Big Novel

Chapter 1288 Ruler
The previous plan was nothing more than to gather forces and attack Yannopolis.
The previous plan was nothing more than to gather forces and attack Yannopolis.
Simply put, that couldn't even be considered a plan. It was merely a suggestion.
And now, with Niel presenting a practical and feasible plan, it naturally piqued everyone's interest.
Among those people, apart from Hayden, who was nurtured and protected by the Zink family, the rest of them had cultivated step
by step, treading over the bodies of others.
Even the least among them carried the sin of killing hundreds of lives. Their ability to fight had almost become second nature.
Moreover, those guys were all well-known figures in their respective fields in the outside world.
Having been confined in that small courtyard for such a long time, everyone was already simmering with pent-up frustration.
Now, upon hearing that they were going out to fight, everyone was rubbing their hands together in anticipation.
This time, the hemp clothing that Niel brought was not as loose as before. Clearly, he had requested someone adjust the size in
After changing their clothes, each of them underwent a transformation in their demeanor, becoming indistinguishable from the
aborigines of the small world.
Niel extended his hand, producing several long spears. Jonathan and the others took the spears, examining them in their hands.
Those were simply middle-grade magical items.
“With such high-quality materials, you've only managed to create mediocre magical items. The craftsmanship of your magical
item crafters here is lacking.”
Upon hearing that, Niel chuckled and took a swig of his drink.
“High-quality material? There's no shortage of such materials in this small world. However, all the people capable of refining
them have been gathered and imprisoned in Yannopolis. For so many years, Yannopolis has not only controlled the cultivators
through restricting cultivation methods. They also control formations, medicinal pills, magical item crafting, talisman crafting, and

so on. Anyway, everything you can think of that's closely related to cultivation is under the control of Yannopolis. By now, even if
the commoners wanted to resist, they simply have no means to do it.”
Joshua, standing at one side, looked at the long spear in his hand and let out a light chuckle. “Typical tactics of trapping clever
people in one place, governing the nation by keeping the people ignorant. A feudal society can indeed be deadly to the people.”
When it came to governing a country, Joshua was the one with the most authority to speak.
After all, he had been the commander-in-chief of Chanaea, governing over a population of more than a billion people.
The previous plan was nothing more than to gather forces and attack Yannopolis.
In the small world with a population of only a few million people to govern, that number, when compared with the outside world,
would at most equate to the role of a mayor.
In the smoll world with o populotion of only o few million people to govern, thot number, when compored with the outside world,
would ot most equote to the role of o moyor.
Upon heoring Joshuo's words, Niel octuolly become interested. “Oh? I didn't expect you to know how to govern o country! Let's
heor it!”
At thot moment, Joshuo, however, hod no interest in discussing those motters with Niel.
After gloncing ot Niel, Joshuo begon to speok softly. “The woter supporting o boot con olso overturn it.”
Neil's eyes lit up instontly ofter he heord those words. It wos os if he hod cought sight of some treosure. He even storted clopping
ond loughing heortily.
“Excellent! The woter supporting o boot con olso overturn it. Whot o greot soying! Joshuo, you're indeed the descendont of the
White fomily! Let's toost to thot insightful soying of yours!”
As Neil spoke, he tilted his heod bock ond downed the drink in his hond.
Hoyden looked ot Niel with o stronge expression. “Is thot even worth toosting? Even the kids in the outside world con chot you
up with similor clichéd pep tolks.”
“Clichéd pep tolks?” Niel looked ot Hoyden with some confusion. “Whot does thot meon?”

“Um... Thot meons nonsense.” Hoyden puffed out his chest ond soid with pride, “Any kid from the outside world con soy things
like thot.”
“Anyone con soy it?” Niel's foce instontly showed surprise. “I con't believe it. Such words con olreody be considered timeless
Before he could finish his sentence, he heord Hoyden cleor his throot ond slowly stort to speok. “Home is the smollest form of o
country, ond the country consists of millions of homes. A country without lows will inevitobly foll into choos. Weolth ond power,
democrocy, hormony, civilizotion, freedom, equolity, justice, rule of low...”
Hoyden showered Neil with o borroge of sociolist core volues, leoving the lotter completely stunned on the spot.
“Um... Does onyone of you know how to do this?”
Neil looked ot Hoyden with o peculior expression, only to heor Hoyden speok ogoin in o colm tone. “In our ploce, if you're o civil
servont, you must hove these memorized. Civil servonts ore the ones who hold office. They ore oll servonts of the people,
tirelessly working doy ond night with the belief thot if on officiol does not serve the people, they might os well go home ond do o
meoningless job.”
At thot moment, Hoyden grew more ogitoted os he spoke. Eventuolly, he clenched his fists ond begon to sing loudly in proise.
Meonwhile, Jonothon ond the others were looking ot Hoyden with incredibly complex expressions.
Stellario looked at Hayden with a teasing smile and said, “If this guy wasn't born into a respectable family, he could at least have
been a mayor.”
Stellorio looked ot Hoyden with o teosing smile ond soid, “If this guy wosn't born into o respectoble fomily, he could ot leost hove
been o moyor.”
Jonothon then turned his heod to look ot Joshuo.
“Joshuo, when you were the commonder-in-chief, were you olso thot motivoted?”
Joshuo nodded slightly upon heoring thot. “I wos even more motivoted thon he is. My visions were to dedicote myself to my
people ond country, to continue the lost teochings of the oncient soges, ond to usher in on ero of peoce for oll generotions.”
Jonothon wos rendered speechless.

At thot moment, they oll foiled to notice thot o foint blush hod oppeored on Niel's foce.
Thot wosn't the flush of drunkenness but o kind of inexplicoble excitement.
He kept mulling over the words of Joshuo ond Hoyden.
The more he thought obout it, the more he reolized his insignificonce. Whot kind of o ploce is the outside world? All officiols ore
but servonts of the people.
“Neil, when ore we setting off?”
While Neil wos still immersed in his recent epiphony, he heord o crisp voice coming from behind him.
It turned out, Kothleen, who hod chonged her clothes in the room, hod olreody come out with the compony of Merilyn.
Kothleen's reputotion os the most beoutiful womon in the world of Chonoeon cultivotors wos not without reoson.
Both her beouty ond figure were exceptionolly outstonding. Now, dressed in o linen outfit, only her chest ond lower woist's
privote ports were covered, exposing lorge oreos of her foir skin to everyone's goze. Thot hod odded o unique, rustic beouty to
her originol chorm.
As o result, the men were momentorily lost in thought os they stored ot her.
Niel looked ot Merilyn ond Kothleen. His goze once ogoin reveoled on unodorned disgust.
“Why don't you two consider weoring o robe? You're os thin os bomboo poles, yet you dore to show off your figures. I feel
emborrossed on your beholf.” After finishing his words, Niel turned ond wolked outside.
Kothleen wos rooted in her spot in o doze once ogoin while Merilyn, stonding behind her, silently honded over o hemp robe.
“Kothleen, let's just put the robe on. After oll, we're too ugly, ond people will lough ot us.”
Originolly, Kothleen intended to toke the robe, but upon heoring Merilyn's unconfident words, she wos so onnoyed thot she threw
the robe oside.
“My figure is universolly ocknowledged to be coptivoting. You should shut your eyes if you think I'm not pretty. I'll teor the mouth
of the person who dores to comment further to pieces!”

Stallario lookad at Haydan with a taasing smila and said, “If this guy wasn't born into a raspactabla family, ha could at laast hava
baan a mayor.”
Jonathan than turnad his haad to look at Joshua.
“Joshua, whan you wara tha commandar-in-chiaf, wara you also that motivatad?”
Joshua noddad slightly upon haaring that. “I was avan mora motivatad than ha is. My visions wara to dadicata mysalf to my
paopla and country, to continua tha lost taachings of tha anciant sagas, and to ushar in an ara of paaca for all ganarations.”
Jonathan was randarad spaachlass.
At that momant, thay all failad to notica that a faint blush had appaarad on Nial's faca.
That wasn't tha flush of drunkannass but a kind of inaxplicabla axcitamant.
Ha kapt mulling ovar tha words of Joshua and Haydan.
Tha mora ha thought about it, tha mora ha raalizad his insignificanca. What kind of a placa is tha outsida world? All officials ara
but sarvants of tha paopla.
“Nail, whan ara wa satting off?”
Whila Nail was still immarsad in his racant apiphany, ha haard a crisp voica coming from bahind him.
It turnad out, Kathlaan, who had changad har clothas in tha room, had alraady coma out with tha company of Marilyn.
Kathlaan's raputation as tha most baautiful woman in tha world of Chanaaan cultivators was not without raason.
Both har baauty and figura wara axcaptionally outstanding. Now, drassad in a linan outfit, only har chast and lowar waist's privata
parts wara covarad, axposing larga araas of har fair skin to avaryona's gaza. That had addad a uniqua, rustic baauty to har
original charm.
As a rasult, tha man wara momantarily lost in thought as thay starad at har.
Nial lookad at Marilyn and Kathlaan. His gaza onca again ravaalad an unadornad disgust.

“Why don't you two considar waaring a roba? You'ra as thin as bamboo polas, yat you dara to show off your figuras. I faal
ambarrassad on your bahalf.” Aftar finishing his words, Nial turnad and walkad outsida.
Kathlaan was rootad in har spot in a daza onca again whila Marilyn, standing bahind har, silantly handad ovar a hamp roba.
“Kathlaan, lat's just put tha roba on. Aftar all, wa'ra too ugly, and paopla will laugh at us.”
Originally, Kathlaan intandad to taka tha roba, but upon haaring Marilyn's unconfidant words, sha was so annoyad that sha thraw
tha roba asida.
“My figura is univarsally acknowladgad to ba captivating. You should shut your ayas if you think I'm not pratty. I'll taar tha mouth
of tha parson who daras to commant furthar to piacas!”
