The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2267

Chapter 2267
Teresa stepped on the gas and drove as she explained her situation.
“After I graduated from university two years
ago, I went back home.”
“My family wanted me to marry a rich playboy from an ancient family as a sacrificial tool. It was an arranged marriage.”
“But I declined. I told them all that I want to live my own life, and that I have my own goals to strive for. I’m not their prisoner!
They can’t just tell me what to do.”
“I’d rather die than to be forced into marriage.”
“And so, my family gave me a chance and made a deal with me.”
“They would give me seventy-five thousand
dollars to establish my own business.”
“If I’m able to double the money within three years without any help from my family, I’ll regain my freedom.”
“But if I can’t, I’ll have to marry that rich. playboy and be my family’s sacrifice.”
“Of course, my family won’t cause me any trouble during the process.”
“I accepted the deal, but I only realized that everything wasn’t as simple as I thought once I started getting into business. Other
than the importing and exporting business, my family has influence on every other industry.”
“Even the big businesses would only consider working with the Thompson family. Why would they choose to work with a
castaway in the first
“Working with me would mean going against
the Thompson family. Under these circumstances, my only choices were more or less problematic business partners.”

“Even though it’s hard, I managed to run my business properly after two long years.”
“After this deal, I’d earn fifteen million dollars. But, who would’ve thought…”
Teresa laughed derisively at herself.
“This is my fate, probably. I’ll be married to a rich playboy and turn into a sacrificial tool for my family. I’ll be someone’s prisoner
my entire life…”
Harvey nodded curtly.
“It’s hard for a young lady like you going through all the blood, sweat, and tears to fight for yourself. You really are a capable
“Still, what’s the point?” Teresa replied gloomily.
“I’d have to pay a huge price just to get out of Las Vegas in one piece.”
“Two years of my hard work might go up in flames in an instant…”
Harvey sighed. Just as Teresa said, it would be hard for her company to make up for their losses in a single year if she were to
compensate for the damages incurreda
“How about you.
But before Harvey finished his sentence, Teresa immediately cut him off.
“But there’s no need to feel burdened by this, Harvey. You can’t be blamed for what happened today.”
“Ever since the Third Young Master saw me for
the first time, he probably already planned to rip me off. I suspect that he’s even trying to get closer to the Thompson family by
ruining my company.”
“Even if you didn’t show up today, things wouldn ‘t go any better.”
Harvey pondered about the situation for a while.

“Why is he trying to get the Thompson family’s attention, anyway?”
Teresa hesitated for a moment before answering.
“The King of Gambling doesn’t have long to live. He only has three months at best,” Teresa
quietly replied.
“His four sons are seeking help everywhere so they can rise to power.”
Harvey froze. He didn’t think that he would
receive such pivotal information so suddenly.
He narrowed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He then swiftly sent a text to Mandy.
“If that’s the case, you’ll definitely have a hard time tonight.”
“Let me come with you. I was responsible for what happened, anyway.”
“It’s best if I come too. I can keep you safe as
Teresa froze. She was about to decline since she had her own bodyguards, but when she remembered how good Harvey was at
fighting, she nodded in agreement.

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