The Untouchable Ex Wife by Mizuki Sei

Chapter 1834

Chapter 1834
The startup ceremony of The Heart of the Grassland began, and the emcee invited the cast onstage to make a self-introduction. As the leads, both Jeffrey and Shirley had to go onstage while Xavier and Leia sat in the VIP seats below the stage, watching them.
“I wouldn’t have come if I knew you’d be here!” Leia muttered crossly, childishly moving her chair away from him.
“Are you that surprised?” Xavier faced the stage, smiling blankly and clapping from time to time. “I’m the head of Universal Entertainment-of course I have to be here. Maybe you came here on purpose knowing you’d run into me.”
“Stop flattering yourself!” Leia huffed defensively. “Ren has to attend Adie and Abby’s graduation photography session, so I came in her place. If I knew you would be here, I would have just hired an agent to bring Jeffrey here and saved myself the trouble!”
Xavier remained calm, enjoying riling her up. “Why? Am I a ghost? Are you that afraid to see me? Or do you care about me so much that you’re afraid you can’t hold back when you see me?”
Annoyed, Leia folded her hands in her lap, her lips pursed as she fixedly stared at the stage. “You’ve certainly got a wild imagination.”
The emcee smiled brightly at the crowd below him. “We’re glad to have so many big names and supporters here to celebrate the startup ceremony of The Heart of the Grassland. I’m sure everyone is very familiar with our heroine, Shirley… Let’s give her a round of applause!”
The audience immediately burst into an enthusiastic applause. Although her image wasn’t what it was, she still had a certain influence in the entertainment circle.
“Come here, Shirley. Please say something.” Smiling, the emcee called Shirley
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been on a stage…” Shirley started, tears welling up in her eyes. Naturally, the audience felt sorry for her.
“Shirley, stop crying. You’re always our most beloved princess!” Shirley’s fans raised their banners and shouted excitedly, “Just walk ahead no matter what happens. No one can take away your future!”
“Thank you so much. Thank you!” Shirley turned away from the audience and wiped away her tears, making others feel moved.
Stunned, Leia asked in disbelief, “Is this a startup ceremony or a fan meeting? Does she have to be so emotional?”
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“Shirley’s been having a hard time lately. You won’t understand since you’re not her fan,” Xavier whispered. It was an undeniable fact that he had banned Shirley and made her popularity plummet. Celebrities
survived with the help of visibility, and Shirley’s fans fought for her every day online. When they saw their idol in a movie again, of course they were excited. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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“Of course you’d feel sorry for her…” Hurt, Leia snapped at him, “Why were you so ruthte’s’s then? You were so fake and implicated me for nothing. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
How boring!”
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“Did I implicate you?” Xavier sneered.
“Are things really so bad between US that you have to avoid me at all costs?” The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

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continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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