Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 22

Chapter 22
“So, you’re playing a trick on me, huh?”
Despite the fact that my chin was being painfully pinched by his fingers, I still.
forced out a smile through the discomfort, as I watched the light flicker
across his eyes.
“H-how could I play a trick on you? I haven’t the slightest inkling of what you
are saying?”
“Hmm… is that so?” Sebastian taunted. The smile on his lips widened, but the
cy look in his eyes was enough to send a tremor through my body.
his served as a clear portent of poor fortune and should have been taken
sl expected, the man leaned over and came close to my ear, his hands
Chapter 221 suren Mansion
forming prison bars on both sides of my body which made me swallow hard
as I stared at him.
At this same instant, each one of us was able to make out the distinct puffs
of the other’s breath. Both this position and the scenario had a titillating quality to them.
I was taken aback by the way in which his icy voice managed to coo cozily in my ear, but then he snorted.
“Are you aware of the consequences that could await you if you continue to provoke me?” he warned me, and at this precise instant, a level of terror I had never experienced before crept up my body and into my bones. After some thought, came to the conclusion that this person was both dangerous and cruel. What was more terrifying was his method of operation.
People in the city had an unspoken understanding that they would prefer to provoke both the gods and the devils in order to avoid coming into contact
Chapter 22 Lauren kansion
with Sebastian Anderson. Otherwise, they wouldn’t even know how they
would meet their deaths.
He snickered, his voice hoarse and deep, unlike the devil’s whisper. This
man’s aura was so terrible and I’ve got no choice but to win this war because he will definitely kill me, so I said… “Do you want me, my dear
I put my arms around his neck and felt him freeze for a split second. The stillness in the air made it seem as though time had stopped moving. Sebastian and I both remained frozen during the whole thing as we battled staring.
That was a risk I was willing to take on my end. The disdain that I saw in his eyes at that moment made it quite clear to me that I was a slut in his eyes who had seduced the man who was engaged to my sister.
I was conscious of the fact that, at this very moment, my reputation had
already been dragged through the muck. People I didn’t know were criticizing.
harassing, and bullying me on various social media platforms, calling me
Chapter 23 Ap
things like “you don’t love yourself” and “you’re a shameless hussy”
A few seconds later, the man removed my arms from around his neck and
looked at me with a pair of icy blue eyes. I had to force myself to maintain eye contact with him while he stared at me.
A glimmer of a smile crept up to the corner of my mouth, and I softly whlaporod, “Sobastian…”
But he had already stood up, and the expression on his ice-cold face
changed to one of sadness. “Behave yourself and show some respect to
your sister! If you dare to play any trick on me again, you know the
With that said, he walked out of the room with a stomping gait while I
laughed out loud until he was no longer in my line of sight after slamming the
door shut,
Silence fell the room and I was tensed all over as I collapsed back onto the
bed. I wanted to have revenge on Brylee and take everything away from her.
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Everything that belonged to her
However, Sebastian Anderson was the initial trigger for my entice How onse
I plow on with this battle if this man was so difficult to trick?
II was given the opportunity to simply exact my vengeanos on my sis
thanks to the invitation extended to me by Julio Lauren to live into his house
He announced to the public that he will be a good father to me and fix my
bad personality,
That’s the only reason why he invited me to live in his house, not becouse
he’s accepting me as his daughter; rather, he wanted to show everyone that
he is a caring father.
Let’s see, my father dear….
My mother was gone and they have nothing else to threaten me. While I
have nothing more to lose, they have everything to lose.
When I got to the Lauren’s mansion, no one was there but the servants, and
the middle-aged woman just stopped me at the doorway as I was about to
enter the house
I scowled at her as I looked at her in bewilderment, wondering why she’s
stopping me to step inside.
“Miss Brylee has specifically instructed that, with the exception of you, no
other dirty things may be brought into this house. Do you understand?” Oh so she was insinuating that I was one of the dirty things… The woman scrutinized my every move from head to toe, and her attention
was drawn to the ratty suitcase I was holding in my hand. She deemed at me
like I was someone unworthy of respect.
“So are you going to frisk me?” I asked her, and the look on her face
confirmed it.
She raised her eyebrows at me, surprised that I snapped at her. “That’s an
Whes talven
order. I am merely carrying out my duties and adhering to the Instructions
given to me by my boss. Could you kindly open your bag and allow me to
take a look?”
I smirked as lifted my bag but I didn’t open it. “Okay… considering that it was
a request from my dear sister, then… I suppose that from this point forward, I
could use a new bag…”
After stating so, I threw my luggage into the garden and then turned around
to give her, who was looking at me with a shocked expression, a grin. She might not expect me to be so unfussy. I just shrugged my shoulders and shoved her out of the way so that I could have space to walk into the house. “All done. Where is my assigned room?” I inquired, but all she did was stare at me with widened eyes. “Where. Is. My. Room!” I reiterated, and she shifted
uncomfortably in her position before pointing to the stairs leading down to
the basement.
“In the cellar, close to the one that I occupy…”
So they’re going to treat me as one of their servants, too? How incredibly
wonderful was my family?
As I made my way down the steps and descended down to the basement, a
smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.
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“Come on! I’ll take you there!” I
overheard the maid say as she led the way the content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
downstairs and shortly thereafter opened a door. “By the way, Miss Brylee
advised that the first thing you need to do is to clean yourself up by taking a
I was so focused on getting to the bed in the middle of the room that I completely ignored her as I went.
“Your closet is stacked to the brim with clothing. Even though they are Miss
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Brylee’s old outfits, all of the brands are so well-known that most m individuals The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
will never get the opportunity to wear something by that particular label in
their entire life.”
12:50 2.90 0.
17 Lavres Alatalon
I frowned as I walked back to the doorway where she was standing and
slammed the door close on her face with a bang. Her voice was so annoying!
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“Stop acting so prissy!” I heard her
yell from the outside cut
of my room!
“Let’s The Content is on
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see how Miss Brylee will deal with you when she comes home!”
I chuckled, clicking my tongue as I plopped myself on the bed. My eyes quickly swept across to the clock hanging on the wall and saw that it was already six o’clock in the evening; however, nobody was home at that time. I made the decision to take a shower, and then I walked towards the closet
and selected an old but beautiful dress to wear before I walked out and
wandered around in the empty living room.
An idea popped in my mind when I saw a large wine cabinet at the far
corner, and there were countless bottles of extravagantly luxurious wine organized on the shelf.
I grabbed the holy grail on the shelf, the one thing that was guaranteed to
calm the anxieties and put one to sleep. Even though it had been two days
Chapter 221 ayen Marielon
since my last meal, I was in no way hungry at all. I was very exhausted, yet I
couldn’t seem to fall asleep even when I tried. Perhaps this thing would work
Its miracle on me.

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