again!


Visit to read full content.

Luca was stunned. He looked at the
email in his inbox and was shocked

to find the technical point where he

had been stuck was solved by her
effortlessly!! The content is on! Read the latest

chapter there!

Luca went to find Jalen.

Visit to read full content.

Jalen pondered, “The point you were
stuck on was you over-complicating
things. The undergrad was just lucky

to have found another way to solve it.

Let her handle some harder work.”

The content is on!

Read the latest chapter there!

Luca, “In that case, we’ll have to let her solve our prime technical problem!”
This problem had been troubling Jalen for a month!

Jalen said, “Give it to her!”


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24 Good Stamina

Anyway, it was just to keep her here and not run around. Let her see what a real
scientific research problem is!

So, Luca ruthlessly handed over the key technical problem that had been
troubling the entire first team

to Keira…



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