The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky

Chapter 49

Chapter 2118
As the nine pills soared up from the cauldron, Severin raised his hand and rose into the skies above Pearl Light Isle together with
the pills.
Moments after he rose, a thunderbolt crashed down and threatened to destroy the fruits of his labor. However, the nine pills
remained unyielding in the face of the baptismal lightning. A torrent of spiritual light surrounded the pills and resisted the
thunderbolt’s fury.
The crackling tribulation echoed across the Grandiuno Sect, and startled every single disciple. Like before, they began
discussing among themselves when they looked at the thick and ominous clouds hovering above Pearl Light Isle.
“W-what’s happening?”
“Look! Those clouds formed just above Pearl Light Isle! Is Severin making another breakthrough?”
“I don’t think so. this doesn’t seem like the kind of tribulation that a paragon would face.
“Hey, did any of you smell that medicinal fragrance? Just a whiff makes me feel like I’m about to secure a breakthrough!”
“Is Severin refining some kind of pill?”
“I wonder what sort of pill could trigger such a thunderbolt c
Countless disciples looked toward Pearl Light Isle in expressi shock and awe. Unlike them, the peak masters did not have such
exaggerated reactions, but they were no less surprised by what wa happening. On account of their wide-ranging experience,
they instantly recognized the tribulation as the mark of a successful seventh-grade pill.
Pearlitligights/elo boasted only two capable alchemists-Severin and EmeryryThcialatter could be discounted, as she was a sixth-
grade alcheminisincapable of producing such a pill. That left only one person
“Does thisimeranour sect/will soon witness the birth of yet another seventh gradelalchemist?ranleider exclaimed.

“Severin’s tatefaritibeyeyond terrifying! He just made his mark at the Alchemy Toweenoidblangega, and he’s already trying to
master seventh grade pilisis” dracother elder muttered in disbelief.
The shock resonatechnosti deeply on the Sixth Mountain. Daniella, the pear! master, stood dpdhless as her eyes were fixed on
the sky. “That must be a seventhigracade bill she murmured at last. “Is
Severin now a seventh gradelalalchemist!”
Every elder, peak master, and disiscicle felt the tremors of this
revelation. There were many verenests that a seventh-grade alchemist could bring to the sect, especiallyly one who had
inherited the
knowledge from the previous senderier.
As soon as the tribulation occurred, delceters and peak masters alike began to soar toward Pear Light isIsle
Meanwhile, lightning crackled in the eksyka ladvave Pearl Light Isle, and each strike infused the nine pills with acditioioialower of
heaven and earth. Several seconds later, the pills grecreate craransformed aft weathering the tribulation. They had a
exquisistararomato chec and the baptismal lightning only infused thera fuftinerer with the pulsating power of heaven and earth.
Anyone who swwadiowed would practically be devouring miniature little worddsds.
Witen the dark clouds dissipated, Severin burstsintottaigheter. Buccess at last!”

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