Three Fated Hearts by LNC

Chapter 48

A sleepless night and still no solution has come to me. How is it that I have met my fated mate? I have looked all over for him,
but I never thought he would end up in the pack that housed the twins I have been longing for.
I successfully kept my finding to myself yesterday. I was able to leave the office without drawing attention to myself, and I stayed
in my room for the evening. I spent the rest of the day and the night going over all of my options.
I have met my fated mate. I don’t know who he is, his rank, his name, or anything. He is a member of this pack, and he,
obviously, knows the twins personally. The issue is that he isn’t the twins. I have been after them for some time, especially after
realizing that I may never find my fated mate.
I don’t know what to do. Do I accept my mate, no matter his rank/status? Do I reject him and keep with my plan to seduce the
twins? I’m sure it won’t be too hard to get the twins to walk away from Portia. I mean, look at her; she is a nobody. I bring more to
the table and the position than that girl ever could.
My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. I pull out my phone and notice that it’s almost noon. I have been so lost in my
mind that I lost track of time. I throw the covers back and struggle to my feet. I make it to the door and slowly open it. “Where the
hell have you been?” I really don’t have the mental capacity to deal with Luna Kimberly at the moment. I don’t know what
decision I will make regarding my mate, and I definitely don’t want to tell her that I found my fated mate. The Luna thought up this
entire plan, and I don’t want to see her reaction if I decide to renege. “Hello?! Do you hear me?”
I sigh and walk back to the bed. I hop in and throw the covers back over my body. “I’m tired. What do you want?” I hear
movement in the room, and the covers are ripped away from me.
“I didn’t bring you here for you to lay in bed all day. We have things to do, and you can’t do them from here. Unless……” I see a
spark in the Luna’s eye, and she starts to sniff the room around me. Her face falls, and she glares at me. “I was hoping your
were in bed because you were exhausted from a strenuous workout with my sons. I see that isn’t the case, so you need to get
your a*s out of bed.” Damn, I really can’t deal with this right now. I need to figure out what I’m going to do.
_I WANT MATE!_ Yeah, that’s the other reason I’ve been in bed all this time; my splitting headache. Iris, my wolf, has been
yelling and yammering all evening and night last night. All she says is, ‘I want my mate,’ ‘Find my mate,’ etc. I’ve been keeping a
block up with her, but that takes energy. The more time I spend no resting, the less energy I have for the block. Iris has been
able to break through here and there and yell her message at me.

“I….I just need to rest. Please leave me alone.” I’m facing away from the Luna, but I can feel her getting close to me. Her body
heat is starting to overwhelm me, and I can feel her trying to push out her aura. I find it funny because I’m an Alpha by birth. Her
aura has no impact on me. I hold back my laugh, not wanting her to know that all of this is futile.
“I want you out of this damn bed and back on track with our plan. I won’t hesitate to out you to your father if you don’t comply. We
had a deal, and I expect you to fulfill your end of it.” I don’t respond, and I can feel the Luna glaring at me. After a while, I feel her
heat and aura retreat. I hear movement in the room, and the door slams. I slowly pop my head up and scan the room, noticing
that I’m the only one there. I plop my head back down and close my eyes, hoping I can finally get some sleep.
Lynn and I spend the evening together. We didn’t talk much because there wasn’t much to say. She did encourage me to speak
with Tia before I made any type of decision. I took some time to talk to Cato, but that didn’t really go anywhere. His only
argument was the fact that Jenna is my fated mate, and we are meant to be. The discussion surrounding Tia and what was going
on with that was irrelevant to him. He felt Jenna would be more willing to leave all that alone because she now has us. I think
that sentiment is a bit naive.
Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep through the night. I was up early, and I got a mindlink from Landon to take over morning
training. I usually hate to do that, but today I didn’t mind because it would be easier to keep my mind occupied. I didn’t anticipate
how hard it would be to keep Cato at bay and not go after Jenna.
I didn’t see her at all while I was around the packhouse; part of me was yearning to find her, and the other part of me was happy
that I couldn’t. As soon as I finished training, I headed back home to shower and eat. I would usually catch lunch at the
packhouse, but the possibility of running into Jenna and Tia is too great. I’m not ready to talk to Tia yet, and I don’t even know if I
will. I mean, I know I probably should, but I don’t know if I will. I mean, what would I say? How can I tell my best friend that my
fated mate is the woman who is purposely trying to take her mates away from her? I don’t know how she will react, and I’m not
sure that I wouldn’t reject her if she asked me to. What if she asks, and I refuse? What would that mean for our friendship?
There was a time that I had a huge crush on Tia. She used to always be at my house, being friends with Lynn, and I loved it. I
loved talking to her, hanging out with her, playing games with her, everything. Deep down, I knew she would never be mine, and I
tried my hardest to let that be it. I tried to let her go and realize that she and I would never be. It was easier for me to do when
she went away to college. She wasn’t around as much, and I was able to let her go. Lynn helped me a lot. She has always been
my best friend, though, and I don’t want to do anything to hurt her.

I hear a knock at my door. I wait for someone to answer it then I remember that I’m the only one home right now. I make my way
downstairs and hear the knock again. I don’t bother to look to see who it is, and I throw the door open. Standing in front of me is
the angelic face of my best friend. “Hey, Mark. I wanted to thank you for filling in this morning.” I’m at a loss for words. I didn’t
expect to see Tia at my door, and I definitely wasn’t ready to talk to her. “Mark, are you okay?” I think I finally blink, and I start to
look around.
“Uh…..come in. We should talk.” I guess there is no time like the present, and as much as I don’t want to have this talk, I know it
needs to happen. I step aside and let a confused Tia walk in.

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