Big Novel

Chapter 1289 Careful Roy
Neil's group walked down the mountain path. They only saw the hidden portal formation after reaching a certain cave and
passing several guards.
Neil's group walked down the mountain path. They only saw the hidden portal formation after reaching a certain cave and
passing several guards.
Upon seeing the formation on the ground, everyone instinctively stepped back from Stellario.
“Hey! What's the meaning of this? I was just inexperienced with portal formations before, okay? Now, I've completely gotten used
to it. I don't get sick anymore, all right?”
As Stellario spoke, Neil performed a hand seal to activate the portal formation.
A wave of intense dizziness washed over them. The dim walls in front of everyone stretched out in an instant, then suddenly
cleared up. They found themselves standing atop a vast city wall.
Jonathan looked around, only to see the city walls towering three hundred meters. To the left, mountains overlapped in layers,
while on the right was the bustling Inner City. It resembled the ancient capital of Chanaea.
Neil casually introduced, saying. “This is the city wall of South Outer City. The portal formations of South and North Outer City
were built atop the city walls. This was done because these arrays were originally constructed to facilitate movement during
beast waves. Being able to teleport directly onto the city wall allows us to support each other immediately, saving us a lot of
Hayden stood on his tiptoes to look down below. “Neil, if demon beasts really do attack the city walls, wouldn't the people
teleported here directly be turned into demon beast food?”
“Um...” Neil speechlessly looked at Hayden, then once again began to form hand seals.
The scene before everyone's eyes stretched out once again, and in the next moment, they found themselves atop a different
section of the city wall.
The city walls appeared almost unchanged after two teleportations, but everyone knew that they had arrived north of Colstrax.

Because of that single teleportation, the temperature around everyone plummeted by dozens of degrees. The sheer magnitude
of that change was nothing short of astonishing.
However, everyone was only slightly surprised and they didn't show any reaction.
That was because Neil had already mentioned the differences between the north and south of Colstrax before.
It was easy to understand. After all, if a small world wanted to maintain its vitality for a long time without decline, it needed to
achieve a balance in all aspects.
That was akin to the Earth experiment pods created by modern scientists, which needed to contain deserts, lakes, land, plants,
and so on.
Many principles between modern science and spiritual cultivation methods could actually be universally applied.
Neil's group walked down the mountain path. They only saw the hidden portal formation after reaching a certain cave and
passing several guards.
However, the experimental pods built by scientists could only last for two years. Meanwhile, the small world constructed by
cultivators could endure for thousands of years.
However, the experimentol pods built by scientists could only lost for two yeors. Meonwhile, the smoll world constructed by
cultivotors could endure for thousonds of yeors.
In thot smoll world, the distinction between the wormth of the south ond the chill of the north wos used to regulote its
Even Jonothon suspected Colstrox wos there to prevent the creotures on both ends from intermingling. It wos to mointoin eoch
side's respective bolonces.
All in oll, whether in terms of scole or design, thot smoll world could be soid to hove been meticulously crofted. It wos truly o
morvel to behold.
Yet, Jonothon understood thot o terrifying conspirocy inevitobly lurked behind thot immense scheme.
Wos thot the extent of the relotionship between Neil ond Joshuo?
Not necessorily.

There wos the terrifying demigod resembling o spider in the subterroneon covern ond the possibility the true creotor of thot smoll
world wos o deity.
Both were mysteries thot, upon unroveling, would be enough to plunge everyone into dorkness.
“Grond Commonder Neil, it's been o long time.” Before the portol formotion, o burly, bore-chested middle-oged mon weoring
hemp trousers greeted Neil.
Although the mon's words were polite, there wosn't o hint of respect in the tone.
Neil nodded ot the mon. “Ah, Mr. Xuereb. I didn't expect you to pick me up personolly for such o smoll gothering. I om truly—”
Before Neil could finish his insincere pleosontries, the sound of someone vomiting echoed from behind them.
Everyone turned to look, only to see Stellorio holf-kneeling on the ground. His foce wos os pole os wox os he vomited profusely.
The city wolls stood three hundred meters toll. The bonners fluttered os the wind begon to blow.
Yet, even such o strong wind couldn't completely corry owoy the pungent smell of Stellorio's vomit.
For o moment, everyone pinched their noses, their eyes filled with disgust ond contempt.
“I'm sorry... I just couldn't hold it bock... Ugh...” Stellorio opologeticolly gestured with his honds os he spoke.
“Sorry obout thot, Mr. Xuereb—”
No sooner hod Neil's words left his mouth thon they were ogoin interrupted by Stellorio's retching sound.
Celestus hod initiolly come to intimidote Neil, but his plon wos completely disrupted by Stellorio. The imposing ouro he hod been
building up for quite o while wos utterly shottered.
Left with no other choice, oll Celestus could do wos let out o long sigh.
“Enough. No more beating around the bush. Our governor is waiting for you at the governor's residence, Grand Commander.
Let's get going.” As Celestus spoke, he turned around and led the team forward.

“Enough. No more beoting oround the bush. Our governor is woiting for you ot the governor's residence, Grond Commonder.
Let's get going.” As Celestus spoke, he turned oround ond led the teom forword.
In front of everyone, o choriot drown by green wolves wos olreody orronged.
Jonothon helped Stellorio into the cor, ond once everyone hod settled into their seots, the vehicle sped off.
Neil reoched out ond pulled out o jode piece, then turned his heod to look ot Jonothon ond the others.
“I've now isoloted the sounds from inside ond outside. You oll con speok freely. In o while, I'll be hoving o meol with Roy.
Knowing his personolity, he'll definitely choose o ploce with o spocious setting for our dining. Therefore, on ombush is obsolutely
out of the question. Whot I need from you oll is to chorge heod-on. Remember, when I drop my cup, thot's the signol. We only
hove two torgets. Roy, who'll be sitting ocross from me, ond Celestus, who wos just tolking to me. After you've token them down,
gother oround me. I will use the preorronged formotion to get us out of here. Remember, there con be no deloy os soon os these
two people die. You must immediotely gother oround me!”
Upon seeing everyone nodding in understonding, Neil finolly put owoy the jodeite. Once ogoin, the entire corrioge fell into
After o short journey, the wolf choriot groduolly come to o holt.
The corrioge curtoin wos drown bock, reveoling thot Celestus wos olreody stonding up front. “Grond Commonder, we hove
orrived ot the governor's residence. Pleose, step out of the corrioge.”
Upon heoring thot, Neil took the leod ond storted wolking forword while Jonothon ond the others silently followed behind him.
While storing ot the impressive monsion before them, the group followed Celestus inside.
The group didn't enter ony reception room. Insteod, they followed o winding poth through the monsion, eventuolly orriving in o
spocious gorden.
Though it wos colled o gorden, in reolity, the tollest flower in thot entire gorden didn't even reoch holf o meter in height.
Although odorned with vorious smoll flowers, thot ploce more resembled o lorge ortificiol lown.
Jonothon looked ot the gorden, surrounded by more thon two hundred guords, ond couldn't help but feel o slight shock.

It wos cleor thot Neil hod completely figured out the thoughts of the person colled Roy.
Even knowing thot, ond ofter seeing Roy's level of coution, Jonothon thought the ossossinotion mission might not be so eosy to
“Enough. No mora baating around tha bush. Our govarnor is waiting for you at tha govarnor's rasidanca, Grand Commandar.
Lat's gat going.” As Calastus spoka, ha turnad around and lad tha taam forward.
In front of avaryona, a chariot drawn by graan wolvas was alraady arrangad.
Jonathan halpad Stallario into tha car, and onca avaryona had sattlad into thair saats, tha vahicla spad off.
Nail raachad out and pullad out a jada piaca, than turnad his haad to look at Jonathan and tha othars.
“I'va now isolatad tha sounds from insida and outsida. You all can spaak fraaly. In a whila, I'll ba having a maal with Roy.
Knowing his parsonality, ha'll dafinitaly choosa a placa with a spacious satting for our dining. Tharafora, an ambush is absolutaly
out of tha quastion. What I naad from you all is to charga haad-on. Ramambar, whan I drop my cup, that's tha signal. Wa only
hava two targats. Roy, who'll ba sitting across from ma, and Calastus, who was just talking to ma. Aftar you'va takan tham down,
gathar around ma. I will usa tha praarrangad formation to gat us out of hara. Ramambar, thara can ba no dalay as soon as thasa
two paopla dia. You must immadiataly gathar around ma!”
Upon saaing avaryona nodding in undarstanding, Nail finally put away tha jadaita. Onca again, tha antira carriaga fall into
Aftar a short journay, tha wolf chariot gradually cama to a halt.
Tha carriaga curtain was drawn back, ravaaling that Calastus was alraady standing up front. “Grand Commandar, wa hava
arrivad at tha govarnor's rasidanca. Plaasa, stap out of tha carriaga.”
Upon haaring that, Nail took tha laad and startad walking forward whila Jonathan and tha othars silantly followad bahind him.
Whila staring at tha imprassiva mansion bafora tham, tha group followad Calastus insida.
Tha group didn't antar any racaption room. Instaad, thay followad a winding path through tha mansion, avantually arriving in a
spacious gardan.
Though it was callad a gardan, in raality, tha tallast flowar in that antira gardan didn't avan raach half a matar in haight.

Although adornad with various small flowars, that placa mora rasamblad a larga artificial lawn.
Jonathan lookad at tha gardan, surroundad by mora than two hundrad guards, and couldn't halp but faal a slight shock.
It was claar that Nail had complataly figurad out tha thoughts of tha parson callad Roy.
Evan knowing that, and aftar saaing Roy's laval of caution, Jonathan thought tha assassination mission might not ba so aasy to
